
Zhuge Liang's real successor has been carefully cultivated for 20 years, and if he does not die early, he will save Shu Han

author:The autumn wind speaks of history

Zhuge Liang was a famous general and prime minister of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, and his military talent and political wisdom were unmatched. With his assistance, Liu Bei single-handedly founded the Shu Han Dynasty. However, Zhuge Liang did not leave a suitable heir, which became one of the important reasons for the later decline of Shu Han. In Zhuge Liang's lifetime, he had carefully cultivated an heir who had high hopes, if this heir had not died young, would the fate of Shu Han be rewritten? Who the hell is he?

Zhuge Liang's real successor has been carefully cultivated for 20 years, and if he does not die early, he will save Shu Han

1. Zhuge Liang's most beloved adopted son, Zhuge Qiao

It is said that Zhuge Liang was still in infancy that year, his father Zhuge Wu died early, and he grew up with his mother's hand. When he grew up, Zhuge Liang was very intelligent, attracting many noble children to come to study. At that time, Zhuge Liang's cousin Zhuge Jin had a son in his family, who was born with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes. Zhuge Liang saw that this nephew liked it very much, so he begged Zhuge Jin to take it for himself.

Zhuge Jin saw that Zhuge Liang valued his son so much and was happy to descend from the sky, so he readily agreed. Since then, this child has been regarded by Zhuge Liang as his own and given the name Zhuge Qiao. Originally, Zhuge Qiao's character was Zhongshen, but later Zhuge Liang changed him to a very meaningful word "Bosong".

The pine tree can still be evergreen in the cold winter wax moon, implying that Zhuge Liang hopes that Zhuge Qiao will be like a pine tree, rain or shine, and never give up. Zhuge Liang earnestly expects Zhuge Qiao to pass on all what he has learned all his life to Zhuge Qiao in his lifetime, and cultivate him into a generation of heroes.

Zhuge Qiao has studied with Zhuge Liang since he was a child, Zhuge Liang invited many good teachers for him, and Zhuge Qiao did specialize in learning. When he was in his teens, he entered the army with Zhuge Liang, experienced a hundred battles, and his experience increased day by day. Zhuge Liang treats him like a pearl in his hand, and he takes care of everything. He not only taught him military knowledge, but also taught him how to deal with government affairs.

Zhuge Liang has high expectations for Zhuge Qiao, hoping that one day he can entrust the great cause of Shu Han to him. Zhuge Qiao did not live up to Zhuge Liang's expectations, he was smart and specialized. It's just that Zhuge Liang is strict and never soft on Zhuge Qiao. Once Zhuge Qiao was a little slack in the court and was scolded by Zhuge Liang, which made Zhuge Qiao so ashamed that he kowtowed again and again to make amends.

Zhuge Liang's real successor has been carefully cultivated for 20 years, and if he does not die early, he will save Shu Han

Zhuge Qiao has been rolling in the army since he was a child, and has repeatedly followed Zhuge Liang to fight on the battlefield. Zhuge Liang regards him as the pearl in his palm, and every time he goes out with the army, Zhuge Qiao is by his side to assist, never leaving the left and right. Zhuge Qiao has a lot of prestige in the army, and has repeatedly suggested that Zhuge Liang adjust his military strategy. Zhuge Liang valued Zhuge Qiaoqi and regarded him as the most powerful member of his staff.

In Zhuge Liang's dying years, Zhuge Qiao was already the captain of the current dynasty, and he had already made a baby kiss with Liu Chan's daughter. It can be seen how much Zhuge Liang attaches importance to Zhuge Qiao. It's a pity that when Zhuge Liang wrote the "Book of Commandments" on his deathbed, he did not leave this treasure book to Zhuge Qiao, but to his own son Zhuge Zhan. At that time, Zhuge Zhan was still in infancy, and Zhuge Liang could not judge whether he could take over power in the future. And Zhuge Qiao is the confidant and favorite general he cultivated single-handedly, and he is known for his extraordinary talents, so he should be the best successor in Zhuge Liang's mind back then.

2. Zhuge Qiao entered the inner court of the Shu Han Dynasty and was highly valued

During Zhuge Liang's reign, he made several northern expeditions, and was defeated again and again, but returned in vain. Every time he returned, he summoned Zhuge Qiao into the tent to analyze the battle situation with him and study countermeasures. Zhuge Qiao was meticulous and could always put forward pertinent opinions, which was appreciated by Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang's importance to Zhuge Qiao is not only in the army, but also in the court. When Zhuge Qiao was just adopted by Zhuge Liang from his uncle Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang gave him a false title, Captain of the Horse. This official position was not a real position at the time, but more like an honorable title.

