
How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

author:Dry-fried small flower fish said entertainment

1. The long-awaited TV series "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" has finally been unveiled under the watchful eye of the public, and since the start of this drama, the audience's response to this drama can be described as mixed, with praise and praise, and heated debates from different aesthetic angles.

There is a great trend of divergence of opinions.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

The highly anticipated TV series "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" has finally been grandly opened! A total of six episodes of the show were broadcast, and its popularity instantly climbed to the top of the list, and many viewers stayed up late to chase the drama, and their enthusiasm was high.

Judging from the design of the storyline, this costume masterpiece does have many commendable points, as the audience said: the wonderful martial arts scenes are as smooth as flowing clouds, which shows that the production team has put a lot of effort into the action direction.

In addition, the filming techniques of the production team are also very exquisite, and the picture is smooth and natural, which brings visual enjoyment.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

However, there are also some viewers who have a different opinion, and they believe that the work still has many shortcomings. The appearance of the leading actor Liu Shishi is undoubted, but her acting skills are slightly inferior, once again showing the characteristics of "end-style acting skills".

The audience expressed strong dissatisfaction with this and questioned whether it really met the standards of the popular Huadan.

Obviously, "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" has triggered a polarization of word-of-mouth after only one day of broadcasting, and this trend is likely to continue to intensify. On the one hand, there is high praise for the quality of the plot design and production, and on the other hand, there are doubts about the acting skills of the actors, and the two voices seem to form two opposing camps, not giving in to each other.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

In any case, judging from the storyline and actors' performances, the quality of the show is still worth affirming, especially its picture quality is closer to the movie-level texture. As the plot progresses layer by layer, the dramatic tension is gradually released, which makes people look forward to the follow-up wonderful interpretation.

2. The role of Ren Ruyi played by the protagonist Liu Shishi in this play can't help but be reminiscent of the glamorous image she created in the classic "Step by Step" many years ago.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

Now 36 years old, her beautiful and moving temperament is still unmatched.

When it comes to the goddess Liu Shishi, many people still can't forget her excellent performance in "Step by Step", and her beauty is difficult to describe in more precise words. In the opening scene of the new drama "Yi Nian Guan Mountain", Liu Shishi is wearing a red and white dress, exquisite makeup, and dancing with a smile, which is particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

And this scene undoubtedly makes people relive the good times of "Step by Step".

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

In fact, Liu Shishi's stunning appearance in the follow-up TV series such as "The Legend of the Female Doctor and Concubine Ming", "Angel's Happiness" and "The Golden Years" all made her super high appearance play a huge role in character building, making her image highly recognizable! Her delicate facial features are as vivid as sculptures, her bright eyes are like pearls, and every smile or frown exudes a unique temperament charm, which makes people look sideways!

Time flies, and now Liu Shishi has entered the 36-year-old stage of life, with a little less youthful girlishness, but a little more mature female charm. In the new drama "Ren Ruyi", the role she plays is even more suffocatingly beautiful and heroic.

When she first appeared, her eyes revealed a sense of agility and intelligence, and at many critical moments, Ren Ruyi's wit and scheming were undoubtedly revealed, her eyes sometimes revealed innocence, sometimes flashed cunning, and the two completely different states switched freely on her, which was breathtaking! .

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

It is worth mentioning that although Liu Shishi's appearance has been highly praised, among the many evaluations, no one has made any criticism of her appearance, which shows that her excellent bone appearance and temperament have long been widely recognized by the public.

Even without elaborate makeup, her angular features can still attract everyone's attention, and when she gently raises her eyebrows and stares at you with a smile on the corner of her mouth, it seems that she can instantly bring you into her world, which makes people yearn for it!

However, Chen Duling, the actor of Xiao Yan, another important role in "Ren Ruyi", although his appearance is also excellent, he has not been able to fully show the majesty and aura of this role under the too weak interpretation method.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

In contrast, Chen Duling's gentle and beautiful face and beautiful temperament are perfect when interpreting the role of Empress Xiao Yan, but when playing the scheming and ambitious queen, her performance seems to be a little thin, unable to make people deeply feel the inviolable majesty of the ruler.

According to the original setting, Xiao Yan is not only thoughtful and decisive, but also a very leader-style character. However, in Chen Duling's interpretation, the characteristics of this character have undergone a subtle change.

For example, in the beginning scene, in the face of the situation that hundreds of civil and military officials are preparing to elect a new master, although Xiao Yan appears in a majestic posture, she cannot suppress those rebels who are ready to move.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

However, despite her firm and solemn wording, she failed to show the proper kingly demeanor, on the contrary, mixed with a touch of weakness. When she heard the advice of others, she fell into a tangle for a short moment, her eyes were slightly confused, how could this panicked look interpret the awe-inspiring majesty of the queen? Obviously, at this moment, she seems to have lost the ability to control the current situation, and her expression is full of helplessness and contradiction.

I have to say that although Chen Turin has a unique advantage in appearance, the tearful atmosphere is impeccable in many roles. However, when she played the role of this ruthless, decisive and resolute queen, this temperament seemed a little inadequate.

