
To speed up the construction of a tourism power, the general secretary put forward new requirements

To speed up the construction of a tourism power, the general secretary put forward new requirements

The National Tourism Development Conference was held in Beijing on May 17, which was the first important meeting held by the CPC Central Committee with the theme of tourism development. At the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on tourism work were conveyed.

"In the new era and new journey, tourism development is facing new opportunities and new challenges." In the important instructions, the general secretary not only fully affirmed the remarkable achievements of the reform and opening up, especially the tourism work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, but also made comprehensive arrangements and clear requirements for accelerating the construction of a tourism power and promoting the high-quality development of the tourism industry.

Affirmation of a path

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the development of tourism in mainland China has entered the fast lane.

From 2012 to 2021, domestic tourism revenue grew at an average annual rate of about 10.6%; From 2012 to 2019, the number of domestic trips doubled. The mainland has formed the world's largest domestic tourism market, and is also the largest source country and major destination for international tourism.

In China, tourism is an important way for the people to enhance their sense of gain and happiness, an important carrier for inheriting and promoting Chinese culture, an important area for practicing the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and an important starting point for rural revitalization......

In this regard, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a profound explanation——

In the north arctic village of Mohe, Heilongjiang, it was pointed out that "adhere to the simultaneous development of the economy and tourism under the forest, so that the scenery and ice and snow resources of the northern border can bring a steady stream of income to the villagers";

In the Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi, it is emphasized that "tourism becomes a process for people to understand Chinese culture and enhance cultural self-confidence";

In the B&B shop in Xinxian County, Henan Province, he praised "relying on rich red cultural resources and green ecological resources to develop rural tourism, invigorate the rural economy, and is a good practice for revitalizing the countryside......

From small to large, from weak to strong, with outstanding characteristics and broad prospects. In the important instructions, the general secretary pointed out that tourism "has increasingly become an emerging strategic pillar industry and a people's livelihood industry and happiness industry with significant characteristics of the times", and affirmed that "it has successfully embarked on a unique road of China's tourism development".

Adhere to three principles

General Secretary Xi Jinping has a deep understanding and rich practice of tourism development. In "Zhijiang New Language", he wrote an article on "Attaching Importance to Building Tourism Boutiques", pointing out that with the continuous improvement of economic development and people's living standards, tourism-based tourism can no longer meet people's needs. The travel desire of "seeking innovation, curiosity, knowledge and pleasure" requires us to continuously introduce more and better tourism products.

How to grasp new opportunities and meet new challenges? This time, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward three principles to be adhered to in tourism development:

Integrity and innovation——

Keeping upright, guarding the "basic disk". Lucid waters and lush mountains, history and culture, and high-quality service...... These are the foundations of tourism development and must always be guarded. Innovation is the driving force for tourism development. Only by using our brains and boldly seeking changes can we achieve a comprehensive upgrade of traditional tourism formats, products and services.

Improve quality and efficiency——

To encourage innovation, we must also prevent "rushing forward". The purpose of tourism innovation should always be to improve quality and efficiency.

How to rationally develop the limited tourism resources and create more high-quality tourism products and famous products? How to further play the leading role of tourism and benefit more people? Care about "what has developed" in tourism, and pay more attention to "what is the effect".

Integrated Development——

In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium of experts in the fields of education, culture, health and sports that it is necessary to adhere to the cultural and plastic tourism and the tourism to promote the integrated development of culture and tourism.

More areas are being integrated and coordinated with tourism. Technology, Education, Transportation, Sports, Industry...... The more integration, the more it will help extend the industrial chain, create new value, and give birth to new business formats.

Co-ordinate the relationship of five pairs

In addition to the three principles, the general secretary also emphasized the overall planning of the five pairs of relations, reflecting a deep grasp of a number of major relationships in the process of tourism development.

Co-ordinate the government and the market. In the process of tourism development, we should not only give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of tourism resources, but also give full play to the important role of the government in optimizing the layout of tourism planning, public services, and business environment.

Coordinate supply and demand. From "whether there is" to "whether it is good or not", the people's tourism demand shows a trend of diversification, personalization and quality, which requires the tourism industry to continue to promote the supply-side structural reform.

Coordinate protection and development. Development is an objective requirement of development, and protection is an important prerequisite for development. Only scientific and rational development can promote the rapid development of tourism. Only active and effective protection can ensure the healthy development of tourism.

Coordinate domestic and international. In addition to strengthening and expanding the domestic tourism market, enhancing the competitiveness and influence of China's tourism requires unswervingly expanding opening up and developing inbound and outbound tourism.

Coordinate development and security. Security is the premise of development, and development is the guarantee of security. It is necessary to take safety as an important yardstick to test the sustainable development of the industry, and keep the bottom line of safe production, ecological safety, and ideological safety.

Define five tasks

With the CPC Central Committee attaching great importance to it, the active support of the people, and the abundant resources left to us by our ancestors and nature, we are fully qualified and capable of building a strong tourism country.

In the important instructions, the general secretary also put forward five missions and tasks of the tourism industry: serving a better life, promoting economic development, building a spiritual home, showing China's image, and enhancing mutual learning between civilizations.

At the individual level, tourism is an important indicator of the improvement of people's living standards. The development of tourism is to let people appreciate the beauty of culture, cultivate the beauty of the soul in appreciating the beauty of nature, and make life better.

From a social perspective, the development of tourism is an important focus to promote high-quality development, and tourism is also an important carrier of culture. This requires us to pay attention to both the economic role of tourism and its role in enhancing the spiritual strength of the people.

At the national level, tourism is an important channel for exchanges and mutual learning between different countries and cultures. Only by further developing tourism can we better display the image of China in the new era, exchange culture and enhance friendship in the "two-way rush".

These five missions and tasks are the general secretary's profound summary of the role of the tourism industry, and also the general secretary's ardent expectations for the future of the tourism industry.

Curator: Zhang Xiaosong

Author: Xu Zhuang

Editors: Zhu Siming, Zhang Huihui

In-house production by Xinhua News Agency

Produced by Xinhua News Agency No. 1 Studio

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