
A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

author:Xunya Medical Health

"Have you been losing a bit of your hair lately?" Doctor Wang Qiang asked lightly while sorting out the cases on the table.

Zhu Xiaohong, 53, stood at the door of the doctor's office and smiled awkwardly. "Yes, doctor, I've been feeling like my hair has been thinning a little bit lately, and I'm still losing my hair, so I'm a little worried."

"Well, don't worry, a lot of people in this age group have this kind of situation." Dr. Wang nodded and motioned for Zhu Xiaohong to sit down.

"However, I need to know more about your habits, especially if there are any special situations lately."

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Zhu Xiaohong sat down and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She is the financial director of a company, and she is usually busy with work, plus trivial matters at home, and her life is a little stressful.

On the weekend, she finally found time to go to the hospital for a full body check-up to find out if it was a health problem caused by the stress of work.

Dr. Wang carefully reviewed Zhu Xiaohong's examination report and found that she was fine except for hair loss.

So, the doctor asked a few questions that didn't feel relevant: "How do you sleep?" What about eating habits? Have you ever exercised vigorously? ”

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Zhu Xiaohong replied in detail, she said that she usually has a regular schedule, a light diet, and walks for an hour every day.

She thought all of this would help her stay healthy, but she didn't expect her hair to fall out badly. After hearing this, Dr. Wang nodded and began to explain the cause of hair loss.

"Actually, there are many causes of hair loss, not only because of age and stress, but also because of lifestyle habits and physical conditions," says Dr Wang.

"For example, endocrine disorders, malnutrition, immune system problems, and even certain foods can cause hair loss."

He continued: "Especially for people of your age, hair loss is more common when all aspects of the body begin to decline.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

But there's one particular circumstance that I think you need to pay attention to – married life.

When Zhu Xiaohong heard this, her face turned red all of a sudden. She didn't expect the doctor to mention this topic, and she felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing that she was embarrassed, Dr. Wang smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, it's normal. Many middle-aged and elderly people have this problem, and what I'm going to talk about today may surprise you. ”

"When middle-aged and elderly people have sex together, there are a few things that they should try not to do, otherwise it may have a great impact on health." Dr. Wang said solemnly.

Zhu Xiaohong's eyes widened, and her face was full of doubts: "Doctor, does this have anything to do with my hair loss?" "Of course it's related," Dr. Wang nodded.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

1. Don't have too much sex

The physical function of middle-aged and elderly people is no longer as strong as when they were young, and if they exert too much force during intercourse, it may cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, and even increase the risk of sudden death.

This condition is medically known as 'sudden death in love'. As exaggerated as it may sound, there are indeed many cases.

He took out a research report and pointed it out to Zhu Xiaohong. "According to the latest statistics, the probability of sudden death in middle-aged and elderly people is much higher than that of young people.

In particular, those who usually have chronic diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure are at higher risk. ”

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

"You know what?" Dr. Wang continued, "In our hospital, we once saw a patient who had a heart attack due to overexertion during intercourse, and was not rescued. “

The patient was about the same age as you, and he usually looked very healthy, but he didn't pay attention to this point, and it turned out to be a tragedy.

Shortly after having intercourse, he died suddenly in the middle of the night, and it was too late when he was taken to the hospital.

Zhu Xiaohong was terrified when she heard this, she didn't expect this kind of thing to be so serious. "And what's the second thing not to do?" She asked in a hurry.

2. Don't take too much health food

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

He explained: "Some middle-aged and elderly people will take some health food or other drugs in order to improve the quality of intercourse.

Those foods, such as leeks, leeks have the effect of tonifying the kidneys, but if the other party eats them often, it will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, make it difficult to digest, and will affect the life of the couple.

There are also some medications that may be effective for a short period of time, but long-term use can have great side effects on the body, especially damage to the liver and kidneys.

He went on to talk about a case: "There is a patient who is about the same age as you, and in order to improve the quality of intercourse, he has been eating health food for a long time, such as leeks, oysters, and lamb kidney.

Regardless of other factors, the liver function and stomach were impaired, and a liver transplant was finally necessary.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

This condition is not uncommon in medicine, and many middle-aged and elderly people ignore long-term health risks in pursuit of momentary happiness.

Zhu Xiaohong was dumbfounded when she heard this, she didn't expect the side effects of these health foods to be so serious. She asked, "What is the third thing not to do?" ”

3. Don't have sex when your body is too tired

The physical recovery ability of middle-aged and elderly people is not as good as that of young people, and if they have sex with each other when they are overtired, not only can they not enjoy the fun, but they may also cause harm to the body.

Especially for those who stay up late for a long time and work under pressure, their bodies are already in a sub-healthy state, and if they have sex with each other when they are tired, it is easy to induce various health problems. ”

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Dr. Wang continued, "In our hospital, there was a patient who was very tired because he stayed up late and worked overtime for a long time, and as a result, he had a heart attack while having sex with him.

