
The 60-year-old uncle and the 54-year-old aunt went on an outing, forcibly had sex with them after taking medicine, and finally died suddenly in the grass

author:Wansheng Gemdale


In a person's life, emotional companionship and care are always irreplaceable existences. Especially in old age, when children are getting busy, the partner in life becomes the most important companion for the elderly. However, some people in the process of pursuing affection, because of the impulse and pleasure of the moment, eventually led to irreparable tragedy.

Recently, a real case from Jiangsu has attracted widespread attention in the society, a pair of elderly people because of an outing and a tragedy, originally thought to be a sweet time together, but eventually evolved into a court dispute. Behind this case, it not only reflects people's blindness and impulsiveness on emotional issues, but also makes society rethink the issue of life in old age and care for the elderly.

The 60-year-old uncle and the 54-year-old aunt went on an outing, forcibly had sex with them after taking medicine, and finally died suddenly in the grass

1. Sweet time together

The elderly also need emotional companionship, which is determined by human nature. In the bits and pieces of life, they may have gradually become accustomed to loneliness, but when someone knows how to accompany and care for them, the deep desire in their hearts will be quietly touched.

Just recently, an embarrassing tragedy occurred in a small county town in Jiangsu, where a pair of elderly people were involved in an irreparable tragedy because of an outing. It is understood that the elderly are called Uncle Sun and Aunt Wang, both of whom were originally members of the same dance troupe and formed a deep friendship through common interests and hobbies.

And it was at this dance that Uncle Sun and Aunt Wang met because of a melodious music, and from that moment on, their relationship quietly underwent subtle changes. Uncle Sun took the initiative to invite Aunt Wang to go on an outing together, and Aunt Wang also gladly accepted the invitation, after all, in her heart, she already had a special emotion for Uncle Sun.

During the outing, the two got along very happily, they enjoyed flowers together, drank tea, and even went to experience some exciting amusement projects together. In Aunt Wang's view, such a life is true happiness, and with Uncle Sun's company, her life has become indescribably happy and meaningful.

The 60-year-old uncle and the 54-year-old aunt went on an outing, forcibly had sex with them after taking medicine, and finally died suddenly in the grass

2. Unexpected tragedy

However, in the midst of the seemingly sweet time together, an unexpected tragedy occurred. According to Aunt Wang's description, when they were on an outing, Uncle Sun actually made some inappropriate moves towards her, he tried to force Aunt Wang to do something that she couldn't accept, and such an unexpected situation also made Aunt Wang feel very shocked and frightened.

Perhaps stimulated by the accident, Aunt Wang's emotions fell into great fluctuations, she deeply regretted it, and began to have some hesitation and worries about this relationship. And just when her emotions had not completely calmed down, Uncle Sun died suddenly in the woods during an outing, and the results of the police investigation were even more unbelievable.

It turned out that a certain amount of stimulant was detected in Uncle Sun's body, which also means that his death was not an accident, but some unimaginable secrets hidden behind it. In such a situation, Aunt Wang has also become the main object of the police investigation, and she is suspected by the outside world, which is also considered to be the direct cause of Uncle Sun's death.

The 60-year-old uncle and the 54-year-old aunt went on an outing, forcibly had sex with them after taking medicine, and finally died suddenly in the grass

3. Tragic disputes

As the case deepened, Aunt Wang was also involved in a tragic court dispute. At the trial, Aunt Wang said that she did not know about it, nor did she do any harm to Uncle Sun, and her heart was also full of guilt and sadness for Uncle Sun.

After multiple investigations and trials by the court, the final verdict was a bit surprising, the court believed that Uncle Sun's death was not caused by others, but that he took the initiative to take stimulants during an outing, and Aunt Wang should also bear some secondary responsibility for this.

The final verdict was that Aunt Wang needed to bear the liability of 130,000 yuan, and the whole incident ended under such a verdict. For such a result, public opinion in the outside world has also generated a lot of controversy, some people feel that the verdict is unfair, and some people have questioned and speculated about Aunt Wang's behavior.

4. Reflection and warning

The occurrence of this case has undoubtedly given a profound reflection and warning to the society, especially on the issues of life in old age and care for the elderly. First of all, as the younger generation, we should know how to respect and understand the inner world of the elderly, who need more care and companionship in their old age, and such companionship also comes from our sincere heart.

At the same time, the development of feelings and getting along should be based on respect and understanding, no matter what the reason, you should not hurt others, nor should you make some irreparable decisions because of impulsiveness.

In addition, the society should also pay attention to the mental health of the elderly, timely care and companionship can make them have a more positive attitude towards life, and can also stay away from some negative emotions and behaviors.

Finally, everyone should know how to think rationally when pursuing their own happiness, and not let momentary pleasures blind them, and do not make some wrong decisions because of the impulse.

Among family members, it is more important to strengthen communication and understanding, face the difficulties and challenges in life together, and avoid some misunderstandings and speculations, which eventually lead to irreparable tragedies.

No matter what age we are, we should know how to love and be loved, face all kinds of life with a rational and tolerant attitude, and believe that in the company of love, no matter what age, we can have true happiness and joy.