
More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

author:Pupu Health

"Lao Zhang, you should pay attention to your body, it is a good habit to take a walk after three meals, but you must be restrained in everything!" The doctor spoke, pointing to the abnormal values on the examination report.

On this day, Lao Zhang, as usual, finished the steaming millet porridge in the morning, and walked comfortably in the community or to the park, almost an hour.

Lao Zhang just turned 60 this year, and his daily routine after retirement is to go out for a walk after three meals.

He used to be a construction worker, but after retirement, he was more idle than anyone else, happily wandering around the neighborhood all day long, and made a group of friends who walked the dog.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

However, this morning's stroll was a little different, after walking in the park and getting on the bus back to the community, Lao Zhang felt a dull pain in his chest, some panic, and a little dizzy.

Unexpectedly, the bus to his home, the terminal was the city's No. 6 Hospital, and it happened to be swaying all the way, and Lao Zhang insisted on getting to the hospital.

When Lao Zhang got out of the car, he only felt that the world was spinning, and he walked into the hospital in a hurry.

Registering, queuing, and drawing blood, Lao Zhang lay on the hospital bed and looked at the ceiling, muttering in his heart:

Didn't you just walk a few more steps, how did it become like this? Doctor Xiao Wang walked in with the report sheet.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

"Lao Zhang, fortunately you came to check today, otherwise it would be a big problem."

Lao Zhang looked at the doctor, and his heart went up and down, "Doctor, what's wrong with me?" Isn't it good to walk around on a regular basis? ”

"Lao Zhang, it's good for you to take a walk after three meals a day, but it's excessive, especially for elderly people like you, these four things must be controlled!"

Lao Zhang's eyes widened like copper bells: "What four things?" ”

Doctor Xiao Wang coughed and cleared his throat, "First, overeating." Second, excessive exercise. Third, long-term sedentary lifestyle. Fourth, alcohol consumption is not controlled. ”

Lao Zhang frowned, "Doctor Wang, you speak slowly, I'll listen carefully." ”

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Eat until you are "very full"

Many elderly people feel that they have nothing to do, and eating is the greatest pleasure. However, once you eat too much, it is easy to cause indigestion, increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and even induce acute pancreatitis.

This disease is not a trivial problem, and once it develops in an acute condition, it must be hospitalized.

Data shows that gastrointestinal problems caused by eating too much for people over 60 years old account for more than 30% of outpatient clinics.

When Lao Zhang heard this, he chuckled in his heart, "I really like to go for a walk when I'm full, I think it's more energetic, it seems that I have to change it in the future." ”

The elderly should remember that it is best to eat seven points full.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Always like to exercise excessively

Many elderly people feel that they used to be in good health, but now they have to exercise more when they retire, but this is not the case.

Excessive exercise will increase the burden on the heart, especially for the elderly like you, which may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases if you are not careful.

Lao Zhang scratched his head, "But isn't it easy for me to walk?" ”

But if you do it for an hour three times a day, it's already overexercising.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Add to that the fact that you are full before you go, and your stomach and intestines are under heavy pressure.

A month ago, our hospital received a 65-year-old Chen, who also likes to walk and exercise after meals, but suddenly suffered a myocardial infarction, and it took half a day to save his life.

So, take a little rest after dinner and take a walk for about half an hour.

In addition, you can't take a walk every day, you should balance it, and since you have morning exercises, you can arrange other light activities after today.

Lao Zhang was silent for a while and sighed, "It sounds like I really have to take it easy." ”

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Likes to sit for long periods of time

Like you, many retirees at your age are at home, and they always stay at home all day after walking.

Many people like to watch TV, play chess, play mahjong, and sit all day.

As everyone knows, this kind of sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor blood circulation and increase the risk of blood clots, especially venous thrombosis in the lower extremities.

The pre-symptoms of this disease are not obvious, and once the blood clot breaks off, it may cause pulmonary embolism, which is serious or even life-threatening.

Statistics show that blood clots caused by sedentary lifestyles abound among people over 60 years old. ”

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

It is recommended to get up and move every hour of sitting, even if it is to walk around the house twice.

Drinking alcohol without restraint

Many elderly people like to drink some wine, thinking that it can invigorate blood circulation and dispel blood stasis. Moderate amounts are indeed beneficial, but excessive amounts can be harmful, especially for liver damage.

In the elderly over 60 years old, the liver function is gradually declining, and excessive alcohol consumption will increase the burden on the liver and even cause alcoholic cirrhosis.

Lao Zhang nodded hurriedly, "I should also control the amount of alcohol." ”

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Dr. Wang smiled: "Yes, moderate drinking is good for the body, but don't overdo it, especially when you are older, you should pay more attention." ”

Lao Zhang was convinced, "Doctor Wang, hearing you say this, I have to pay attention to it in the future." ”

Dr. Xiao Wang patted Lao Zhang's shoulder, "Lao Zhang, taking care of your body is the most important thing." It's good to take a moderate walk after three meals, but it should also be done in moderation.

You can choose to take a walk in the park for breakfast or dinner, and an hour after eating, but try to limit the time to thirty or forty minutes.

Lao Zhang left the hospital, pondering the doctor's words in his heart, and decided to pay attention to diet, exercise, sitting posture and alcohol consumption from now on.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Lao Zhang's neighbor, Sister Yang, heard about Lao Zhang and also came to Dr. Xiao Wang for consultation.

