
Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

author:Wansheng Gemdale

The father-to-be's "emergency drill" is funny and touching


Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

Pregnancy is one of the happiest things a couple can do, and when a child is about to be born, the whole family is filled with anticipation and apprehension. In this special period, expectant mothers often become the "baby" of the family and are well cared for. And for fathers-to-be, what is their heart? Recently, the experience of a blogger resonated with everyone, when she was about to give birth, her husband actually pulled her to engage in an "emergency drill", a funny and touching scene that made people laugh.

Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

Nervousness before the "emergency drill".

Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

Pregnancy in October is also a period of "preparation" for expectant fathers. Recently, an expectant mother shared her interesting story on social platforms, she mentioned that the atmosphere at home has become a little "tense" recently, and the culprit who created the tense atmosphere is her husband.

Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

According to the blogger, in the days when she was about to give birth, her husband's mood changed very obviously, sometimes he would pretend to be very calm, talk about how to deal with "the day of production", and sometimes he would suddenly become very nervous, and even some "incoherent" situations.

Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

And what makes bloggers cry and laugh the most is that her husband gives herself an "emergency drill" from time to time. For example, he will suddenly pull the blogger to start "simulated production", and he will also "check the information" and read the "memo" on the side, the scene is very funny.

Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

The love behind the funny

Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?

In the face of her husband's "intimate" behavior, the blogger said that she couldn't cry or laugh, she knew that her husband was out of concern for the family and expectations for a new life, but every time she was "caught in an emergency drill", she still felt very speechless.

Not only that, the blogger also revealed that in her husband's "emergency drill", she often becomes a "background board", and her husband is a "director and actor", and from time to time he will give himself some "improvisational performances" to let her participate in it.

Although such an "emergency drill" made the blogger feel funny and helpless, thinking of her husband's serious face, she couldn't help but be moved by his love and feel relieved for her choice.

The changing role of the father

In fact, the performance of the blogger's husband is not an "outlier", on the contrary, when the pregnancy is about to give birth, expectant fathers often have a variety of reactions, some will choose to pretend to be calm, some will become nervous, and some will even have some "small situations" because of nervousness.

The reason behind it is nothing more than the importance they attach to their family and their expectation of a new life, and they are also expressing their care and love through various ways.

In many people's impressions, the father is often the "pillar" of the family, giving people a very "steady" and "mature" feeling, but when he is about to welcome his own child, he may become a little "silly" because of the panic and nervousness in his heart.

In fact, this is also the soft side of his heart, he is afraid that his "panic will bring trouble to his family, and he is also afraid that his performance will make his family worry, so he will choose to "pretend to be calm", or divert attention through some funny behavior, so that his family can feel a trace of happiness and warmth.

The meaning behind the "emergency drill".

In fact, her husband's "emergency drill" can also be regarded as an "expression of care". In his heart, he may feel that he still has a lot of shortcomings, and he doesn't know how to take care of and educate the child after he is born, so he will enhance his awareness of the role of fatherhood in this way, and he is also "ready" for the upcoming life.

Of course, behind it is also inseparable from his sense of responsibility to the family, he hopes that he can become a "backer" that his wife and children can rely on, so in this special period, he will be extremely nervous, and he will also pay special attention to some details.

In fact, there is another layer of meaning behind my father's "emergency drill", that is, a fear of the unknown. When the child is about to be born, he may feel frightened by all kinds of "unknowns", not knowing how he should face it, and not knowing how the life of the family will change.

But it is through this fear that he will cherish the happiness in front of him even more, and he will work harder to meet the upcoming challenges, because he knows that no matter what difficulties he encounters, his family will always be there for him.

The sublimation of feelings

And at such a moment, the relationship between husband and wife will also be sublimated to a certain extent. Maybe in daily life, they will have some contradictions because of some trivial matters, but when faced with such a happy moment, they will leave all the contradictions behind them and replace them with tacit understanding and tolerance for each other.

Perhaps, in the process of her husband's "emergency drill", he will be a little "in a hurry" because of some "accidents", but the blogger does not blame him, but chooses to tolerate and encourage, because she knows that this may be the true portrayal of her husband's heart, and it is also a deep concern for himself and his children.

When the blogger is about to give birth, her husband will also become extremely nervous, he will hold the blogger's hand, tell her some "should pay attention to" matters, and will silently cheer for her on the side, such companionship and encouragement have also become the biggest strength in the blogger's heart.

Laughing crazy! The amniotic water broke, and I forgot my wife at home in an excitement! Are men like that?


In fact, in family life, humor and warmth are the most important. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the husband's "emergency drill" behavior is very funny, but it is this kind of humor that makes the family full of happiness and warmth, and also makes the blogger feel the husband's full love.

Perhaps in the future life, whether it is for the growth of children or trivial matters of the family, they will become happier and more satisfied because of such tacit understanding and tolerance.

Happiness in life does not come from money and material, but from such companionship and care, when family members can tolerate and understand everything about each other, no matter what kind of wind and rain they encounter, they will become indestructible, and they will become happier and happier because of it.

I hope that all families can have such a "silly" father, who can use his humor to bring endless happiness and warmth to the family.