
63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

author:Sunny xU

In this era of rapid development of informatization, communication services have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, the quality of service and the integrity of the enterprise often become the standard of consumer judgment. "The people take food as the sky, and the users take the trust as the foundation", this sentence shows the foundation of the service industry - integrity. But on May 15, 2024, a report about China Mobile attracted widespread attention, involving as many as 63 million users, which can't help but make people think, is this a misunderstanding, or a complete exposure?

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

In today's world, where we rely on various services, can enterprises still adhere to integrity and provide truly considerate services? Or are they just emptying your wallet with all sorts of fancy names? What's the truth behind this? This is not only a review of an enterprise, but also a reflection on the entire service industry.

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

Recently, a report in the People's Daily exposed a variety of problems in the service process of China Mobile, which aroused widespread concern in the society. As a communications giant with a huge user base, China Mobile's every move touches the hearts of countless consumers. However, it has been reported that over the years, the company seems to be "serving" its own interests while "serving" users, leaving countless users dissatisfied.

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

The first is the "free upgrade" trap. Many users reported that when they tried to change to a lower tariff plan, they were always postponed or directly persuaded by the salesperson to upgrade to a higher tariff plan for various reasons. This forced sales strategy has forced many consumers who want to save money to accept higher monthly fees.

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

In terms of package promotion, China Mobile has also played a lot of "word games". The so-called "unlimited data" package they offer sounds exciting. In reality, however, these plans often come with restrictions such as being only available on specific apps at certain times, which is very different from the original purpose of unlimited data. What's more, even if the user is obviously connected to WIFI, the system will still secretly calculate the traffic and silently "gather wool" every day.

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

In addition, China Mobile's pricing strategy is also a major point of criticism. They will lure users into the network with low-cost packages, and then gradually increase the fee, making users feel frustrated. For old users, there is a suspicion of "cutting leeks", and the price of the originally cheap package has been quietly raised, but there is no substantial service improvement.

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

No way to complain has become a helpless choice for many users. Some users reported that even though they clearly stated that they did not need to change the package, they were still quietly changed the service content, and when they tried to complain, they found that there was no way to complain, and some users were even included in the "blacklist" because of this, which affected their normal life and work.

What's even more absurd is that some users report that even when they have paid the monthly fee, the phone is stopped, and the customer service cannot provide an effective solution. Other users found that they had been told that they would not be eligible for additional fees for broadband installations, and even after complaints were fruitless, the company claimed that such activities had never existed.

These problems epitomize one problem: China Mobile, in the pursuit of maximizing the company's profits, seems to have forgotten its original intention of providing users with high-quality services. And the various operations behind this are undoubtedly an infringement of consumer rights and interests, and people can't help but sigh, does the development of enterprises really need to sacrifice integrity?

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

Through this incident, it is not difficult to find that although technology is advancing and services are expanding, the sense of social responsibility of enterprises does not seem to be increasing at the same time. This series of behaviors of China Mobile not only harmed the vital interests of users, but also invisibly eroded the company's own reputation and brand image. Like a mirror, this incident clearly reflects the problems that exist in the service industry.

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

The long-term development of the enterprise is inseparable from the trust and support of users. As the old saying goes, "it is better to fill the number than to make a purple", and while pursuing profits, we should pay more attention to the quality and integrity of service. China Mobile's incident should serve as a warning to all practitioners in the service industry that only by returning to the essence of service and deepening the user experience is the right path for the sustainable development of enterprises.

63 million users were "deceived", and the People's Daily named and criticized angrily, let's see if you have been cheated?

Let us look forward to the fact that in the future, all service providers can be user-centric, bring forth the new, continuously optimize services, and truly achieve "customer first", so that every consumer can feel integrity and warmth. In this way, we can be invincible in the fiercely competitive market, win the hearts of users, and win market opportunities.

Personal opinion, for reference only