
The number of marriages returned to the level of 2002


Hi, dear netizens, I am Tudou, a self-media person who loves life and likes to think by tapping on the keyboard. Today, I would like to talk to you about a topic that is both familiar and unfamiliar - marriage. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the number of marriage registrations in mainland China in 2023 will be 7.68 million, while the number of divorce pairs will be 2.593 million. Doesn't this number make you feel both shocked and a little helpless?

The number of marriages returned to the level of 2002

In our lives, marriage and divorce are like two sides of a coin, always closely linked. However, have you ever wondered why the current breakaway ratio is 33.8%? Does this mean that for every three married couples, one must be on the verge of breaking up? What is the reason behind this phenomenon?

First, let's talk about the desire to get married. Marriage is not simply a matter of two people, it is influenced by various factors, such as education, economy, culture and even social opinion. For many people, marriage is no longer a necessity of life, especially for women today. There is no longer the pressure of "having to marry", and women are more in pursuit of independence and self-realization. The high bride price and social labelling only exacerbate the situation and exacerbate misunderstandings between men and women.

Let's take a look at the series of events we experienced between 2020 and 2022, which significantly reduced people's willingness to get married. However, as society gradually returns to normal, people's desire to get married has begun to heat up again. The marriage data for 2023, while not much different from 20 years ago, does reflect a slow but steady change in attitudes towards marriage.

The number of marriages returned to the level of 2002

As for some views, I think that young people are reluctant to marry or have children because they do not "speak martial arts", I think this is a very one-sided and biased understanding. To marry or not to marry, to have children or not to have children, everyone has their own choice, which is more a reflection of a society with a high degree of socio-economic development, and people have more independent choices in life.

So, back to our original question: Is marriage the beginning of happiness or the source of trouble? I would say that there is no one standard answer. Marriage is like a landscape in the journey of life, some people are willing to stop and watch, and some people choose to move on. The key is to make sure that whatever our choice is, make sure that the decision is made out of our own true thoughts and not by the pressures of society.

The number of marriages returned to the level of 2002

In this rapidly changing society, all of us are observers as well as participants. Let's use an open mind to understand and respect everyone's choices. Thank you, I'm a potato, see you next time.