
Lei Jun joined the Douyin fan group, and the comment area of late night laughter was exposed! It turns out that he is also a joker?

author:Versatile ship

Everyone knows that Lei Jun is the founder of Xiaomi, and he has always given people a stable and cold image. However, recently Lei Jun revealed his funny story in the Douyin fan group, which made me laugh out loud. And what made me even happier was in the comment area, and those wonderful replies made me laugh so much that I couldn't stop laughing.

Lei Jun joined the Douyin fan group, and the comment area of late night laughter was exposed! It turns out that he is also a joker?


Lei Jun also "fell" The magic of Douyin cannot be underestimated

As one of the giants of China's technology industry, Lei Jun usually shows us a kind of domineering and wisdom. But recently, he insisted in a Douyin fan group that he was not on Douyin, but he was screenshotted by his friends and laughed all over the audience.

Who would have thought that Lei Jun would also be deeply involved in the magic of Douyin? This scene can't help but sigh to me, it turns out that even Mr. Lei can't escape the attraction of this popular short video platform.

Lei Jun joined the Douyin fan group, and the comment area of late night laughter was exposed! It turns out that he is also a joker?

Hilarious in the comment area This is the essence of interaction

Although Lei Jun was exposed, I found out that the more interesting part was actually in the comment area. Dou friends left messages one after another, and the strange replies made me laugh out loud.

Someone ridiculed Lei Jun and said: "Mr. Lei, although you don't know how to use Douyin, your Xiaomi makes us shake every day!" This reply made me suddenly realize, what a witty statement!

Another person said: "Mr. Lei, you may not have a soul in Douyin, but your Xiaomi mobile phone can light up our lives." This sentence not only grasps Lei Jun's weakness, but also reflects the important position of Xiaomi mobile phones in the hearts of users.

Smiling constantly and fun

In addition to the above replies, there are many more hilarious comments.

Someone ridiculed Lei Jun and said: "Mr. Lei has found a place where the new traffic star is lurking, please go to the volcano video to play in the future!" Such a humorous joke made me laugh.

Someone also humorously said: "Mr. Lei, you are really a 'thunder' person news when you dive on Douyin!" This reply is both interesting and shows respect for Lei Jun.

Lei Jun joined the Douyin fan group, and the comment area of late night laughter was exposed! It turns out that he is also a joker?

The warmth of the cute Lei Jun interaction with fans

This incident made me see a different Lei Jun, who interacted with the fans in an approachable manner and showed a cute side.

Whether it was Lei Jun's self-exposure or the humorous reply in the comment area, it made me laugh. This experience brought me joy and relaxation, and also made me like Lei Jun even more as a funny and intelligent entrepreneur.

Lei Jun joined the Douyin fan group, and the comment area of late night laughter was exposed! It turns out that he is also a joker?

Hilarious moments, we need it too

In the fast-paced life, the joy that a hilarious moment brings us is immeasurable. Just like Lei Jun's self-exposed interesting story of diving in the Douyin fan base, let us relax in our busy work and laugh at life.

So, you might as well pay attention to some funny topics and make yourself laugh out loud! Not only can it release stress, but it can also add joy to life.

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