
AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

author:Sunny xU

In this era of rapid technological development, mobile phones are not only a communication tool, but also an indispensable part of our lives. When it comes to mobile phones, we have to mention the importance of the mobile phone screen. AMOLED screens have become the first choice for high-end smartphones because of their excellent display effect and energy-saving characteristics. However, this market has been monopolized by South Korea's Samsung Display for a long time, and it firmly occupies a leading position in the market with its absolute technical advantages and production capacity. But as the saying goes, "talented people come out of the country", in recent years, domestic screen manufacturers such as BOE, Visionox, etc. have begun to emerge to challenge Samsung's hegemony.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

In 2022, Samsung Display shipped about 480 million AMOLED units, accounting for 63.1% of the total market share. BOE and Visionox caught up with shipments of 80 million and 40 million pieces respectively. Heading into 2023, the situation has changed significantly. Samsung Display's market share slipped to 51.6%, while the share of domestic manufacturers exceeded 40% for the first time. This fierce market competition has undoubtedly brought more choices to consumers, and at the same time brought new vitality to the industry. So, where will this competition for display go? Can domestic manufacturers really shake the throne of Samsung?

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

In the competition in the global AMOLED screen market, Samsung Display is undoubtedly a veteran, and has long dominated the market with its superb technology and strong production capacity. However, market data in recent years reveals a hint of unusual change. In the first half of 2023, Samsung Display's shipments will decline compared with before, and its market share will fall below half for the first time, which is undoubtedly a wake-up call for Samsung, which has always been the industry hegemon.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

At the same time, domestic AMOLED screen manufacturers such as BOE and Visionox are speeding up and catching up. By increasing R&D investment and continuously improving the technical level and quality of products, they have gradually won the favor of more domestic and foreign mobile phone brands. BOE not only has an eye-catching performance in the domestic market, but also has become the second largest supplier of its AMOLED screen by virtue of its cooperation with Apple. This achievement marks BOE's breakthrough in the high-end market, and also demonstrates the strength and progress of domestic screen manufacturers.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

Visionox's performance should not be underestimated. The company's shipments in 2022 increased by 20.8% year-on-year, and in the first half of 2023, its shipments increased by 232.4% year-on-year. Behind this leap is a number of breakthroughs in AMOLED technology, such as the successful application of key technologies such as high resolution, high refresh rate and long life, which have made its products more popular in the market. Driven by these two major manufacturers, other domestic screen manufacturers such as Tianma and Huaxing are also actively expanding production capacity and increasing R&D efforts, hoping to get a share of this blue ocean market. With the increase in the procurement of domestic mobile phone brands such as Honor, Xiaomi, OPPO, etc., the market share of domestic screen manufacturers continues to rise. These brands have shifted orders from Samsung to domestic manufacturers, not only because of the more favorable price, but also because these domestic screens can meet or even exceed their needs in terms of performance.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

However, the market is changing more than just numbers. Behind this is the remarkable progress made by domestic enterprises in independent innovation and technological catch-up. For example, the flexible AMOLED screen launched by BOE has approached or even surpassed Samsung's similar products in terms of display effect and durability, which is great good news for domestic mobile phone manufacturers who have long relied on imported screens.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

At the same time, Samsung Display is facing fierce competition from China and is also actively adjusting its strategy. In addition to continuing to innovate in technology, Samsung has also begun to make adjustments in price and service in an attempt to maintain its market share through a more flexible marketing strategy. In addition, Samsung has also increased its investment in markets outside of China

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

Especially in the Southeast Asian and Indian markets, there is an attempt to diversify risks and increase growth points through geographical diversification. The rise of domestic screen manufacturers is a huge challenge and opportunity for the entire mobile phone industry chain. They have not only rewritten the landscape of the supply chain, but also promoted technological advancement and innovation throughout the industry. In addition, the rise of domestic screens has also led to the development of related industrial chains, including upstream and downstream industries such as material supply and equipment manufacturing, which is of great significance for improving the overall level and international competitiveness of the domestic manufacturing industry.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

However, despite the great progress made by domestic screen manufacturers, the future of the market is still full of uncertainty. Technological advancements and market needs are constantly changing, and Samsung's strong comeback, the development of emerging markets, and the emergence of new technologies may reshuffle the market in the future. Just like a war without gunpowder, the competition in the AMOLED screen market is extremely fierce, and every player is working tirelessly to win a larger market share.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

Just as the ancients said that "the wind is surging, the true colors of heroes are revealed", the rise of domestic AMOLED screens is a good story written by domestic enterprises to seize the opportunity and write with innovation and perseverance in the global tide of science and technology. From Samsung's challenge to the rise of domestic screens, this is not only the competition of technology, but also the epitome of the growth of domestic manufacturing.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

In the future, although the road facing domestic AMOLED screens is still full of challenges, it is these challenges that shape the competitiveness of enterprises. As long as we continue to promote technological innovation and improve product quality, it is entirely possible for domestic screen manufacturers to win a place in this global competition. At the same time, this is also a promise to domestic consumers: we can expect that the future mobile phone screen will be more exciting and closer to perfection.

AMOLED mobile phone screen market pattern: BOE second, 45% year-on-year, followed by Visionox

In this era of rapid technological change, every technological breakthrough is a transcendence of the past and the future

Personal opinion, for reference only

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