
Green years in the sun

author:Take a break in the flower fields

I like such days, stop and go, walking under the sun, and my heart becomes casual and transparent.

-Flower Materials-

Snow willow leaves / 6 sticks

Lace / 4 sticks

Yellow lilies / 4 sticks

Cinnabar leaves / 1 stick

Peony / 4 sticks

Boxwood leaves / 1 stick

Green years in the sun
Green years in the sun

Plant Name: Yellow Lily

Latin name: Lilium brownii var. viridulum

Aliases: Shandan, Inverted Immortal

Family: Lily family Lily genus

Flower Language: Great love

Green years in the sun

In order to facilitate everyone's choice of flowers and materials, the Flower Field Nap APP has a special fragrance grade map for everyone to learn more about the properties of plants during the learning process, so as to facilitate the selection of works in a more suitable space location for display.



Put the soaked flower puree in the flower vessel and cut off the edges and corners of the flower mud.

Green years in the sun


Insert yellow lilies into the flower mud, both high and low.

Green years in the sun


Continue to insert the peony in a triangular fashion, allowing it to stretch freely in all directions.

Green years in the sun


Snow willow leaves are inserted in the exposed parts of the flower mud to extend the space of the work.

Green years in the sun


The remaining snow willow leaves and vermilion leaves were successively added to the gaps in the works to enrich the works.

Green years in the sun


The sense of air should be retained between the flower materials to avoid squeezing and bloating.

Green years in the sun


Finally, boxwood leaves and lace are inserted into the work, and the work is completed. The yellow-green boxwood leaves echo the yellow lilies and green leaves in the work, and the flexible lace creates a natural atmosphere.

Green years in the sun
Green years in the sun

—Color matching of works—

-Creative Ideas-

Flower arrangement does not seek a variety, simple flowers and leaves, through composition, lines and changes, you can express the advocating nature, otherworldly artistic conception.

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