The position of Captain of the Horse was originally set up for the children of the royal family and the children and grandchildren of the powerful families. Those who can get this position are all famous people. Zhuge Liang gave Zhuge Qiao this title, and his intention was obvious, that is, he hoped to make Zhuge Qiao a prince and officially marry the royal family.

Sure enough, not long after Zhuge Qiao was appointed as the commander of the horse, he became in-laws with Liu Chan's eldest daughter. Although it was only a child's year at that time, this doll family laid the foundation for Zhuge Qiao's status in the court. Liu Chan also attaches great importance to Zhuge Qiao and regards him as his own.

After Zhuge Liang died, Liu Chan left Zhuge Qiao by his side to do things together, and his status was second only to Prime Minister Jiang Wei. Zhuge Qiao was in power in the court for a while, and together with the former ministers, he had to give him a little thin face. Although Zhuge Qiao is an adopted son, he is far more valued and expected than Zhuge Liang's biological son Zhuge Zhan.

When Zhuge Liang was alive, Zhuge Qiao followed him and fought on the battlefield. Zhuge Liang not only taught him military wisdom without reservation, but also often sent him to supervise the battle. Zhuge Qiao has experienced a hundred battles and has repeatedly performed miraculous feats, and has won Zhuge Liang's appreciation.

Zhuge Liang's real successor has been carefully cultivated for 20 years, and if he does not die early, he will save Shu Han

One year, Zhuge Liang led an expedition and needed a large amount of military food reserves along the way. Zhuge Qiao traveled thousands of miles to follow the lord, but he was assigned to the most difficult grain transportation line. Under the scorching sun, Zhuge Qiao was no different from the rough soldiers, sweating and tired. Seeing this, someone asked Zhuge Liang why he even called his own disciples. Zhuge Liang said that this is a good opportunity to test Zhuge Qiao.

After this battle, Zhuge Qiao's prestige in the army increased greatly. Later, when Zhuge Liang was in the field, Zhuge Qiao was often sent to lead the troops to charge into battle. At every critical juncture, Zhuge Liang would summon Zhuge Qiao into the camp to discuss military aircraft with him. Zhuge Liang made several Northern Expeditions, and Zhuge Qiao was absent once, which shows how much Zhuge Liang values him.

Zhuge Qiao is not only skilled in military affairs, but also Zhuge Liang's favorite general in civil and government affairs. Zhuge Liang often left Zhuge Qiao by his side to serve and teach the way of government and government. Zhuge Qiao is tireless, diligent and hard-working, and quite promising. Whenever there is a major national event, Zhuge Liang always has to discuss with Zhuge Qiao first and listen to his opinions.

Zhuge Liang appreciated Zhuge Qiao's talent, not only gave him a lofty status and title, but also cultivated him in every way. It's a pity that the master-apprentice relationship between the two can't be continued after all, because fate always plays tricks on people.

3. died young, and the fortunes of the Shu Han family were about to end

After Zhuge Liang passed away, although the military affairs of the Shu Han Dynasty were handed over to Jiang Wei, Liu Chan's importance to Zhuge Qiao far exceeded Jiang Wei's. Zhuge Qiao's title and military power are increasing day by day, and he is already a leader in the Shu Han dynasty. However, fate was ruthless, and just when Zhuge Qiao was highly expected to inherit the great cause of Shu Han, a sudden illness took his life.

Since Zhuge Liang's death, Shu Han has placed high hopes on Zhuge Qiao, expecting him to be like Zhuge Liang back then, commanding well and strategizing. Liu Chan paid more attention to Zhuge Qiao, and often called him into the palace to discuss military plans. Although Jiang Wei commanded the Sixth Army, Zhuge Qiao also had real power.

One year, there was a blazing battle report from the front. Jiang Wei tried his best to block the invasion of the Wei army, and encountered snipers with them in the Hanzhong area. The two sides went back and forth in the steep mountains, and the fighting raged for months. Suddenly, one day, Jiang Wei won a great victory and won countless heads of the Wei army. However, what is shocking is that at this time, Zhuge Qiao was seriously ill and dying.

When the news came, the Shu court was in chaos. Zhuge Qiao is only a deputy general, but his status is not trivial. At that time, Zhuge Liang regarded it as a pearl in his palm, cultivated it himself, taught astronomy and geography, and taught him a wonderful strategy for military books. Zhuge Liang not only attached importance to Zhuge Qiao's military status, but also entrusted him with the future of the rise and fall of Shu Han. Now Zhuge Qiao is critically ill, which makes the civil and military forces cut it.

Zhuge Liang's real successor has been carefully cultivated for 20 years, and if he does not die early, he will save Shu Han

Liu Chan was shocked when he heard the news, and immediately sent an edict to recruit doctors from all over the world to come for treatment. A few months later, Zhuge Qiao finally died of a serious illness. Liu Chan personally was ashamed of the lord and posthumously praised the "Loyal Martyr King" to praise his loyalty and courage throughout his life. Shu Han mourned and lamented that Zhuge Liang had no suitable successor.

