
The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

author:Xin'er said the interview

The "living expenses" rating table for college students is released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious, at which level is your baby?

Hey, parents and friends, the guide to "how to spend the living expenses of college children" in the circle of friends has been very popular, and the issue of living expenses of college students has become the focus of heated discussions for a while.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

Speaking of this living expenses, it is like a small mirror, which not only reflects the consumption level of our college students, but also invisibly reveals a corner of each family's economic situation.

So today, let's take a good look at the college student living expenses rating table to see which level your baby belongs to?

1. Classification of living expenses: from "eating soil" to "local tyrants"

The most money-saving level: Friends who have a monthly living expenses of no more than 1,000 yuan, that is to take the word "money-saving" to the extreme. Come to think of it, you might have to be careful about a meal

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

The discounted goods in the supermarket are rushing to buy, and the special window of the canteen has become their "base". However, although these children live a tight life, their mentality is surprisingly good, they know how to cherish every penny, and they also know how to be grateful to their parents.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

A little more generous: Children with a monthly living allowance of between 1,000 and 1,500 yuan are relatively much more nourishing. You don't have to worry about eating, and you can occasionally have a meal with your roommates or watch a movie, but ah, they also have to keep an eye on their expenses, after all, this money is not blown by the wind, and they have to save some money.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

Affluent file: Students who live between 1,500 and 2,000 yuan a month are really living a well-off life. In addition to daily expenses, they can also have extra money to support their hobbies, such as buying some favorite books, joining a club, etc. Occasionally, I can go out with my friends and enjoy the beauty of university life.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

Local tyrant file: Children with a living expenses of more than 2,000 yuan a month are simply winners in life! They live a relatively affluent life, buying whatever they want and doing whatever they want.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

High-end restaurants, luxury KTV, you can go wherever you want, friends gatherings, social activities, no one is left behind. Their lives are truly enviable.

2. The story behind the cost of living gap

How much is the cost of living, in fact, it is not just a number, it is the epitome of the story behind each child, such as those children with low living expenses, they may come from rural areas or families with average economic conditions, they know the hard work and hardship of their parents, so they cherish every penny more.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

And what about those children who have a lot of living expenses, they may come from wealthy families and enjoy the superior conditions provided by their parents, but at the same time they face more temptations and challenges.

In the long run, students with different consumption levels have formed different values and opinions, and the high-spending group may be more interested in material enjoyment and social status, while the low-spending group is more focused on spiritual satisfaction and personal growth.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

Of course, this is not to say that any value is necessarily right or wrong, after all, everyone's life environment and upbringing are different.

3. How can parents provide reasonable living expenses?

As a parent, providing living expenses for your children is a university question. If you give too much, you are afraid that your child will spend too much, and if you give too little, you are afraid that your child will not be enough. So how do you provide for living expenses reasonably?

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

First of all, you have to consider the financial situation of the family. We have to make sure that the living expenses for our children will not affect other important expenses, such as housing loans, car loans, pensions, etc. After all, the family's economic situation is a whole, and it needs to be considered holistically.

Secondly, you have to determine the appropriate standard of living expenses according to the price level of the city where the child lives. The price of living in big cities is high, and the cost of living is naturally more; If prices in small cities are low, the cost of living can be appropriately reduced. In this way, we can ensure that the basic needs of the child are met.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

Also, you have to discuss the cost of living with your child regularly, listen to your child's thoughts and needs, and jointly decide the appropriate amount of living expenses. In this way, children can not only feel the care and support of their parents, but also cultivate children's sense of autonomy and financial management ability.

Finally, you have to teach your children how to manage their living expenses. They have to be taught how to budget, how to keep accounts, how to save and manage money, and so on. It is also necessary to regularly check the child's consumption record and give advice and guidance. In this way, children can have more control over their finances.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

Of course, you have to encourage your child to use a portion of your living expenses as an emergency reserve, after all, no one can guarantee that they will never have any surprises, right? With this emergency reserve fund, the child will be able to deal with all kinds of emergencies more calmly.

The "living expenses" rating table for college students has been released, and the gap between the rich and the poor is obvious.

In short, this college student living expenses rating table is like a mirror reflecting the consumption level and living conditions of college students. As parents, we have to provide reasonable living expenses according to the actual situation of the family and the needs of the children! I hope that every child can have a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life in college!

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