
Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

author:Pupu Health

"There's something wrong with your kidney function, maybe it's a problem with your diet."

The doctor stared at the examination report that had just been released, raised his head and said to Uncle Chen in front of him.

Uncle Chen, 64 years old, was a primary school teacher before retirement, and his usual life is quite regular.

The only hobby is an egg every morning, plus a variety of high-protein diets.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

Today, he was doing a routine check-up in the hospital, but he didn't expect the doctor to tell him that there was a problem with his kidney function, which made him very confused.

Doctor, I've always been eating a healthy diet.

How can eggs, milk, and soy milk affect kidney function if they are eaten every day?

The doctor sighed and said: Your diet seems healthy, but for middle-aged and elderly people with kidney function problems.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

Excessive intake of certain high-protein foods can increase the burden on the kidneys.

Especially eggs, red meat, and processed foods, these need to be taken care of.

The doctor began to explain to Uncle Chen: eggs themselves are a good thing, rich in high-quality protein and multivitamins.

But for people with renal insufficiency, excessive protein intake can increase the filtering burden on the kidneys.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

The study mentions that patients with impaired kidney function need to control their protein intake to reduce the burden on their kidneys.

So, what should I do? Are eggs really inedible? Uncle Chen was a little worried.

The doctor smiled and comforted: It's not that you won't be allowed to eat at all, but in moderation.

One to two eggs a week is fine, but don't eat them every day.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

In addition to this, there are two other foods that also require special attention.

Uncle Chen pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the doctor's explanation.

The first is red meat. You may like to eat steak, pork, these foods.

But the high protein and fat content of red meat increases the burden on the kidneys and increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

And these two are the "triggers" that lead to kidney disease.

Researchers have found that reducing red meat intake and switching to white meat can effectively reduce the burden on the kidneys.

The second is processed foods.

Such foods include ham, sausages, pickled foods, etc., and there are too many chemical additives in them.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

A diet high in salt can lead to high blood pressure, which is one of the main causes of kidney disease.

The doctor gave an example: I had a patient before who had been eating pickled and processed meats for a long time.

As a result, not only did they suffer from high blood pressure, but they also led to severe impairment of kidney function.

The doctor continued, "In addition, you need to drink plenty of water to keep your body's metabolism running smoothly and help detoxify your kidneys. ”

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

Uncle Chen understood in his heart that he must change his eating habits after returning home and no longer consume excessive amounts of high-protein foods.

He sighed: "It seems that healthy eating is really a science. ”

The doctor nodded in agreement: yes, especially for older people, what you eat is important.

We should not only pay attention to nutritional balance, but also pay attention to the appropriate amount to avoid putting too much burden on the body.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

In modern life, many middle-aged and elderly people think that a high-protein diet is good for health, but they ignore the burden on the kidneys.

So, how can middle-aged and elderly people scientifically balance protein intake, not only to ensure nutrition, but also not to harm kidney health?

For people with normal kidney function, a moderate intake of high-quality proteins, such as fish, chicken, legumes, and dairy products, can be obtained.

Keep your diet varied with a moderate amount of fruits and vegetables, which will put less pressure on your kidneys.

Is eating eggs wrong for kidneys? Doctor's advice: middle-aged and elderly people do not want to suffer from kidney failure, and eat less of the 3 things

In addition, it is important to go to the hospital on time for health check-ups, monitor kidney function, and adjust your diet according to your doctor's recommendations.

Through scientific and reasonable dietary management, kidney health can be effectively protected and further deterioration of kidney function can be prevented.

Hope it helps, thank you!


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