Before and after Zhuge Qiao's death, Shu Han was heartbroken. Jiang Wei used a knife and gun on the battlefield to avenge Zhuge Qiao and break the Wei army, but he could not hide his disappointment. This rupture was undoubtedly a huge blow to Shu Han, and the incompetence of the family and country shocked the world.

Zhuge Liang has devoted more than 20 years of hard work to cultivating Zhuge Qiao, and has meticulously taught him what he has learned. However, Zhuge Qiao died young, unable to continue the foundation of Shu Han, and the talents of the pillars cultivated by Zhuge Liang died, and the turning point of Shu Han from prosperity to decline began.

If Zhuge Qiao had not died young, perhaps Shu Han's fate would have been completely different. With Zhuge Liang cultivating for many years, Zhuge Qiao's resourcefulness is very accessible. Liu Chan also held him in great esteem, giving him a lofty title and important military power. If he had not died of illness, Zhuge Qiao would have become the supreme commander of Shu Han, replacing Jiang Wei to pacify Cao Wei, and then compete with Eastern Wu.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis. In fact, after Zhuge Qiao's early death, Shu Han soon went into decline. Jiang Wei failed to stop Cao Wei's iron cavalry from moving south, and was finally destroyed by Cao Wei. The power of the former Three Kingdoms is also known. And Zhuge Qiao, the successor cultivated by Zhuge Liang, has become a good story in the vicissitudes of Shu Han.

Fourth. Zhuge Liangtuo is lonely in Zhuge Zhan and does it intentionally

Although Zhuge Liang regarded Zhuge Qiao as his successor, cultivated in every possible way, and added great importance to it, when he wrote the "Book of Commandments" before his death, he left this masterpiece to his own son Zhuge Zhan. What is the purpose?

Zhuge Zhan is Zhuge Liang's kinsman, and his biological mother is Zhuge Liang's wife Huang Yueying. However, when Zhuge Zhan was born, Zhuge Liang was over half a hundred years old, and Huang Yueying was also an elderly mother. When Zhuge Zhan fell to the ground, Zhuge Liang was in the decline of Shu Han's national strength, busy with the Northern Expedition, and the army was tired, so he had no time to be distracted and take care of it. Therefore, Zhuge Zhan was raised by his mother Huang Yueying since he was a child.

Zhuge Liang is a good wife and mother, and takes care of the family. However, Huang Yueying is just a boudoir girl after all, and it is inevitable that her knowledge is limited, and she has not been able to invite mentors and helpful friends for Zhuge Zhan. Zhuge Zhan has not received systematic education since he was a child, let alone practicing martial arts and reading. It wasn't until he was six or seven years old that Zhuge Liang noticed this regret, so he took Zhuge Zhan to his side and personally taught him the art of literature and ink.

Zhuge Liang's real successor has been carefully cultivated for 20 years, and if he does not die early, he will save Shu Han

Zhuge Zhan is simple by nature, but it is inevitably mediocre. Zhuge Liang knew that his son's qualifications could not be compared with his protégé Zhuge Qiao after all, and his talent and martial arts were much inferior. Despite this, Zhuge Liang still tirelessly taught Zhuge Zhan, hoping to entrust the great cause of Shu Han to him.

One year, Zhuge Liang suddenly summoned Zhuge Qiao to the camp to discuss the military. At that time, Zhuge Liang was leading the army to fight against Wei, and the battle situation ahead was stalemate. Zhuge Qiao immediately visited his military advisor's father, looking forward to advice. However, Zhuge Liang did not ask Zhuge Qiao for advice on the art of war this time, but only said to him: "I have entrusted the rise and fall of Shu Han to Zhan'er, you must assist him, and you must not lose." "

Zhuge Qiao was shocked when he heard this, thinking that Zhuge Zhan was still young and inexperienced, how could he take on this heavy responsibility? However, as an adopted son protégé, Zhuge Qiao had to shyly agree. Since then, Zhuge Qiao has spared no effort to teach Zhuge Zhan the way of military service, tirelessly.

Once, when Zhuge Liang was about to die, he summoned his relatives and friends to the bedside and asked for Zhuge Zhanzhong's uncle. Zhuge Liang instructed Zhuge Qiao and others to do their best to assist Zhuge Zhan in order to continue the foundation of Shu Han. After Zhuge Liang said that, he handed Zhuge Zhan the hadith "Book of Commandments" and told him to remember the gist of it and cherish it. After Zhuge Liang died, Zhuge Qiao and others embraced Zhuge Zhan in the center and supported him to take charge of the political and military power of the Shu Han State.

