
How does this Tmall 618 win with good goods? The platform helps potential merchants to grasp certain growth opportunities

author:E-commerce online
How does this Tmall 618 win with good goods? The platform helps potential merchants to grasp certain growth opportunities

If there are good goods, you are not afraid of not having a deal.

Text/Zheng Yawen

Editor/S. asked

Throughout May, the 618 promotion was undoubtedly a hot topic in the business circle. Not long ago, Tmall announced the cancellation of this year's 618 pre-sale. A few days later, on May 20, merchants will directly usher in the first wave of spot sales. This also means that this 618 will be the longest consumer demand outbreak cycle in history.

Many businesses started a series of business layouts at the beginning of May to do water storage work for the full-cycle increment. In order to help all merchants do the annual mid-year promotion in advance and reach consumers more accurately, Alimama has also launched the strongest dividend and three major growth opportunities in history under the theme of "618 Site-wide Boost, Global Growth" this year.

From a deep point of view, the dividends released by Alimama this time are unprecedented. Previously, Alimama relied on AI technology to launch a revolutionary product "site-wide promotion", using the mechanism of "payment and exemption linkage" to help merchants get global traffic. In this 618 promotion, "whole site promotion" is also an important tool that merchants must use.

In addition, for different types of businesses, Alimama has also launched "three things for growth". With sufficient dividend support and technical support, we will point out a definitive growth path. If you distinguish the Tao merchants from the type, it is not difficult to see that some merchants are the main "brand", some are novice merchants, and some merchants regard "goods" as a growth engine.

At this stage of e-commerce development, goods have become the core key to the growth of merchants' business. In the final analysis, whoever has good goods can undertake good traffic and promotion. In the peak stage of 618 traffic, it is not so much a "competition of good goods" as a competition of "how to deliver good goods to consumers".

We call these merchants who can come up with good goods "good goods merchants", and in order to encourage merchants to launch good goods and deliver them to consumers in the shortest time and path, Alimama has also given full support. On May 16, at the "Alimama Merchant Growth Week-Good Goods-driven Merchant Session", we sorted out new possibilities for the business explosion of such merchants.

How does this Tmall 618 win with good goods? The platform helps potential merchants to grasp certain growth opportunities

Revolutionary new products to help merchants break through the three links

According to Alimama data, in the business market of merchants, the contribution rate of new product transactions exceeded 33%, and explosive products accounted for half of the business of many stores, and since the beginning of this year, the number of transactions of top-notch explosive products has increased by 30% year-on-year.

A key message is revealed: goods are one of the core factors in business growth. Similar to the "ingredient party" that has emerged in the beauty industry in recent years, consumers are now accustomed to researching various products from the inside out before placing an order, and they are willing to spend for "self-pleasing" and "scene", provided that "the product is worth it".

Therefore, in a rare promotion like 618, if merchants want to get an outbreak, they should not only store water in advance, but also consider whether their goods are of high quality. After their goods are put on the shelves, can they stand out from the dimensions of quality, innovation, combination, etc., and rely on goods to defeat the strong people in the Tao system.

Good goods are the foundation and guarantee of merchants, and such merchants have also become the backbone of Tao merchants. As the largest online shopping platform in China, Tao has the strongest shopping mind, and it is also the preferred platform for merchants to launch new and explosive goods. For example, in the past two years, outdoor cycling has become more and more popular, and sports have brought a new fashion, with a year-on-year increase of 180% in the transaction volume of cycling bikes and a year-on-year increase of 160% in the GMV of cycling equipment.

In Alimama's view, merchants can divide the overall business link during the 618 period into three links: 1. the storage period of goods, 2. the establishment and deepening of user relationships, and 3. the period of user demand undertaking and crowd harvesting.

How does this Tmall 618 win with good goods? The platform helps potential merchants to grasp certain growth opportunities

In every link, Alimama can use its product capabilities to help merchants achieve deterministic growth.

