
Faced with the question of the US moon landing, NASA finally responded!

author:Goshawk Encyclopedia
{"info":{"title":{"content":"面对美国登月的质疑,美国航天局终于回应了!","en":"Faced with the question of the US moon landing, NASA finally responded!"},"description":{"content":"引言对于喜爱星空和探索未知的我们来说,1969年阿波罗11号任务无疑是一个峰回路转的历史事件。它不仅代表了人类第一次踏上...","en":"Introduction For those of us who love the starry sky and explore the unknown, the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 is undoubtedly a historical event. Not only does it represent the first time that a human being has set foot on..."}},"items":[]}