
"Guo Youcai's explosion: not only the voice, but also the real emotions of a group"

author:Xiao Gong talks about sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"\"郭有才的爆火:不只是声音,更是触动了一个群体的真实情感\"","en":"\"Guo Youcai's explosion: not only the voice, but also the real emotions of a group\""},"description":{"content":"那一天,当郭有才的歌声在某音平台悄然迸发,唱遍大江南北,引发一股广泛的共鸣时,整个网络世界都为之震动。一个普通的农民工,...","en":"On that day, when Guo Youcai's singing quietly burst out on a certain music platform, singing all over the country, causing a wide resonance, the entire online world was shaken. An ordinary migrant worker,..."}},"items":[]}