
Something that hurts your liver more than staying up late, you may do it every day, and the last thing you must not think of

author:99 Health Net

It's late at night, and many people's "nightlife" has just begun, playing games, chasing dramas, jumping, drinking and stringing......

However, where we can't see, the liver has silently lit up a red light.

Something that hurts your liver more than staying up late, you may do it every day, and the last thing you must not think of


What is the main role of the liver

Metabolic function

The liver is one of the main metabolic organs of the human body, responsible for the decomposition, synthesis and transformation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. It also converts amino acids into energy, or stores energy for the body's needs.


The liver filters toxins and harmful substances in the blood, such as drugs and alcohol, into harmless or excretory forms through a series of chemical reactions.

Produces bile

The liver produces bile, which helps with digestion and absorption of fats. The bile salts in bile help emulsify fats, making them easier to digest and absorb.

Storage function

The liver also stores a variety of substances such as iron, vitamins, glycogen, etc., for the body to use when it needs it.

Immune function

The liver is involved in the body's immune response, and it is able to remove bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances from the blood.

Hormone balance

The liver is involved in the metabolism and regulation of hormones and maintains the stability of the human internal environment.

Coagulation function

The liver synthesizes a variety of clotting factors, which are essential for maintaining normal coagulation function.

Something that hurts your liver more than staying up late, you may do it every day, and the last thing you must not think of


What are the behaviors that hurt the liver?

Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol is the enemy of the liver, and long-term heavy drinking can lead to fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and even cirrhosis.

Improper medication

Certain medications, particularly antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, and certain chemotherapy drugs, can cause damage to the liver if misused or misused.


Obesity is one of the leading causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


Diabetes increases the risk of liver disease, especially nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cirrhosis.

Stay up late for a long time

Staying up late for a long time can disrupt a person's biological clock and affect the normal detoxification function of the liver.

Emotional stress

Long-term mental stress and mood swings may affect the health of the liver.

Something that hurts your liver more than staying up late, you may do it every day, and the last thing you must not think of


What are the symptoms after liver injury?


Liver damage may lead to impaired bilirubin metabolism, causing jaundice of the skin and eyes.

The stool is light in color

Liver damage can affect the production and excretion of bile, resulting in light-colored stools.

Right upper abdominal pain

The liver is located in the upper right abdomen, and liver damage can cause pain or discomfort in the upper right abdomen.


Liver disease may be accompanied by decreased appetite and nausea.

Weight lowering

Unexplained weight loss may be related to liver disease.

Spider angiomatas and palmar erythema

Spider angiomatas and palmar liver are common skin changes in liver disease that manifest as dilated small blood vessels.