
Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

author:Sister Gao commented

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Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Text/Sister Gao commented

Editor/Sister Gao commented

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

The impermanence of life often seems particularly heavy when a friend dies. When the news of the death of the famous film and television director Li Meng came out, his friend Li Yugang posted a message of condolences on social media, revealing his attachment to this deep friendship.

Li Meng and Li Yugang, this pair of "gold medal partners" can be described as a golden boy and girl in the art world. Li Yugang used music to express countless moving emotions for the audience, while Li Meng's film and television masterpieces added dazzling brilliance to Chinese culture. Whether it is the TV series "Hello, Li Huanying" directed by Li Yugang, or the movie "My Motherland and Me" directed by Li Meng, the audience has experienced the power of art in laughter and tears.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Faced with the death of his old friend, Li Yugang left an inner monologue in the circle of friends: "People go to tea and cool, and the world is impermanent." These eight words describe the fragility and uncertainty of life. Yes, no one can avoid birth, old age, sickness and death, and we are just coming to this world to catch up with gorgeous dramas. But it is precisely because life is short that we should cherish the present and treat every friendship around us with our hearts.

Friendship is valuable because it transcends life and death. Although Li Meng left, the brotherhood between him and Li Yugang is forever engraved in everyone's hearts. From Li Yugang's words, readers can feel that a person still maintains a broad and tolerant attitude in the midst of sadness, and this open-minded wisdom of life stems from the deep friendship between the two people.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Some people say that a true artist deduces the meaning of life with his life. This is the case with Li Meng and Li Yugang, who have nourished the hearts of countless people with their art. If you have watched "Hello, Li Huanying", you will definitely be attracted by the vivid and interesting characters in it. The play is full of praise for ordinary life, showing Li Yugang's deep concern and endless love for the people at the bottom.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Li Meng's masterpiece "My Motherland and Me" makes us feel more of the supreme glory of being Chinese while being happy. The film presents the ups and downs of New China in the past 70 years, and uses a wonderful plot to show the spiritual outlook of ordinary people at key historical moments. Have you ever been struck by the sentence in the movie "For the motherland, it's worth it!" Shocking slogans? This is exactly the positive energy that the film wants to convey to the audience.

Therefore, the death of Li Meng and Li Yugang is not only the departure of an individual, but also the loss of two outstanding artists for the whole society. Their artistic footprints have left a lasting mark on the land and will continue to inspire future generations to continue to strive for excellence.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Some people may wonder, why do you want to talk about the achievements of the work when it is obviously a mourning article? Because it is the work that gives the artist the meaning of life. In the face of death, they did not bow to fate, but used their talents to write a chapter of life. A famous person once said, "Life is limited, art knows no bounds." The human body will fade, but the power of the spirit will never be extinguished.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Li Meng and Li Yugang used their artworks to turn life into an eternal torch and illuminate the hearts of countless people. This light will transcend the boundaries of language and culture and affect the entire process of human civilization. We love them precisely because they give the world the supreme hope and strength to inspire us to live a wonderful life in the face of adversity.

"Knowledge will be forgotten, wisdom will be lost, but the moving will last forever". This sentence comes from the mouth of the French thinker Victor Hugo, which expresses the highest pursuit and value of the artist. There is nothing like touching others to prove the meaning of one's life. And Li Meng and Li Yugang have undoubtedly reached this level and achieved the immortality of an artist.

But they are gone, and the sun of life leaves forever, leaving only darkness and shadow. How do we deal with this irreparable flaw and emptiness? Maybe Li Yugang's words in the circle of friends can give us some inspiration.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Li Yugang wrote in the circle of friends: "Li Meng's death is the end of a journey and the beginning of a memory. He is out of our sight, but he remains in our memories forever. This sentence conveys a sense of relief and encouragement. Yes, life and death are fateful, and after the blow of the death of a loved one, we should not be overly immersed in grief, but should move on.

After all, the meaning of life is not only about survival, but also about the process of continuous pursuit and moving forward. Li Meng and Li Yugang were once active in the art world, and now although their voices and smiles are gone, their spirit will always remain in their works, and they continue to inspire future generations to light up the fire of life with art.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

Each of us is a "traveler" who travels the road of life. When someone leaves temporarily, he leaves behind not only a vacancy, but also countless spiritual wealth. We must learn to cherish what we have, treat our relatives and friends with gratitude, and care for the weak with empathy. Because no one can stay in this world forever, the real wealth we have is those friendships and memories in life.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

It is based on this understanding that Li Yugang can bid farewell to his best friend with such a positive attitude. He mourned: "In the face of grief, we remember together and move forward together. I hope we can all be like me, even in the moment of loss, do not forget to be grateful for life, cherish fate, and embrace every hard-won warmth and beauty with a broader mind. "

These words are like an empowerment, awakening each of us to the awe and cherishing of life. Although Li Meng has passed away, through Li Yugang's mourning, he seems to be by our side, teaching us how to face adversity with a more positive and optimistic attitude with a generous mind. Since you can't stop death from coming, live with gratitude, praise life with a gesture of effort, and turn this spirit into strength to pass on to those around you.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

We can't control the length of our lives, but we can grasp the moment of the moment. As Li Yugang said: "We can't blame ourselves for the past, we can't worry about the unknown future, only by grasping the present, treating every friendship sincerely, cherishing every memory, and living every day, can we make life meaningful." This is exactly what he realized from Li Meng the true meaning of life.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

It is true that the stage of our life is short and limited, but it is precisely because of the limited that we will cherish it extraordinarily. In the waltz of life, everyone is a performer, and we must use our most sincere posture to interpret our role well. Li Meng and Li Yugang did exactly that, they burned the fire of their lives to the fullest, and brought unprecedented artistic experience to the world.

When we miss Li Meng, we also thank Li Yugang for leaving such precious words for his friend. These words are like a ray of sunshine, warming everyone's love and respect for life, reminding us that there is still hope and strength to move forward in the face of adversity.

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

"Life is short, but art is eternal. On this seemingly endless road, let us go further hand in hand, in our own way, to pay tribute to those who have given us inspiration and courage, and to create more heart-warming works of art together, as a way to commemorate the deep friendship between us that transcends life and death. "

Li Yugang posted a post at 4 o'clock in the morning announcing the bad news, and everyone expressed their condolences, netizens went all the way!

In the face of Li Meng's passing, we feel the grief brought about by death, and we also understand the preciousness of friendship and the significance of art to life. This understanding was not achieved overnight, but through Li Yugang's remembrance of his old friend, we slowly comprehended and realized, and gained inner peace and strength in the process.

Li Meng is gone as a generation of art masters, but his spirit will always inspire future generations to continue to pursue excellence and write a glorious chapter of life with art. We should be saddened by his passing, but we should also be extremely proud and proud of the artistic treasures he left behind. No one can be immortal, but as long as you treat life with sincerity, everyone can walk out of their own wonderful. Let's continue to move forward with our sincere love for art and life, and use our unique way to remember and pay tribute to artists like Li Meng.

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