
According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

author:Tech Starry Sky 7e2Q


According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

In recent years, with the rapid development of a new generation of information technology such as artificial intelligence and big data, higher requirements have been put forward for the chip industry. Globally, both developed and emerging economies regard the chip industry as a strategic pillar industry, and have introduced relevant policies to increase investment and support for the chip industry.

In this context, the competition between countries in the field of chips is becoming increasingly fierce, and recently, a policy adjustment on chips at home and abroad is particularly concerning, that is, domestic regulators require technology companies to reduce the purchase of foreign-made AI chips, especially Nvidia's products, and turn to domestic chips. This policy adjustment not only involves the national strategy and the factors of technological friction between China and the United States, but also may have a far-reaching impact on the global chip industry pattern and consumer market.

According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

1. Domestic technology giants reduce their purchases of Nvidia chips

According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

Recently, some media reported that due to the impact of domestic regulatory policies, a number of well-known domestic technology companies, including Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, etc., have begun to reduce their purchases of Nvidia's AI chips and choose domestic alternatives instead. As a world-renowned chip manufacturer, NVIDIA's products have always had a large market share in artificial intelligence, autonomous driving and other fields, and are favored by technology companies from all over the world.

The move of the domestic technology giant has undoubtedly brought a certain impact to the global chip industry, and has also aroused heated discussions among industry insiders and consumers. What is the reason why domestic tech giants reduce their purchases of Nvidia's AI chips?

1. National strategic orientation

First of all, the reduction of domestic technology giants' purchase of Nvidia chips is inseparable from the factors of national strategic guidance. With the country's in-depth layout in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data, and industrial Internet, the strategic awareness and strategic demand for the chip industry are also increasing.

Under the current international situation, especially in the context of Sino-US relations, the U.S. government has suppressed China's scientific and technological development and chip industry for a long time, and has introduced a series of restrictive measures, including restrictions on the supply of chips to Chinese technology companies and research institutions. In the face of the uncertainty and risks and challenges of the external environment, the mainland must accelerate the promotion of the independent and controllable chip strategy, achieve breakthroughs in core chip technologies, and improve the self-sufficiency of chips.

According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

Therefore, the state encourages and supports domestic technology companies to reduce their dependence on foreign chips and increase the procurement and application of domestic chips, which is also a strong response to the national chip strategy and is conducive to promoting the development and growth of the domestic chip industry.

2. Sino-US technical friction

Second, the reduction of domestic technology giants' purchases of Nvidia chips is inseparable from the background of the current Sino-US technology friction. As the technology and trade frictions between China and the United States intensify, the U.S. government often uses "national security" as an excuse to sanction and suppress China's high-tech enterprises and products, including artificial intelligence, chips and other frontier fields.

As a well-known chip company in the United States, NVIDIA's products are often controlled by the U.S. government, and once the relationship between China and the United States changes, NVIDIA's chip supply chain will also be affected to a certain extent, bringing certain uncertainty and risks to the production and operation of domestic technology companies.

Therefore, in such a situation, domestic technology giants reduce the purchase of NVIDIA chips and choose domestic alternatives, which is also to avoid external risks and ensure the sustainable development of enterprises, and it is also a powerful response to US unilateralism and technological bullying.

According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

3. Domestic chips are gradually maturing

In addition, the purchase of domestic chips by domestic technology giants is also closely related to the development and progress of domestic chips themselves. In recent years, as the state has increased its support in the field of chips, domestic chips have made great progress in technology research and development and industrial application, and have gradually realized the transformation from "followers" to "parallel runners".

Especially in the field of artificial intelligence chips, a number of domestic chip companies, including Cambrian and Ascend, have successively launched a series of high-performance, low-power artificial intelligence chip products, which have achieved good performance in application scenarios in various industries and have been well received by the market and customers.

At the same time, the degree of independent controllability and safety and reliability of domestic chips have also been further improved, and they have been able to meet the needs of chips in different fields at home and abroad, and have gradually won the favor and recognition of more customers.

Therefore, the choice of domestic alternatives is not an impulse, but the result of careful consideration, and it is also a full affirmation of the gradual maturity and excellent performance of domestic chips, which will help further stimulate the innovation vitality of the domestic chip industry and promote the high-quality development of the chip industry.