At the beginning of the year, Alimama released the LMA large model technology, which uses AI technology to make the matching of goods more accurate. In April, the revolutionary product "Whole Site Promotion" with this technology as the underlying logic was launched, simply put, the whole site promotion is to use the "payment and exemption linkage mechanism" to revitalize the global traffic of the Tao system. In the above three links, "whole site promotion" helps good goods merchants increase the promotion rate of products and improve the dynamic sales and transaction breakthroughs of the whole store's advantageous products through the coverage of dynamic products, the ability of system recommendation ROI and the ability of long-term delivery.

During the storage period of goods, "site-wide promotion" can put forward targeted solutions from the dimension of peers, potential products, prices, and promotions, and screen out potential products with high value and high traffic. Its rapid payment testing ability can help merchants identify potential babies faster and more accurately, and its testing direction is more diverse, the measurement settlement is clearer, and the measurement effect can be predicted in advance. Its "one-click explosion ability" also makes the circulation of potential commodities more accurate.

After finding the potential hit, what merchants need to do is to accurately promote the crowd in the content scenario to deepen the user relationship. In this link, super short video can be guarded during the whole cycle of merchant launching, providing site-wide video supply and AI video production service capabilities before investment, popping popular videos during investment, and summarizing the experience of popular models after investment. In addition, super live broadcast can also meet multiple demands in one stop, and get the largest business scale under the ROI of the whole site.

How does this Tmall 618 win with good goods? The platform helps potential merchants to grasp certain growth opportunities

Finally, during the period of user demand undertaking and crowd harvesting, merchants can also use super live broadcast to promote transactions, and complete the single product plan through site-wide promotion.

In general, merchants should do a good job of basic water storage of goods during the preparation period, and then flexibly use the capabilities of Alimama products during the outbreak period, and at the same time enjoy Alimama's rebate policy.

To drive the "three-board axe" of good goods, Alimama pointed out these three things for merchants

After summarizing the three steps that merchants need to do, from a deeper dimension, Alimama has created "three things to do for business growth" for different types of merchants, pointing out a simple, clear and definite business growth path for different types of merchants.

For good goods-type merchants, the outbreak path is inseparable from "screening potential explosive products", "finding good consumer groups", "choosing the right promotion tools", "improving service experience" and other links.

1. Continue to dig out good goods and create super high-quality products in all scenes

2. Make good use of the whole site promotion and use good goods to leverage the growth lever

3. Embrace official support and escort customers throughout the delivery experience

Specifically, Alimama will create a boutique pool of tens of millions on the search and display land of the Tao system, and the products that consumers like and have strong conversion power will enter the boutique pool; Through AI accurate product selection, it helps merchants clarify the product structure and mark the new quality and good goods in the store, and merchants can focus on these products to achieve greater growth.

How does this Tmall 618 win with good goods? The platform helps potential merchants to grasp certain growth opportunities

Among them, "whole site promotion" will play a very large role as a "growth lever". For those merchants with "potentially explosive products", through the whole site promotion, it can promote the outbreak of potential explosive products, and drive the development of the whole store and brand with products. According to Alimama data, since the launch of the whole site, the overall GMV of the store driven by it has increased by 80%.

Taking the Huili women's clothing flagship store as an example, this brand with shoes as the main force has a horizontal layout in its women's clothing store this year, optimizing trending new products, making product differentiation, and at the same time, with the help of site-wide promotion, the dynamic sales rate of the whole store has increased by 460%.

For the household goods brand "sivass", the huge SKU of its store needs to rely on the explosive product thinking to stand out, and leverage the free traffic through the paid traffic of "whole site promotion", and its single products have achieved a new path of rapid explosion, so as to achieve a rapid jump at the product level. According to its data, after using "site-wide promotion", the single product traffic of "SIVASS has increased by 320%.

In addition, through the cooperation of "super live broadcast", the traffic supply of multiple fields inside and outside Tao is opened, covering the whole link of consumers' decision-making, and merchants can get volume in the whole area during the 618 period and accelerate the outbreak of live broadcasting.

