
The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

author:Xunya Medical Health

"Lin Qiuyin, your symptoms are indeed typical of advanced throat cancer."

In the spacious and bright examination room, the doctor took off his glasses, looked at the lady in front of him, and said in a gentle but serious tone.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

Lin Qiuyin, a veteran teacher who has just passed half a hundred years, is now managing the library, and usually shows people in a simple cotton and linen dress and an unswerving gentle smile.

Her voice has always been crisp and pleasant, however, in recent months, her voice has become hoarse and swallowing has become increasingly difficult.

At first, Lin Qiuyin thought it was just ordinary laryngitis, after all, who would have thought that the calm work day after day would pass by throat cancer?

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

As her symptoms worsened, she had to go to the hospital for a check-up, only to be unexpectedly diagnosed with advanced throat cancer.

Doctors explain that the early symptoms of throat cancer are not obvious, and many people ignore the first warning signs as a result.

This is not uncommon, especially among middle-aged people who often ignore the initial discomfort.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

The doctor continues, "Many patients only feel hoarse in the early stages or have mild discomfort when swallowing, however, these small signals are often a precursor to throat cancer.

According to statistics, more than 60% of throat cancer patients have entered the middle and advanced stages when they are diagnosed. ”

Lin Qiuyin sat there, her eyes full of tears of remorse, she regretted not paying attention to these early symptoms earlier.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

Although working on your own is not as noisy as a factory, the air in the library is dry and dusty for a long time.

In addition, she has no time to take care of her own habits, such as drinking water from time to time and eating a small amount of food, which may be the cause of the disease.

To illustrate more deeply the importance of early recognition and prevention of throat cancer, the doctor mentioned another case, a middle-aged man named Chen Zhiming.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

Chen Zhiming smokes very much, at least one pack of cigarettes a day.

He was found to have a slight abnormal lump in his throat during a physical examination, but the lump was detected early and successfully treated as he sought medical attention in time and quit smoking.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

"Unlike Chen Zhiming, Ms. Lim has a relatively healthy lifestyle, but she also ignores the potential threat to health from the environment," the doctor stressed.

This shows that early diagnosis and lifestyle changes are essential to prevent throat cancer, regardless of the living environment. ”

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

Further analysis of the data shows that the incidence of throat cancer has a lot to do with environmental factors and lifestyle habits.

For example, long-term exposure to secondhand smoke, industrial pollution, and even excessive alcohol consumption significantly increase the risk of throat cancer.

And people like Lin Qiuyin, who seem to work in a quiet, clean environment, should also be wary of the potential health effects of long-term exposure to book dust and dry indoor air.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

"We need to learn from these cases and pay attention not only to those high-risk factors, but also to those seemingly inconspicuous details of life," the doctor concluded.

Everyone should have regular physical check-ups, especially after middle age. ”

In Lin Qiuyin's story, we find that they neglect health and ignore the early signs of disease.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

So in modern society, how can people pay more attention to and manage their health more effectively in their busy lives and work, especially those potential and subtle health risks?

Prioritizing health, recognizing that health is the foundation of all other accomplishments, set aside time in your schedule for physical activity, healthy eating, and adequate rest.

The 51-year-old sister was diagnosed with throat cancer and regretted crying: blame me for being careless

To reduce exposure to harmful substances, family members should remind each other to pay attention to their health, and they need to enhance their health awareness, improve their living habits, and have regular health check-ups.

Only in this way can we better manage our health in modern society and reduce tragedies like Lin Qiuyin's.

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