
The soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, why is my mouth dry and thirsty after that? Career change boss: 4 reasons, very realistic

author:73 Divine Cow

#头条创作挑战赛#作为曾经的餐饮从业者, I feel that the restaurant that is easier to do now is the noodle restaurant, because the noodle restaurant has less investment, the turnover rate is high, and the store does not need to be big, so it is the first choice for many people to start a business in catering.

As long as the noodle restaurant is located correctly, there will basically be no shortage of customers, and the main reason why the noodle restaurant can attract customers to consume is that the noodle restaurant must have a good pot of old soup, after all, the texture and taste of the noodles are almost the same, and whether it is delicious or not lies in the soup and toppings of the noodle restaurant.

As a noodle lover, I often go to noodle restaurants to eat noodles in the morning and at noon, and I have a soft spot for the soup in the noodle restaurant.

The soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, why is my mouth dry and thirsty after that? Career change boss: 4 reasons, very realistic

However, the soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, but it often happens that I feel dry mouth and thirst afterwards, and I often have a bottle of drink to quench my thirst after eating a bowl of noodles.

A chef friend of mine has been running a noodle restaurant for many years, and then changed his career to other businesses because of the increase in rent, and he made it very clear that the soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, and the reason why he has a dry mouth and thirst after that is mainly in these four points.

1. Boil the noodle soup

The soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, why is my mouth dry and thirsty after that? Career change boss: 4 reasons, very realistic

The first thing that used to be the first thing that the noodle restaurant opened every day was to boil the soup, which was mainly boiled with ingredients such as elbows, drum sticks and old hens, so that the soup tasted mellow and was particularly popular with diners.

However, boiling a pot of old soup is more labor-intensive and cost-intensive, and later there are many food additives on the market, many noodle restaurants will add some when boiling soup, these food additives have a lot of fresh substances, smell and drink are very fragrant, but because it is too fresh, so after drinking, you will have a dry mouth and thirst, which is similar to the reason that MSG eats too much.

Nowadays, there are very few noodle restaurants that use traditional methods to cook old soup, after all, it takes time and energy, and the cost will be much higher, so there are many people who choose to use additives.

2. Toppings for the noodles

The soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, why is my mouth dry and thirsty after that? Career change boss: 4 reasons, very realistic

The key to the deliciousness of noodles is the toppings, and now many noodle restaurants have many varieties of toppings, among which the more popular ones are big meat, big ribs and big bone noodles.

The daily peak consumption in the noodle restaurant is the number of hours, and it takes heat and time to make large meat, large ribs and large bones, so these meats in the noodle restaurant are basically prepared in advance.

When marinating these meats, a lot of soy sauce and spices are added to the noodle restaurant to make the ingredients taste mellow, and in the summer, the amount of salt is increased, mainly to preserve freshness.

The old soup of braised pork in the noodle restaurant has basically been used since it opened, and the old soup will not be used until the noodle restaurant closes, and although the old soup has a mellow taste, the salt that has precipitated is also a lot, so this topping is fragrant, but the saltiness will be very heavy later.

3. Ingredients in the noodle restaurant

The soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, why is my mouth dry and thirsty after that? Career change boss: 4 reasons, very realistic

Many people who go to a noodle restaurant to eat noodles like to eat the chili oil that the noodle restaurant gives for free, as well as the free side dishes that accompany the table, as well as garlic and so on.

These chili oil, side dishes and garlic are all irritating foods, especially appetizing when eating, but after that, they will naturally produce dry mouth and thirst, because these irritating foods will promote the secretion of saliva when eating, although they are enjoyable when eating, but they will also make themselves feel dry mouth and thirst later.

4. The temperature of the noodle soup

The soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, why is my mouth dry and thirsty after that? Career change boss: 4 reasons, very realistic

When people go to a noodle restaurant to eat noodles and drink soup, they like to drink some hot noodle soup, especially if they drink too much the night before, or they are night shift workers, many people like to get up early to bowl hot noodle soup.

The noodles sold in the noodle restaurant are basically after the customers place an order, they are directly cooked in the pot and fished out, and poured on the hot soup marinade, so the noodles are enjoyable when they are hot, and the noodles will not taste good after they are cold.

People eating hot food will also promote the secretion of saliva, but it is precisely because it is too hot that there is no feeling when eating, but after that, because of excessive saliva secretion, it will naturally feel dry mouth or thirst, especially if the oral mucosa is burned.

The quality of a noodle restaurant's business, in addition to the location and service, taste is a very key point, and the soup in the noodle restaurant is not salty, and the dry mouth and thirst after drinking are mainly caused by the above 4 reasons, what do you think?