It is true that Zhuge Liang regarded Zhuge Qiao as the pearl of his palm, and he taught him personally, taking care of everything. But when he was dying, Zhuge Liang decided to entrust the great cause to Zhuge Zhan, and the reason was only known to Zhuge Liang himself. Maybe it's because of the maternal bloodline, maybe it's pity for the flesh and blood of the family, or maybe it's because I believe that Zhuge Qiao can assist in a good way. But in any case, Zhuge Liang undoubtedly has high hopes for Zhuge Zhan.

However, Shu Han eventually fell due to the young and incompetent rulers. Zhuge Zhan is still young, and it is inevitable that he lacks knowledge. Despite the assistance of Zhuge Qiao and other advisers, Shu Han still could not escape the fate of destruction. Zhuge Liang's strength has disappeared, and Cao Wei's army is unstoppable. In the end, Shu Han was defeated and destroyed by Cao Wei.

5. Zhuge Zhan's teacher disobeyed, and finally died of frustration

After Zhuge Liang's death, Zhuge Qiao was supposed to succeed as an assistant to support Zhuge Zhan, but he was overlooked. In the end, Zhuge Zhan failed to be ashamed, Shu Han was in trouble, and the hard work of the father, son, master and apprentice was in vain.

Before Zhuge Liang died, he specially instructed Zhuge Qiao and others to assist Zhuge Zhan wholeheartedly. But Zhuge Qiao did not do his best for his teacher's deathbed entrustment. Although he tried his best to guide Zhuge Zhan militarily, he did not bother much in national affairs. Zhuge Qiao was originally Zhuge Liang's successor, and Zhuge Liang was extremely important to him. But he finally failed to understand Zhuge Liang's heartfelt words.

Zhuge Liang's real successor has been carefully cultivated for 20 years, and if he does not die early, he will save Shu Han

One year, not long after Zhuge Zhangang succeeded to the throne, he encountered a major national disaster. Cao Wei's army suddenly came in from all directions, intending to eliminate Shu Han in one fell swoop. Zhuge Qiao was already the military advisor beside Zhuge Zhan at this time, and when he saw this, he hurriedly asked to go out to meet the battle. But Zhuge Zhan hesitated and hesitated to make up his mind. Zhuge Qiao tried his best to persuade him, but Zhuge Zhan was always hesitant.

It was delayed again and again, and when the backyard of Shu Han had been attacked by the Cao army, Zhuge Zhan decided to go on the expedition. So the Shu Han army went on an expedition, but because the opportunity had been lost, the situation was critical, and it was defeated one after another. Although Zhuge Qiao tried every possible way to reverse the situation, Zhuge Zhan was unmatched, obsessed, and did not listen to dissuasion. In the end, Shu Han was defeated without a fight and was wiped out by Cao's army in one fell swoop.

Zhuge Qiao suddenly realized that Zhuge Zhan was incapable of inheriting the foundation of Shu Han, how could he have helped him wholeheartedly? If you obey Zhuge Liang's instructions from the beginning, you will have the best of both worlds. However, the matter has come to this, Zhuge Qiao can only regret it for the rest of his life.

After the fall of Shu Han, Zhuge Zhan was captured and eventually committed suicide in prison. Although Zhuge Qiao's life was unharmed, he had already existed in name only. Once upon a time, he was the pearl of Zhuge Liang's palm and was highly valued. However, because he deviated from his teacher's dying instructions and neglected to assist the new master of Shu Han, he eventually lost his great cause.

What's even more distressing is that Zhuge Qiao undoubtedly got all the true biography of Zhuge Liang during his lifetime. However, because of his shortcomings, he failed to live up to the ardent expectations of his teacher, which led to the final destruction of Shu Han. If Zhuge Qiao can wholeheartedly assist Zhuge Zhan, Shu Han may still have a glimmer of life. But fate makes people come to an empty story.

Once, when Zhuge Qiao was dying, he sighed to the people around him: "Before his death, the teacher entrusted the great cause to Zhan'er, and told us to assist with all our hearts." However, I was self-righteous and neglected to teach the country's political and military strategies, so that Shu Han could only go to extinction. Now that I think about it, I'm still sorry for my teacher's hard work. "


Zhuge Liang supported Shu Han all his life, and he began to succeed when he was old. However, he failed to cultivate a descendant disciple who could take over the great cause, and in the end his success fell short. And although Zhuge Qiao was Zhuge Liang's protégé who regarded him as the pearl of his palm, he also caused Shu Han to fall because of his sloppiness in treating his teacher's dying instructions. Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Qiao's hard work was not only in vain, but in the end, even the Shu Han Kingdom Zuo was destroyed, which was really a tragic ending.