
Why is the China Association for Science and Technology more anxious than the United States to refute the rumors that the Apollo moon landing was fake?

author:Xie Xiaowen

Recently, there has been a heated discussion on the Internet about the "Apollo moon landing fraud", the reason is that in the live broadcast of the Chang'e-6 launch, Pei Mingming, deputy chief engineer of the third phase of the lunar exploration project, said that "I didn't find the ...... in the Apollo Basin", which was edited into a short video by some media and widely disseminated, thus raising public doubts about the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing.

Why is the China Association for Science and Technology more anxious than the United States to refute the rumors that the Apollo moon landing was fake?

These doubts mainly stem from the interpretation of the photos, videos and other materials in the Apollo moon landing mission by some netizens, believing that there are many doubts, such as inconsistent light and shadow, abnormal light reflected on the surface of objects, etc., and thus suspect that these materials were not filmed on the moon, but made in a studio on Earth.

Why is the China Association for Science and Technology more anxious than the United States to refute the rumors that the Apollo moon landing was fake?

In response, NASA responded to the successful exploration of the mainland's Chang'e-6. They made public the sites of previous moon landings and admitted that the Apollo Basin at the south pole of the moon was not their landing site. It's a bit confusing.

Why is the China Association for Science and Technology more anxious than the United States to refute the rumors that the Apollo moon landing was fake?

What's even more interesting is that at a recent press conference, a White House spokesperson responded to a reporter's question about the fact that China's Chang'e-6 had found no traces of the U.S. moon landing, and that "the U.S. moon landing is not the same as the moon explored by Chinese probes," which confused both reporters and the public.

In fact, as for whether the United States has achieved a manned landing on the moon, at this stage, it is impossible for Chinese officials to directly "slap in the face". Clear-eyed Chinese netizens have already understood from the words of Deputy Chief Engineer Pei Mingming, who said with a smile, "I didn't find the ...... in the Apollo Basin".

However, China's aerospace industry has not said anything, and the China Association for Science and Technology is anxious and immediately refutes the rumors. However, many Chinese netizens do not eat this set, and they are very puzzled by this.

Why is the China Association for Science and Technology more anxious than the United States to refute the rumors that the Apollo moon landing was fake?

Why is the China Association for Science and Technology more anxious than the United States to refute the rumors that the Apollo moon landing was fake? There are three main reasons.

First, the Apollo moon landing, here it is particularly emphasized that it was a manned moon landing, and whether it is a fraud is not only a scientific issue, but also a politically sensitive topic. As the two giants in the global space field, China and the United States are competitors in the field of space exploration. Against this backdrop, any questioning of the authenticity of the Apollo moon landings could be politicized, which in turn could affect the cooperative relationship between the two countries.

Regardless of whether the United States has ever landed a man on the moon or not, standing on the awareness of the overall situation, the China Association for Science and Technology has refuted the rumors in a timely manner, believing that it can reduce unnecessary stimulation of the United States, share worries for the country, and embody its spirit of daring to be responsible and taking the initiative.

Second, in today's world, scientific and technological strength has become one of the important indicators to measure a country's comprehensive strength. The China Association for Science and Technology is an authoritative scientific institution in China, and its social influence and scientific and technological status are directly related to China's international status and influence.

China's scientific voice in a timely manner to refute the rumors of the Apollo moon landing can not only brush up its existence, but also enhance the influence of the China Association for Science and Technology in the international community, win praise, and promote its better participation in international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges.

Third, the Apollo moon landing program was a major project implemented by the United States during the Cold War in order to demonstrate its scientific and technological strength and national image. It involves not only the national interests and international status of the United States, but also the interests of many people and institutions in the global scientific community.

Why is the China Association for Science and Technology more anxious than the United States to refute the rumors that the Apollo moon landing was fake?

If this plan turns out to be a fraud, and "flipping the book" for it, it will inevitably have "catastrophic" consequences. It will mean that many people's efforts will be lost, and many scientific results will lose their value and become a joke.

Therefore, the China Association for Science and Technology chose to speak out on this issue in a timely manner and refute the rumors, also out of consideration and respect for the interests of the global scientific community.

That's all I can think of. Other than that, I don't know how everyone judges this?

Xie Xiaowen: Strategic scholar. He mainly commented on current politics, business, railways, and culture. WeChat public account: zgmjply (commentator Xie Xiaowen)

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