
My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

author:Pupu Health

"You've had your lungs checked several times and it's fine, but it's probably an environmental problem at home, especially with mites."

The doctor pushed his glasses and said to Aunt Liu, 55 years old, who was a salesperson in a supermarket in Jiangsu.

In the past six months, she has been coughing incessantly and has been to the hospital several times.

Every time she checked her lungs, there was no major problem, which was what made her the most uncomfortable.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

Today, the doctor inquired in detail about her living environment and finally found the possible "culprit".

"Mites?" Aunt Liu looked puzzled, "The house is cleaned every day, how can there be mites?" ”

The doctor explained that mites are small insects that are invisible to the naked eye and prefer to hide in places such as mattresses, pillows and sofas.

Their secretions and corpses are strong allergens that can trigger symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and nasal congestion.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

Aunt Liu suddenly realized that her mattress and pillow had been used for several years and had never been thoroughly cleaned.

The doctor advised her to clean up the area when she got home.

"In addition to that, the air quality in your home is also important." The doctor continued:

"Sometimes, dust and mold spores suspended in the air can also trigger coughing."

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

Aunt Liu secretly made a note in her heart and decided to go back and clean the house thoroughly inside and out.

After returning home, Aunt Liu listened to the doctor's words and immediately started working.

Take the mattress and pillow out into the sun and vacuum them carefully.

She also bought some anti-mite spray online and sprayed it on mattresses and sofas.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

In order to improve the air quality, she also bought a few pots of plants that purify the air and put them in the living room and bedroom.

Half a month later, Aunt Liu's cough really improved. This made her more confident in her doctor's advice.

She began to clean every corner of the house regularly, especially the mattresses, pillows and sofas, which tend to hide dirt and dirt.

However, that's not all.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

Once, when Aunt Liu was chatting with her neighbor Sister Wang, she heard about another possible "culprit" - the oil smoke at home.

Sister Wang is an old chef, and she told Aunt Liu:

"Kitchen fumes are also a cause of coughing, especially those produced when stir-frying, which contain a lot of harmful substances."

When Aunt Liu heard this, she quickly recalled the scene when she stir-fried every day.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

Her range hood has been used for many years, and the suction power is obviously not as good as before, and every time she finishes cooking, the kitchen is full of smoke.

So, she decided to do another "big cleaning", this time focusing on the kitchen.

Aunt Liu invited a professional to clean the range hood and checked the ventilation system by the way.

She also bought a new high-efficiency range hood and opened the windows as much as possible to ventilate when stir-frying.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

After a period of hard work, Aunt Liu's cough finally disappeared completely.

She concluded: "It turns out that mites and fumes are the main causes of my cough, and I really didn't expect these things to have such a big impact." ”

Indeed, studies have shown that mites and airborne particulate matter are significant causes of allergic cough and asthma.

A survey of urban households showed that more than 70% of households had excessive levels of mites.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

The harm of harmful substances such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kitchen fumes to the respiratory system should not be underestimated.

In modern family life, how to effectively prevent the impact of environmental factors on health.

Especially to prevent allergic cough and respiratory diseases?

The first thing to do is to keep your home clean by regularly cleaning and replacing mattresses, pillows, sofas and other places that are prone to mite-breeding.

My aunt always coughs, and her lungs are normal many times, and the doctor: these 2 things at home are the "culprits"

Use an anti-mite spray and vacuum cleaner to thoroughly remove mites and their secretions.

Secondly, it is necessary to improve indoor air quality, open more windows for ventilation, and reduce indoor air pollution.

Through scientific and reasonable family environment management, the negative impact of environmental factors on health can be greatly reduced and good health can be maintained.

Hope it helps, thank you!