
College into a "nursing home for studying abroad"? Why do international students delay graduating?

author:A little U came today

Studying abroad was originally a valuable opportunity for many students to pursue knowledge and expand their horizons. However, in recent years, some universities have been nicknamed "nursing homes for studying abroad", why? Why are more and more international students delaying their graduation? Today, we're going to explore this topic and see what kind of secrets are hidden behind it.

**1. The "nursing home" phenomenon behind studying abroad**

With the advancement of globalization, studying abroad has become the choice of more and more young people. However, in this craze for studying abroad, a strange phenomenon has quietly emerged: some international students are studying at foreign universities at an unusually slow pace, and even fail to graduate for a long time. This phenomenon can't help but remind people of the leisure and comfort of "nursing homes", but in fact, the name of "nursing homes for studying abroad" has a strong irony.

College into a "nursing home for studying abroad"? Why do international students delay graduating?

**2. Three reasons why international students delay their graduation**

So, what is the reason why international students are unable to graduate? After investigation and analysis, we found the following three main reasons:

1. **Learning attitude problem**: Some international students lack self-discipline and independent learning ability abroad, rely too much on the help of teachers and classmates, and lack the ability to think independently and solve problems. They tend to indulge in activities such as socializing, traveling, and recreation, and neglect the importance of academics, resulting in lag in their learning progress.

2. **Lack of language ability**: Language is the cornerstone of international students' study and life abroad. However, some international students do not have the language skills to cope with the challenges of university courses. They may have difficulties in listening, speaking, reading, writing, etc., resulting in an inability to fully understand and absorb the course content, which in turn affects their academic progress.

3. **Improper course selection and planning**: Course selection and planning are very important links in the process of studying abroad. However, due to lack of experience or blindly following the trend, some international students choose courses or majors that are not suitable for them, which makes it more difficult to study and even cannot complete their studies on time. In addition, some international students are unclear about their future career plans, lack clear learning goals and motivation, and make it difficult for them to move forward in their studies.

College into a "nursing home for studying abroad"? Why do international students delay graduating?

**3. Break the dilemma of "nursing homes for studying abroad"**

Faced with the dilemma of international students not being able to graduate for a long time, how can we break the phenomenon of "nursing homes for studying abroad"? Here are some suggestions:

1. **Improve self-management ability**: International students should strengthen their self-management ability, arrange their study and living time reasonably, and cultivate their self-discipline and self-learning ability. At the same time, learn to think independently and solve problems, and reduce dependence on teachers and classmates.

2. **Strengthen language learning and practice**: International students should pay attention to language learning and practice, and actively participate in language courses, exchange activities and practical projects to improve their language skills. By communicating with local people, reading original English books, and writing papers, I will continue to improve my listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

3. **Reasonable planning of courses and career goals**: Before studying abroad, international students should fully understand and plan their interests and career goals. When choosing courses, you should choose the courses and majors that are suitable for you based on your actual situation and career planning. At the same time, we should pay attention to industry dynamics and future development trends, and be fully prepared for our future.

College into a "nursing home for studying abroad"? Why do international students delay graduating?

Studying abroad is a valuable experience that not only allows us to learn knowledge, but also allows us to expand our horizons and make friends. However, if we don't cherish this opportunity and take our studies and life seriously, then studying abroad may become an empty joy. Therefore, we should actively face the challenges and difficulties in studying abroad, strive to improve our abilities and qualities, and strive to graduate early and achieve our life goals.

College into a "nursing home for studying abroad"? Why do international students delay graduating?

At the same time, we should also realize that studying abroad is not an easy path. It requires strong faith, tenacious perseverance and unremitting efforts. Only in this way can we go further and further on the road of studying abroad and realize our dreams and pursuits.

Finally, I hope that all international students can cherish this opportunity, take their studies and life seriously, and strive to become a knowledgeable, capable and responsible person.

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