
Japan ignores international appeals, wantonly discharges pollution, Western double standards, advocates environmental justice, and calls for the protection of our homeland

author:Confident Joey

The Japanese government recently announced that it will begin discharging about 7,800 tons of filtered nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea on May 17. This is the latest in a series of emissions since 2023. It is reported that Japan plans to discharge about 500,000 tons of treated Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean within this year.

Japan ignores international appeals, wantonly discharges pollution, Western double standards, advocates environmental justice, and calls for the protection of our homeland

This move once again sparked an uproar at home and abroad, and netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction and indignation at the Japanese side's decision. Some netizens bluntly said: "The earth is our common home, and Japan really does not consider the feelings of other countries and nations by doing this, which will pollute our beautiful ocean." ”

Japan ignores international appeals, wantonly discharges pollution, Western double standards, advocates environmental justice, and calls for the protection of our homeland

In fact, there has been a great deal of controversy in Japan over the disposal of the nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima. Although the Japanese side claims that the nuclear-contaminated water discharged has undergone multiple treatments to meet international discharge standards, there are still some volatile radionuclides left in it, such as the Trinity, which poses a potential risk to the marine environment and biological resources.

Japan ignores international appeals, wantonly discharges pollution, Western double standards, advocates environmental justice, and calls for the protection of our homeland

Many governments and international organizations have expressed serious concerns to the Japanese side in this regard and asked it to reconsider the relevant decision. Regrettably, however, with the support of the United States, Japan has turned a blind eye to the calls of the international community and insisted on discharging the nuclear-contaminated water into the sea. This arrogant attitude undoubtedly once again exposes the Japanese government's contempt for international rules, and also reflects its narrow-minded approach of one-sidedly pursuing its own interests while turning a blind eye to global interests.

Japan ignores international appeals, wantonly discharges pollution, Western double standards, advocates environmental justice, and calls for the protection of our homeland

It has to be said that in the face of Japan's abuse of power, the international community's checks and balances mechanism will inevitably appear weak. On the other hand, the Chinese government has been working tirelessly to maintain sustainable regional and global environmental development. In the future, China should work with other relevant countries to increase pressure on Japan at the bilateral and multilateral levels, earnestly implement its international responsibilities and obligations, and safeguard the fundamental interests of all mankind.

Japan ignores international appeals, wantonly discharges pollution, Western double standards, advocates environmental justice, and calls for the protection of our homeland

At the same time, it is worth noting that in the face of major environmental problems, some Western countries often criticize China for "the east window incident, the west window incident", while the Japanese side selectively turns blind and deaf when it distributes nuclear-contaminated water directly into the sea, on which marine life depends. This kind of hypocrisy and double standards is nothing less than a kind of mockery and trampling on the so-called environmental justice and moral standards.

Japan ignores international appeals, wantonly discharges pollution, Western double standards, advocates environmental justice, and calls for the protection of our homeland

Undoubtedly, Japan's actions have once again exposed its inaction on global challenges and reflected the root cause of its shallowness and short-sightedness. As a responsible major country, China should continue to uphold true environmental ethics and the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, and work together with other countries to safeguard the homeland on which mankind depends.

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