
Why does TCM think that milk is not suitable for everyone?

author:Song Pharmacist

#头条创作挑战赛#牛奶, as a nutritious food, is widely recommended for use in the diets of all ages. Its high protein, calcium, and vitamin content make it an essential part of a healthy diet for many people.

However, Chinese medicine practitioners believe that milk is not suitable for everyone. There is a deep TCM theory and rich clinical experience behind this.

Why does TCM think that milk is not suitable for everyone?

1. Overview of the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine

1. The Five Elements of Yin and Yang

The theory of yin and yang in TCM theory holds that the health of the human body depends on the balance of yin and yang. The imbalance of yin and yang leads to the occurrence of diseases. The Five Elements Theory holds that the interrelationship between the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water affects the function and health of the human body.

2. Qi, blood, and fluid

Qi, blood and fluid are the basic substances that maintain the vital activities of the human body. Qi is the driving force of life, blood is the carrier of nutrition, and fluid is the general term of body fluids, and the three are interdependent and jointly maintain the health of the human body.

3. Classification of constitutions

Traditional Chinese medicine divides the human body constitution into various types, such as qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yang deficiency, yin deficiency, dampness and heat, phlegm dampness, qi depression, etc. People with different physiques react differently to food, and dietary care needs vary from person to person.

Why does TCM think that milk is not suitable for everyone?

2. The nature and role of milk in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine

1. The nature of milk

In TCM theory, milk is believed to have a certain "cold" property. Cold foods usually have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing yin and reducing fire, but may have adverse effects on people with certain physiques.

2. The efficacy of milk

Milk has the effects of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, nourishing the stomach and nourishing the stomach, moistening the intestines and laxative. It has a certain conditioning effect on symptoms such as yin deficiency and internal heat, insufficient fluid, intestinal dryness and constipation. However, people with different constitutions react differently to milk.

Why does TCM think that milk is not suitable for everyone?

3. What kind of people are not suitable for milk?

1. Qi deficiency constitution

People with qi deficiency usually manifest themselves as fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating when moving, pale complexion, and easy to catch colds. Due to the cold nature of milk, people with qi deficiency may aggravate the weakness of the spleen and stomach after drinking, causing indigestion, diarrhea and other problems.

2. Yang deficiency constitution

People with yang deficiency usually show that they are afraid of cold, cold limbs, soreness in the waist and knees, and clear and long urine. The cold nature of milk may aggravate the symptoms of yang deficiency, leading to an increase in the cold in the body, making problems such as chills and cold limbs more serious.

3. Phlegm-damp constitution

People with phlegm-damp constitution usually show that they are overweight, sweat easily, have a thick tongue coating, and are easily sleepy. Milk is easy to help dampness and produce phlegm, and people with phlegm-damp constitution may cause phlegm dampness to aggravate after drinking, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, phlegm and cough.

4. Cold and damp constitution

People with a cold and damp constitution usually manifest themselves as heavy bodies, aching limbs, abdominal fullness, loss of appetite, etc. The cold nature of milk may aggravate the cold and dampness in the body, making the above symptoms more obvious, and even causing diarrhea and other problems.

Why does TCM think that milk is not suitable for everyone?

4. Alternative foods recommended by traditional Chinese medicine

For those who are not suitable for drinking milk, TCM recommends choosing some mild alternative foods to supplement nutrition. Here are a few common alternative foods and their benefits:

1. Soy milk

Soy milk has the characteristics of high protein, low fat, and peaceful nature. It is suitable for people with most physiques, especially for people with qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency and other physiques.

2. Barley porridge

Barley has the effect of strengthening the spleen and dampness, clearing heat and detoxifying, and has a peaceful nature. It is suitable for people with phlegm, dampness, dampness and heat, and helps to regulate the spleen and stomach and remove dampness.

3. Red date soup

Jujube has the effect of nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is mild in nature. It is suitable for people with qi deficiency and blood deficiency, and helps to improve symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath.

4. Yam porridge

Yam has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs, and is peaceful in nature. It is suitable for people with yin deficiency and qi deficiency constitution, and helps to regulate the spleen and stomach and nourish the lung yin.

Why does TCM think that milk is not suitable for everyone?

5. Scientific combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine

While TCM has its own unique theoretical basis for its view of milk, modern medicine also provides abundant evidence that milk is indeed beneficial for certain populations. Science combines the methods of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine to better guide people's dietary choices.

1. Dietary recommendations for individual differences

Everyone's physique and health are different, so dietary recommendations should be tailored to the individual's situation. Combining the perspectives of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, the suitability of milk for individuals can be assessed more comprehensively.

2. Drink in moderation

For most healthy people, drinking milk in moderation can provide a wealth of nutrients. However, for people with specific constitutions or health problems, they should choose moderate amounts or alternative foods according to TCM recommendations.

3. Eat a varied diet

Whether it's milk or other foods, eating a varied diet is key to staying healthy. Through the reasonable combination of a variety of foods, the nutritional needs of the body can be more comprehensively met and the adverse reactions caused by the intake of a single food can be avoided.

Why does TCM think that milk is not suitable for everyone?


Milk, although nutritious, is not suitable for everyone. Traditional Chinese medicine theories emphasize individual differences, arguing that milk may have adverse effects on people with certain constitutions. By combining the perspectives of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, we can more scientifically assess the suitability of milk to individuals and choose an appropriate diet according to individual circumstances. Eating a varied diet and drinking in moderation is key to maintaining good health.

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