
Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

author:Old cadres in Zibo
Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

From May 16th to 17th, Zhao Yulan, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Working Committee, Wang Tianrui, deputy director, and Xi Yan came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation, inspect the work site, hold a research symposium, listen to the work report, and put forward guiding opinions. Ma Xiaolei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chu Zhendong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, Li Junjie, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General, accompanied the relevant activities, Chen Jiajin, Executive Director of the Municipal Customs Working Committee, Liu Dongjun, Su Yong, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee, Cheng Qin, Secretary of the Zichuan District Party Committee, Lu Dezhi, Secretary of the Boshan District Party Committee, Li Xiaohong, Mayor of Zhoucun District, and leaders in charge of the relevant district and county party committees participated in the investigation.

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

The whole country cares about the next generation of "the most beautiful five elders" Li Qintian's deeds museum

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Zhoucun District War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea veteran Sun Guangrui "Five Elders" studio

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Zhoucun District Street Street Mingde "Five Elders" Studio

The research team successively visited the deeds of Li Qintian, the "most beautiful five elders" who care about the next generation in Zhoucun District, the "five elders" studio of Sun Guangrui, a veteran of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the "five elders" studio of Mingde on the main street; He went to Hengdeli Ophthalmology, Chongqing Road Primary School in Zhangdian District, and the Guan Working Committee of Jijia Village, Fangzhen Town, to investigate the education of party history and national history, family tutoring and family style education and the health activities of the "five elders" to help teenagers; He went to the Kuisan Village Customs Working Committee in Zichuan District, the Bishan Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Center in Boshan District, and the Red Culture and Education Base at the former site of the Municipal Party Committee to inspect the construction of the "five good" grassroots customs working committee and the construction of the education base, held a symposium, listened to the work report of the municipal and district customs working committees, and had in-depth exchanges with the representatives of the "five elders", listened to opinions and suggestions, and put forward ardent hopes.

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Zibo Youth Eye Care Science Education Base——

Hengdeli Ophthalmology

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation
Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Chongqing Road Primary School Customs Working Committee, Zhangdian District

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Zhangdian District, Fangzhen Town, Jijia Village Customs Working Committee

Zhao Yulan pointed out that the party committees and governments at all levels in Zibo attach great importance to supporting the work of caring for the next generation, and the leaders of the city and district have listened to the report and made instructions many times, attended the meeting and made speeches, and participated in the important activities of the Customs Working Committee, which has provided a strong guarantee for the work of the Customs Working Committee. The work of the work committees at all levels is proactive, thoughtful, responsible, passionate, loyal and dedicated, pioneering and innovative, and the work is distinctive and fruitful in the education of party history and national history, the rule of law education for young people, the education of family education and family style, the implementation of the "five old" care project, and the "five old" to help the health of young people.

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Zichuan District Kuisan Village Customs Working Committee

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Boshan District Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Center

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

The former site of the Zibo Municipal Party Committee is a red culture and education base

She stressed that the work committees at all levels should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on caring for the next generation, conscientiously implement the "Opinions" of the Central Committee and the State Council and the "Several Measures" of the provincial "two offices", fully implement the spirit of the national and provincial work conferences and the deployment requirements of the training courses of the provincial customs work committees, and further strengthen the work concept of "daily work to see activities, key work to grasp typical". Focusing on the key tasks of the "Seven Deepening" of the Provincial Customs Working Committee, we will actively explore ways and means to care for young people, focus on the education of party history and national history, inherit the red gene and continue the red blood, focus on family education, care and assistance for young people in difficulty, mental health of primary and secondary school students, "small glasses", "little fat dun" and other outstanding issues, and actively give full play to the advantages and specialties of the "five elders". It is necessary to conscientiously carry out investigation and research, do a good job in typical demonstrations, pay attention to summarizing and promoting experience, build a strong brand, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of caring for the next generation in the new era.

Comrade Zhao Yulan and his entourage came to our city to investigate and guide the work of caring for the next generation

Hold a research symposium

Chen Baohui, deputy secretary general of the Municipal Customs Working Committee, Xu Wenyong, executive directors and deputy directors of the Customs Working Committee of Zhangdian District, Zichuan District, Boshan District and Zhoucun District attended the event.

Source: Office of the Municipal Customs Working Committee


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