Sister Yang was a teacher before she retired, and she also likes to take a walk after dinner after retirement, but she prefers to watch TV and play mahjong, and she sits all day.

Dr. Xiao Wang looked at Sister Yang and patiently explained:

Sister Yang, do you know Lao Zhang's situation? Your sedentary habit needs to be changed.

Some time ago, we received a 70-year-old lady who played mahjong every day, and as a result, the venous thrombosis of the lower limbs fell off, causing pulmonary embolism, and she was almost not rescued.

So, in everything, pay attention to moderation!

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Lao Zhang and Sister Yang both deeply remembered the doctor's words, and from then on, they both paid attention to their living habits.

Every day after dinner, Lao Zhang no longer walks for an hour, but for half an hour;

Sister Yang doesn't forget to get up and move when she watches TV, and she no longer sits all day playing mahjong. Gradually, they all felt a lot more relaxed, and their previous minor physical problems were much better.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Lao Zhang and Sister Yang's physical condition is getting better and better, and even the doctors in the community say that they look a lot younger.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

So, how to adjust the living habits of many years, such as: walking after meals, having a few drinks, and still make the middle-aged and elderly people comfortable physically and mentally?

First of all, it is indeed a good habit to take a walk after a meal, but pay attention to moderation and timing.

After eating, it is recommended to rest for 60-90 minutes before starting a walk, which will avoid overburdening the gastrointestinal tract with food.

It also prevents gastric prolapse or other stomach diseases.

The walk should not be too long, about 30 minutes each time, which can not only promote digestion, but also not cause the body to work too hard.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

You can choose to take a walk in the greenway, park or some beautiful places in the community to breathe fresh air, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

In addition, you can do some simple stretching exercises during your walk to increase the variety of exercises and avoid the fatigue caused by a single exercise.

Secondly, for middle-aged and elderly people who like to have a few sips, moderate drinking is not absolutely prohibited, but it is necessary to pay attention to the amount and frequency of control.

It is best to limit the amount of alcohol to one drink at a time, and try to choose low-alcohol alcohol, such as wine or low-alcohol liquor.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Studies have shown that drinking red wine in moderation has certain benefits for cardiovascular health, as the resveratrol contained in it has antioxidant effects, but the key is "in moderation".

The metabolic ability of the liver in middle-aged and elderly people decreases, and excessive alcohol consumption can easily lead to excessive burden on the liver, and even cause serious problems such as liver cirrhosis.

Therefore, it is best to drink no more than three times a week, refrain from taking a few sips each time, and slowly control the amount of alcohol.

If you have a habit of drinking, it is recommended to drink enough water to help metabolize alcohol and reduce the burden on the liver.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Middle-aged and older people have developed a dependence on certain habits, and it is not an overnight thing to change these habits.

Therefore, psychological adjustment is very important. You can use some psychological cues and positive incentives to help yourself adapt to new habits.

For example, setting a health goal can share your health plan with family and friends, get their support and encouragement, and co-supervise and promote.

In addition, middle-aged and older adults can try some alternative activities to distract from old habits.

For example, change the evening drink to an evening tea party, and drink some herbal teas that are good for the body and do not affect sleep.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

In this way, you can enjoy the relaxation of the drink without putting a burden on your body.

The tea polyphenols and amino acids in tea are good for cardiovascular health, but drink a little less. The remaining waste tea leaves can be soaked in feet to relieve physical and mental fatigue and be reused.

If you prefer to go for a walk after a meal, try adding some light stretching before your walk or occasionally switching to other forms of aerobic exercise, such as cycling or swimming.

But remember, try to keep your aerobic exercise to 1-2 times a week.

In addition, middle-aged and elderly people should try not to eat too sweet and greasy food, and eat more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, whole grains and high-quality protein.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

A well-balanced diet can not only maintain a balanced diet, but also help control weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

For example, adding whole grains, such as oats and brown rice, to staple foods can increase the intake of dietary fiber, which can help digestion and prevent constipation.

Choose high-quality proteins such as lean meats, fish, and soy products, and reduce your intake of red and processed meat products to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, maintaining a good routine is also crucial for adjusting your lifestyle habits.

You can do some relaxing activities before bedtime, such as reading, listening to soft music, and doing deep breathing exercises, to help the body and mind relax and fall into a good sleep state.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

Finally, regular medical check-ups are important.

Middle-aged and elderly people should have a comprehensive physical examination once a year to understand their own health status, and adjust their living habits and dietary structure according to the results of the physical examination.

When encountering health problems, you should seek medical attention in time, follow the doctor's advice, and carry out scientific and reasonable treatment and care.

In short, adjusting the habits of life for many years requires psychological preparation and gradual adaptation.

Middle-aged and elderly people can gradually change their old living habits, maintain good health and enjoy a better life through moderate exercise, reasonable diet, good work and rest habits and regular physical examinations.

More walks, healthier? Doctor's advice: Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these 4 things

The important thing is to stick with it and develop new healthy habits that allow for true relaxation and comfort for both body and mind.

Although the lifestyle habits are very changeable, if we take the essence of it and discard the dross, it will have a profound impact on health.

May all the elderly live a long and healthy life and enjoy a good old age.

I hope it can help everyone, thank you.