
An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

In the corridor of the cancer hospital, a middle-aged man clasped the doctor's hand, his eyes full of gratitude. He was a patient with advanced lung cancer, but after a period of high-intensity exercise, his condition improved significantly. This story makes us wonder, what kind of exercise has such a miraculous anti-cancer effect?

An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!

High-intensity exercise, also known as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), is a type of training that alternates between high-intensity exercise and short breaks in a short period of time. This type of exercise can increase the heart rate and increase energy expenditure in a short period of time, so as to achieve multiple effects such as fat loss, muscle gain, and cardiopulmonary function. In recent years, studies have shown that HIIT may also be helpful in fighting cancer.

However, this does not mean that all cancer patients are suitable for high-intensity exercise. Everyone's physical condition and type of cancer is different, so be sure to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. At the same time, exercise is only a part of the fight against cancer, and it also needs to be combined with drug therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other methods to achieve the best treatment effect.

An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!

1. The indissoluble relationship between exercise and cancer

Exercise and cancer are inextricably linked

Do you know? Exercise not only makes our bodies healthier, but also helps us prevent and fight cancer. According to a study in the journal Cancer Research, high-intensity exercise can significantly reduce the risk of cancer metastasis. What does this mean? To put it simply, through exercise, we can change some of the environment in the body to make it difficult for cancer cells to metastasize in the body.

So, how does movement do this? Animal experiments have found that mice that insist on 8 weeks of high-intensity exercise have significantly improved carbohydrate metabolism, glycolysis and mitochondrial function. These alterations make it difficult for cancer cells to survive and metastasize in such an internal environment.

An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!

Therefore, exercise has a non-negligible role in preventing and fighting cancer. Let's move together and use the power of sports to protect our health!

2. The cancer prevention effect of early morning exercise

In recent years, more and more studies have shown that exercise has a significant effect on cancer prevention. Studies in humans have also found that people who exercise at high intensity have a 73% lower incidence of highly metastatic cancer. This means that through exercise, we can effectively reduce the risk of cancer.

In addition, the duration of exercise also has a direct impact on the effectiveness of cancer prevention. Studies have shown that early morning exercise has a significant effect on reducing the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in postmenopausal women. This may be because early morning exercise can boost blood circulation and improve the body's immunity, which can help us better fight cancer.

An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!

In conclusion, consistent exercise, especially early morning exercise, plays an important role in preventing cancer. Let's take action together to protect our health through sports.

3. Swimming – the best anti-cancer exercise

Swimming, as a moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercise, is a very beneficial form of exercise for cancer patients. First of all, swimming can effectively increase the body's oxygenation rate, accelerate blood circulation, and help the body to eliminate toxins and absorb nutrients. This is very important for cancer patients because their bodies need more oxygen and nutrients to fight the disease.

In addition, swimming can also help cancer patients relieve stress and improve their mood. Swimming in the water can make people feel relaxed and happy, which is a good psychotherapy for cancer patients. At the same time, swimming can also help cancer patients build muscle strength and improve body coordination, which is also very helpful for their recovery.

An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!

Overall, swimming is a great form of exercise for cancer patients. Not only does it help them improve their physical health, but it also helps them relieve stress, improve their mood, and build muscle strength. Therefore, cancer patients may wish to try swimming to add strength to their recovery.

4. Mechanism and practical suggestions of exercise against cancer

The mechanism of exercise to fight cancer includes increasing the body's metabolic rate, activating the immune system, and improving hormone balance. These mechanisms help to strengthen the body's resistance to cancer cells and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. However, before starting exercise, people should discuss with their health care team to determine the type and intensity of exercise that is appropriate for their health condition. This helps to avoid excessive or improper exercise, which can lead to physical injuries or other health problems.

An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!

In order to maintain a long-term exercise routine, it is crucial to set realistic and achievable goals. This can be a 30-minute walk a day, or aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week. The important thing is to find a type of exercise that you enjoy and can continue to do.

The medical community's view of exercise in the fight against cancer is that exercise is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer, but exercise should be seen as a complement to traditional medical treatment. This means that exercise is not a substitute for traditional treatments such as medication, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc., but should be used as an adjunct to these treatments. Through exercise, patients can improve their physical fitness and strengthen their immunity, so that they can better cope with the physical and psychological stress of cancer treatment.

Overall, exercise is an important means of fighting cancer, but it should be done under the guidance of a doctor to ensure that it is safe and effective. With a proper exercise program and consistent efforts, patients can improve their quality of life and increase their confidence in fighting cancer.

An unexpected discovery! Oncologist: The best anti-cancer exercise, not walking and running!


In this article, we learned that exercise, especially high-intensity exercise and early morning exercise, has a significant effect on preventing and fighting cancer. As the best anti-cancer exercise, swimming can effectively improve various body functions and help cancer patients prolong their survival. However, exercise is not a panacea for cancer, and patients should choose the type and intensity of exercise that suits them under the guidance of the medical team, and use exercise as a powerful supplement to traditional medical treatment.

In conclusion, exercise has a positive effect on the fight against cancer, but it needs to be done under professional guidance to achieve the best results.

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