
Food is running out!


Despite the repeated warnings and opposition of the international community

Israel continues to advance

Military operations in Rafah

Many people have been forced to move to

The so-called "humanitarian zone"

However, the living conditions there are very poor

The United Nations issued a warning

The Gaza Strip's food reserves are running out

The people of Rafah were forced to relocate

The state of affairs in the so-called "humanitarian zone" is dire

Israel continues to advance its military operations in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah, and many Gazans have been forced to reach the so-called "humanitarian areas" of Khan Younis and Mahawasi.

Satellite imagery provided by Reuters shows a sharp increase in the number of tents in parts of Khan Younis compared to May 4 versus May 15.

Food is running out!

In the coastal areas of Mawassi, the number of tents also grew rapidly during this period.

Food is running out!

Large numbers of people in Gaza have been forced to flee to the so-called "humanitarian zone" of Mahawasi, as demanded by the Israeli army. However, when they got there, they found that this so-called "humanitarian zone" did not meet any humanitarian living conditions.

Food is running out!

Located on the western coast of Khan Younis, Mawasi is about 12 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide, an area equivalent to 4% of the entire Gaza Strip. Formerly a coastal desert with about 9,000 inhabitants, it is now home to hundreds of thousands of displaced people.

Tents made of simple wooden planks and plastic sheeting divide the once sandy area into narrow passages, surrounded by garbage piled up and the clothes of refugees, and people walk barefoot on the sand.

Food is running out!

Raid, who is in his 40s, is from the central Gaza Strip. More than half a year ago, due to the actions of the Israeli army, he fled with his family again and again.

"We don't have gas to cook and there's no food in the market," Raid said. Food and some basic supplies can only be distributed through relief agencies, and our lives seem to have become deserts. Poor sanitation led to the spread of the disease among children, one of my children had diarrhoea and the other had chickenpox. ”

UN warns

The Gaza Strip's food reserves are on the verge of depletion

On the 16th local time, Martin Griffiths, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, said that the Gaza Strip is facing the danger of famine because the food reserves are about to be exhausted.

Griffiths noted that the recent Israeli military operation in Rafah has exacerbated the food crisis in the Gaza Strip, that the current border crossings in and out of southern Gaza have been blocked, and that continued fighting and bombardment have made it difficult to distribute supplies.

Food is running out!

Griffiths warned that humanitarian relief operations in the Gaza Strip are now "almost completely deadlocked" and that international concerns are becoming reality because the situation "has never been so bad".

Because of dissatisfaction with the US policy toward Israel

A Jewish-American official resigned

According to a number of US media reports on the 16th, Lily Greenberg Kaul, special assistant to the chief of staff of the US Department of the Interior, announced her resignation on the 15th to protest against the United States' continued support for Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip. She is also the first Jewish-American government official appointed by the Biden administration to resign due to dissatisfaction with U.S. policy toward Israel.

Food is running out!

▲Lily Greenberg Kaul (data map)

In her resignation letter, she wrote that the United States Government continued to support Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip and that she could not continue to work there without conscience. She believed that the problem could not be solved by displacing millions of innocent Palestinians and enduring the punishment of starvation and ethnic cleansing.

She said that the United States is making Jews the face of the American war machine, that Israel's war crimes are caused by the United States, and that this practice will not bring security to Israel or the Jews.

The latest international military situation

Pay attention to CCTV military

Food is running out!