
How did India do this, but the total length of roads is 600,000 kilometers higher than that of China, which is not very large?

author:Goshawk Encyclopedia
{"info":{"title":{"content":"印度面积并不大,公路总里程却高出中国60万公里,它怎么做到的?","en":"How did India do this, but the total length of roads is 600,000 kilometers higher than that of China, which is not very large?"},"description":{"content":"引言印度宣布其公路总里程已经“超越”了中国的消息,引发了网友不小的讨论。这个宣称的背后,其实不仅仅是数字游戏,还有国家发...","en":"IntroductionIndia's announcement that its total road mileage has \"surpassed\" that of China has sparked a lot of discussion among netizens. Behind this claim, in fact, it is not only the numbers game, but also the national development..."}},"items":[]}