This condition is not uncommon among middle-aged and elderly people, so it is important to pay attention. ”

Zhu Xiaohong nodded, and began to feel a little worried. "And what's the last thing not to do?" she asked. ”

4. Don't neglect to go to the hospital for regular medical checkups

Many middle-aged and elderly people feel that they are in good health, so they neglect regular physical examinations. In fact, regular physical examinations are very important, especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Physical examination can detect small problems in the body as early as possible, and prevent our small hair lesions from "big symptoms". ”

Dr. Wang took out a physical examination report and pointed it out to Zhu Xiaohong: "You see, this is a patient in his 50s, who usually looks very healthy, but through the physical examination, it was found that he has problems with blood lipids and blood pressure.

Fortunately, it was detected early, and through changing his living habits and timely treatment, he has been slowly recovering.

If you don't have a medical check-up, you may not find out until the problem is serious, and then it's too late. ”

When middle-aged and elderly people have sex together, these four things must be paid attention to, otherwise it may have a great impact on health.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Hair loss is just a symptom and is actually a reflection of the body's internal problems. Find out the potential risks to your body in order to reduce hair loss.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Zhu Xiaohong felt that she had benefited a lot.

After she decided to go back, she thought that her husband and wife had not had a physical examination for four or five years. I also decided that I must adjust my lifestyle habits and pay attention to my health.

However, the story doesn't end there. After Zhu Xiaohong returned home, she began to seriously reflect on the doctor's words, and found that she did ignore many details in her daily life.

She began to have a regular routine, adjust her diet, and be careful not to overexert herself.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

It is also recommended that both partners and their spouses no longer rely on drugs.

Slowly, she noticed a significant improvement in her health and a reduction in her hair loss.

A few months later, Zhu Xiaohong came to the hospital again for a follow-up, and Dr. Wang smiled with relief when he saw the changes in her. "Look, as long as you pay attention to the details of life, health problems can be improved."

Zhu Xiaohong nodded and thanked the doctor for his advice, and decided to continue to maintain good lifestyle habits and cherish every day of health.

Finally, a derivative question is put forward for the content of the article: "How can middle-aged and elderly people maintain a good quality of life for couples on the premise of ensuring health?" ”

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Under the premise of ensuring health, middle-aged and elderly people need to comprehensively consider many aspects such as physical health, psychological state, emotional communication and living habits.

Good health is the foundation

Middle-aged and elderly people are prone to various chronic diseases due to aging and reduced metabolism, such as three highs, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc., which may have an impact on the life of the couple.

Therefore, regular check-ups, active treatment, and control of chronic diseases are top priorities.

Healthy lifestyles such as a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can not only help prevent diseases, but also strengthen physical fitness and improve quality of life.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Equally important are psychological issues between couples

After entering different stages of life, middle-aged and elderly people may face life changes such as retirement, child independence, widowhood, etc., and are prone to negative emotions such as loneliness and loss.

These psychological problems can only be solved by communicating more, speaking out, and solving them. in order to maintain the intimacy between husband and wife.

Therefore, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, cultivating hobbies, participating in more social activities, and increasing communication with the outside world can help relieve psychological pressure.

At the same time, couples should understand and support each other, face life's challenges together, and strengthen their emotional bonds.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

In terms of emotional communication between couples

Middle-aged and elderly couples should pay attention to communication, do not hold it in their hearts, and should have an appropriate "confession".

As you get older, your physical and psychological needs may change, and knowing how each other is feeling can help you adjust and adapt to the new pace of life.

Good communication can not only solve conflicts and problems in life, but also enhance mutual trust and understanding, and maintain a stable and harmonious relationship.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

"Sex" is a non-negligible part of a couple's life, and even in old age, it can be beneficial to do it in moderation.

Middle-aged and elderly people must avoid excessive fatigue or unnecessary damage to the body.

At the same time, paying attention to emotional communication after sex can not only enhance the intimacy between couples, but also improve the sexual experience and improve the quality of life.

Good living habits are also an important factor in maintaining the quality of life of couples.

Having a regular schedule, getting enough sleep, and keeping your home clean and tidy all contribute to a comfortable living atmosphere.

A 53-year-old woman died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the doctor said frankly: When middle-aged and elderly people have sex, try not to do 4 things

Middle-aged and elderly couples should participate in family affairs together, share household chores, and cultivate common interests and hobbies, such as traveling, planting flowers and plants, and exercising.

Middle-aged and elderly people want to maintain and improve the quality of life of couples on the premise of ensuring health.

It requires the common guarantee of physical health, mental health, emotional communication and good living habits.

Through reasonable health management, positive psychological adjustment, effective communication and a healthy lifestyle, the relationship between husband and wife can be more harmonious and satisfying, and the life of husband and wife can be happier and healthier.

Hope it helps, thank you!