
Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them

Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them

On music and entertainment

2024-05-17 21:46Published in Chongqing

I see this in this issue so far, and the singing performance of the singers behind is not particularly outstanding, so there is no need to talk about them one by one.

It's just that after watching Rainie Yang, I suddenly found that the singers participating in the show seem to have "woken up", and only Wang Sulong has not yet recognized a problem.


This is a live broadcast, not a sound repair synthesis.

Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them

For non-vocal singers, it is a very suitable choice to reduce the difficulty of choosing their own songs.

For example, if your extreme controllable pitch is A4, would it be more appropriate to choose to sing G4?

For example, Hailai Amu's performance this time can indeed be called a counterattack, compared with the shriveling and weakness of the first scene, the chorus part of this issue has resonance and support.

The most direct reason is that it reduces the difficulty of singing and increases the audibility of the song.

I think it's a very smart choice.

Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them


Of course, even if the difficulty is reduced, there are still singers who still perform poorly.

For example, Rainie Yang, Rainie Yang's problem is not in the treble part, but in the bass part is too unstable, I don't know if it is the breath that is too fluttering due to tension or other reasons, I think even non-professional listeners can feel Rainie Yang's instability.

Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them

Moreover, such a "Song Not for Anyone" is still after the difficulty has been reduced, and there is no choice of additional flowers in the second half.

The female voice sings the vocal change area of the male voice, theoretically speaking, for a professional singer, there is no difficulty in singing.

The completion of this song is much higher than that of the first issue.

But Lin Junjie is in front, and the barrage will naturally not be too satisfied.

It's just that if the first issue was such a performance, Rainie Yang might not be complained about so badly.

Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them


In fact, Wang Sulong should really learn from them, after losing in the first phase, he should understand where the upper limit of his singing skills is.

If it is not eliminated, then the later programs should be smarter, and don't challenge their uncontrollable treble when choreographing.

As a professional singer, you can be stubborn, but when the objective conditions are there, and the personal singing ability is not up to standard, you should have a smarter choice.

Otherwise, I have been complained about by netizens like this, and I think Wang Sulong himself is also very uncomfortable.

Just compare that sister's performance, Na Ying is really stable, as an excellent singer, she clearly knows what sounds she can control and will not make mistakes.

This is the attitude towards live broadcasts, and Wang Sulong's ugly hot search in this issue deserves to reach the top, and it will start to change later.

Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them


In fact, shows like "Singer 2024" now seem to have a very key role: to make the public more aware of the importance of singing skills.

Previously, because most music variety shows were repaired, and they were generally exaggerated, the public felt that singing skills didn't seem to be very important.

This has actually led to many singers, such as singers like Wang Sulong and Rainie Yang, who feel that their singing skills are not bad and are completely enough.

But the truth is, it's just that you're lying to yourself.

Whether it is Wang Sulong or Rainie Yang, it is impossible not to have heard their own dry voice, they are all singers who have been in the recording studio.

But why haven't they improved their controllable vocal range for so many years? This is actually worth reflecting on.

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  • Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them
  • Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them
  • Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them
  • Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them
  • Singer 2024: Hailai Amu counterattacked, Rainie Yang's breath was too floating, Wang Sulong should really learn from them

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