Three incremental opportunities help good goods-driven merchants explode 618

The essence of e-commerce sales is the matching of people and goods, and for merchants with different business focuses, the delivery path in the promotion is also different. The release of Alimama's new rights and interests this time is professional and leading from the perspective of technology and business strategy. For different types of merchants, Alimama has summarized three incremental opportunities based on its own business and technical capabilities. We have summarized the following three opportunities for merchants with good goods:

1. AI helps TA people break the circle

The first is the technical support provided by AI, a tool that has been trending in recent years. The maturity of AI technology has made it possible to greatly improve the efficiency of matching goods and goods.

In terms of crowd selection, Dharma Pan has launched two major capabilities in 618. The first is the "TA crowd solution", which helps customers to set up and manage TA crowds, detect more opportunities in the crowd market, and reach them through the ability of Wanxiangtai Unbounded Edition. The second is to launch the "big promotion crowd" to mark the consumers with high promotion marketing value and strong accuracy one by one.

In terms of reaching out to people, Alimama uses AI technology as the support to find accurate people in iterative product capabilities such as search and recommendation fields. For example, through the "BEST Keyword Methodology", it can help merchants "find people by words" and judge which keywords can have better business opportunities. For example, if a consumer searches for skateboarding, the system will define the consumer as a "trendy crowd" and recommend cross-category products such as skateboarding clothing to the consumer.

The recommendation field is the core ability of Alimama to help merchants break the game this year. It is understood that Alimama will help merchants get more opportunities in the recommendation field through the upgrade of accurate crowd capabilities. For example, use the crowd ark and crowd supermarket as the operation tools of the core crowd, and then upgrade the keyword targeting ability during the 618 period to expand the search circle of the intended crowd.

In addition to finding the target group in the search field and recommendation field, relying on the mechanism of site-wide promotion to pay free linkage can also help merchants find new customers in the whole domain.

2. The outbreak of new quality and good goods is determined

The second is a clear path for goods to burst. Good goods merchants can refer to the clear and definite product explosion path provided by Alimama, which is laid based on Alimama's mature commercialization capabilities. If you have good quality goods, you will have a lot to offer.

In the search field and display field, Alimama will create a boutique pool of tens of millions. Then, from the dimensions of region, interest, season, etc., the people with clear needs will be pushed to merchants who can provide good goods.

If AI, merchants, and platforms are closely linked, it is undoubtedly an iron triangle relationship. The factors that stabilize the relationship between the iron triangle are "good goods", "good prices" and "good services". To strive to enter the "iron triangle" is to enter the safe deposit box of growth.

3. Live broadcast full-time and global outbreaks

The critical period of the outbreak of transactions is to get traffic in the whole domain through live broadcast. This link basically opens up multiple fields such as search, recommendation, and off-site.

At the Taobao 2024 content e-commerce ceremony, Taobao officially announced that it will invest tens of billions of cash and continue to increase investment in content e-commerce. Live streaming accounts for an increasing proportion of consumers' purchase decisions, and has become an accelerator for brands and stores to explode in business. Many businesses already attach as much importance to live streaming as they do to running a store. Therefore, at this level, it is also a definitive growth path to attract consumers to the live broadcast room through placement inside and outside the station. For example, use super live broadcast to get traffic in the whole domain, and then strengthen interactive behaviors such as increasing fans and likes in the live broadcast room, and then deliver ROI in "whole site promotion" to increase the efficiency of live broadcast.

It can be predicted that this year's 618 promotion, consumers' active cycle, purchase frequency and purchase amount will be unprecedented. The breakthrough point of good goods merchants lies in the goods. On the one hand, we must continue to provide competitive goods, and on the other hand, we must also make good use of the key weapon of Alimama.

618 is still an important node to stimulate consumer desire, and merchants should take advantage of the opportunity to obtain the largest number of high-precision people, and at the same time, they should also use Alimama's product capabilities on a daily basis to reserve people for big promotions.