According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

2. The impact of policy adjustments on the global chip industry

It can be said that the deep significance and impact of this policy adjustment are not limited to the domestic market and the industry, but have global strategic significance and far-reaching impact, which will have an important impact on the global chip industry pattern and technological development process.

1. Change the global competitive landscape

First of all, this move by domestic technology giants will likely change the competitive landscape of the global chip industry. As an important participant in the global chip market, the Chinese market has huge demand potential and is also one of the important markets for global chip companies to compete for layout.

With the increase in the procurement and application of domestic chips, the demand and market share of domestic chips in the domestic market will inevitably further increase, which will also drive the development and growth of the entire industrial chain and form a virtuous circle of market ecology.

At the same time, the transformation of domestic technology giants will also have a certain demonstration and driving effect on the procurement decisions and industrial layout of other technology companies around the world, which may affect the supply and demand relationship and competition pattern of the global chip market, promote the diversified development of the global chip industry, and bring new opportunities and impetus for global scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

2. Promote cooperation in technological innovation

Secondly, it will build a broader cooperation platform for domestic technology enterprises and chip manufacturers, and promote domestic and foreign technological innovation and industrial cooperation to a higher level.

In the fields of artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and industrial Internet, domestic technology giants have always been an important force in technological innovation and application exploration, and chips, as the core driving force in these frontier fields, have a direct impact on the R&D and application of related products and solutions.

Therefore, this will provide more product verification and application scenarios for domestic chip manufacturers, help accelerate the application of domestic chips in various fields, and also provide more direct and timely technical feedback for domestic chip manufacturers, and stimulate their unlimited potential in key technology research and innovative applications.

At the same time, the cooperation and exchanges between domestic and foreign enterprises will also be more frequent and deeper, which will help absorb and integrate the world's leading scientific research resources and innovative ideas, jointly respond to technological challenges, carry out more extensive and in-depth technological innovation cooperation, and promote global scientific and technological development towards an open, inclusive, cooperative and win-win future.

3. Pay attention to the protection of consumer rights and interests

Of course, the policy adjustment and industrial transformation brought about by the shift of domestic technology giants to domestic procurement may affect the vital interests of consumers to a certain extent, and it is also necessary to attract great attention from all walks of life and relevant departments to strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and market supervision.

According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution

On the one hand, consumers may be affected by the performance and stability of the product when purchasing related products and services, and also have certain concerns and doubts, therefore, technology companies need to fully consider the actual needs and purchase experience of consumers when replacing chips and upgrading products, to ensure that the quality and performance of the product are not affected, and can also disclose relevant information to consumers in a timely manner through product descriptions and publicity, and do a good job of informing the product.

On the other hand, with the gradual substitution and application of domestic chips, some enterprises and products may have certain market adaptation and transformation pressure, and there may also be some malicious hype and unfair competition, which will bring certain confusion and interference to consumers' choices and purchases.

Therefore, the relevant departments need to strengthen market monitoring and access conditions management, standardize market order, crack down on all kinds of violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law, protect consumers' right to know and choose, and can also guide enterprises to compete in good faith by strengthening product quality sampling and certification audits, promote market diversification and healthy competition, and provide consumers with richer and better products and services.

According to the news, Tencent, Ali and other technology companies were asked to buy less Nvidia chips: switch to domestic substitution


It can be seen that as domestic technology giants turn to domestic chip procurement, the transformation and upgrading of related industries and markets will continue for a period of time, and some new challenges and problems may arise, which require the joint efforts of all parties to rationally look at and respond to these changes, and find their own positioning and development opportunities.

At the same time, we also hope that through such industrial transformation and policy adjustment, we can better stimulate the attention and support of the whole society for scientific and technological innovation and independent controllability, form a good development pattern led by the government, the main body of enterprises, market-oriented operation and multi-party participation, and make positive contributions to the independent and controllable chip industry in the mainland and global scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

Finally, it is hoped that consumers and all walks of life can pay attention to this policy adjustment, understand and support the country's strategic decision-making, and actively participate in the development of the chip industry and the great cause of scientific and technological innovation through their own practical actions, and share the dividends and achievements brought by scientific and technological development.

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