Perhaps it is precisely because of her own temperament limitations that it is difficult for her to fully show the authority and domineering that this role should have.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

4. Looking back on Chen Duling's cameo roles in other costume dramas in recent years, her fresh and elegant appearance and unique temperament are unforgettable.

However, it is worth mentioning that Chen Turin's cameo performances in some other costume dramas this year have also left a deep impression on people. For example, in the TV series "West Out of the Jade Gate", although she played He Xiaoyu as an insignificant maid, her gentle and lovely and dusty image has successfully attracted the attention of many audiences.

Every time she appeared in front of the camera, she always lowered her head shyly, spoke words in a sweet voice, and behaved elegantly and decently, as if she was the daughter of a famous family.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

Even when doing some tedious work, she can still maintain a calm posture without the slightest vulgarity.

Just imagine, even such an inconspicuous supporting character can radiate a dazzling light.

Moreover, she played Mrs. Lan and Qiao Wanmian in the TV series "Cloud Feather" and "Lotus Tower" respectively, which showed her soft and extraordinary temperament to the fullest. Whenever we see her gently moving lotus steps, it is as pure and bright as the snow in March in spring; Or when you see her long black eyelashes hanging down, the light in her eyes is as clear and moving as the water of an autumn lake, and you will be overwhelmed by it.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

In these roles, Chen Turin fully shows her gentle and subtle, bright and touching side, which is unforgettable. Her appearance is undoubtedly very in line with the standards of traditional classical beauties, with beautiful and delicate facial features, fair and translucent skin, and a leisurely and elegant aristocratic temperament between her eyebrows.

Such excellent conditions are undoubtedly the biggest advantage for her.

5. Observing the film and television series of "Yi Nian Guan Mountain", it is regrettable to find that the temperament characteristics exuded by the acting skills of the protagonist Chen Duling are in stark contrast to the character setting of the protagonist Xiao Yan played by him, which makes some viewers deeply confused and doubtful.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

It's a pity that this originally gentle and beautiful temperament showed a sense of powerlessness when Chen Turin interpreted the role of Queen Xiao Yan in "Yi Nian Guan Mountain".

According to the original plot setting, Xiao Yan should show a ruthless, cruel, brave and resolute image, but this is not the case, she behaves meek and shy, which is very different from the character image Chen Duling's performance obviously deviates greatly from the character setting, which inevitably arouses some audiences' doubts about her performance.

For example, in one scene, when Xiao Yan learned that someone was trying to rebel, she should have been furious and quickly took decisive measures to deal with it. However, Chen Duling's performance showed a panicked face, slurred speech, and seemed at a loss.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

Her eyes were erratic, as if she had lost control of the current situation, and her whole person seemed helpless and hesitant, without the slightest hint of domineering.

The same situation happened in another scene, where Xiao Yan summoned hundreds of civil and military officials to discuss government affairs. According to common sense, she should show an incomparably majestic and arrogant momentum, but Chen Duling's performance is too gentle and weak, and even exudes a bit of pity and pity.

She looked around, her expression timid, her eyes lowered, and she looked confused, completely lacking the domineering that a king of a country should have.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

This originally gentle and beautiful temperament may be more suitable for depicting the role of some boudoir women or small family jasper, but when used to portray the image of a thoughtful and decisive queen, it seems incompetent and incompetent.

After watching it, many viewers said that it was a pity that such excellent resources were wasted! The huge difference between Chen Duling's temperament and the character setting has undoubtedly become a big regret in the hearts of the audience.

6. Summary at the end: Although the appearance and temperament of female actors have a certain degree of influence on the shaping of roles, in order to truly gain the recognition of the audience, solid acting skills are the most important supporting force.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

There is no doubt that as a work of visual art, the appearance of a female actor can indeed have a certain impact on the creation of the character, and a beautiful and moving face will undoubtedly add a lot of color to the character.

Taking Liu Shishi as an example, her unforgettable iconic facial features and impeccable temperament have undoubtedly left a deep and deep impression on the audience! These qualities make her more vivid and three-dimensional when she plays the role of Ren Ruyi, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

For example, Chen Duling's outstanding performance in the TV series "Yi Nian Guan Mountain", although she has a beautiful appearance, but because her temperament is slightly inconsistent with the character settings in the play, it will inevitably make some viewers wonder about it.

How important is an actress's looks? "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" Liu Shishi and Chen Duling, the gap is clear at a glance

Her gentle and elegant temperament may be more suitable for playing some gentle and kind characters, but it seems to be slightly insufficient to show the image of a domineering and decisive queen.

Therefore, it is becoming more and more obvious that actors are far from qualified for the role only by relying on their beautiful and moving appearances, and they also need to have a solid foundation and superb acting skills as a solid backing in order to perform the role to the fullest and win warm applause and unanimous praise from the audience.

Only by looking and acting go hand in hand, achieving the perfect balance between external charm and inner depth, can a character be shaped to life and make the work shine with dazzling brilliance.

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