
Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

author:Wander among the grass and trees
Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

Text丨Heart beads are long, typesetting丨Heart beads are long

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

Here in Jinan, just in April, the begonia flowers are difficult to harvest.

The golden "little rose" pressed the long strip of shrub down its head. When I had time to approach it, I touched it and flicked it, and the petals fell in a flutter.

In my impression, it still has a wave of flowering. But I don't want to wait, so I'll talk to you about "Begonia Flowers" today.


Begonia flowers, the name looks tasteful.

In "The Book of Poetry: Tang Tang", the "Hua of Tang Tang" is used to rise, which is compared to brothers who depend on each other. And Tang Tang is just turning these two words upside down.

As everyone knows, one positive and one negative, are two different plants.

Tang Tang is not the Tang Tang with pink flowers in the Book of Songs. Rather, it is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family, 1-2 meters high, and the flowers are dazzling golden. The country of small days calls this color "mountain blowing color".

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

In fact, it is the color of the egg yolk, so the common name of "egg yolk flower" is more down-to-earth.

Its leaves, which are triangular-ovate or oval, have sharp and heavy serrations on the edges, are alternate, and look a bit like "elm leaves", so they are also called "yellow-flowered elm leaf plum".

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

Compared with elm leaf plum, the branches of Tang Tang are much more slender. The branches of Tangtang are green, cylindrical, often arching, and have the characteristics of spring flower branches.

It also has a common name, earth yellow stripe, the name is rustic, roughly according to the shape of its branches, when the flower blooms, the branches are full of yellow, but it is not earth yellow stripe!

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers


The flower of this species is single-petaled, the petals are wide oval, the tip is a little concave downward, and the petals are 5 petals.

The flowers are solitary at the top of the current year's side branches, the side branches are short, and the peduncles are also very short, and from a distance, they seem to bloom on long branches.

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

But what we see in parks, green belts and other places is more double-petaled. Double-petaled begonia is its variant.

Double-petaled begonias, with layers of petals, are more similar to roses. In some places, it is simply called "Little Rose".

Double-petaled and single-petaled varieties are often planted together, with clusters of branches, crowded next to each other, and when they are not blooming, it is really impossible to tell who is who.

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

The flowers of the single-petaled begonia are 2.5-6 cm in diameter, and the whole flower looks larger than the large-petal flowers.

The flowering period of the begonia is generally from April to June. Here in Jinan, there are flowers blooming one after another at the end of March, and April is not over, and the flowering period is nearing the end.

However, what is gratifying is that after the double-petaled begonia blooms, it will usher in a wave of flowering at the end of summer.

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers


In fact, there are 2 varieties of begonia flowers, one is double-petaled begonia flowers, and the other is white begonia flowers.

I have never seen a white begonia flower, and I am not curious. It feels like a white peach, the color of the flower has changed, it has lost its true charm, and it has no shape, and it is less interesting.

Begonia flowers are ornamental landscaping plants, which can be planted in clusters and used for landscaping or making hedges and hedges.

It prefers a warm and humid climate, likes light-loving plants, but is also more shade-tolerant, has strong tillering ability, and is more commonly cultivated in the mainland.

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

I haven't noticed its fruit, spring and autumn, most people are attracted by the beauty of flowers, and have no time to track the ending.

When checking the information, I saw a record that said that in some individual areas of Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Hubei and other provinces, the stem and pith of the begonia flower will be used as "small grass".

In the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia", the genuine product of Xiaotong grass is the dried stem pith of the leaves of the Xima Mountain Festival Flower, the Chinese Festival Flower or the green pod leaf of the Cornus family.

They are not related. I don't know if the use of the stem pith of the begonia is a fake, or a temporary emergency, which is better than no comfort?

Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers
Tangtang丨Also known as "egg yolk flower" and "yellow elm leaf plum", it is a small shrub with full flowers

Well, the above is my little understanding of begonia flowers, I hope you like it.

About the Author

Heart-Beads: Intermediate Agronomist, Plant Lover. Welcome to "Wandering Grass and Trees" to share plant knowledge and experience the beauty of the countryside. The heart of grass and trees, the taste of the countryside, savoring, wandering!

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