
Open Mic Wuxiu Adventure: Na Ying's live broadcast tears collided with netizens' laughter

author:Hu Yan


Na Ying's live broadcast crash record

In the corner of Meng Tan Tan Tan Tan 2024, Na Ying candidly shared her experience in "Singer 2024". She has always been glamorous on the stage, but she burst into tears in front of the camera.

Open Mic Wuxiu Adventure: Na Ying's live broadcast tears collided with netizens' laughter

At this moment, she is no longer the legend of the singing world who sang "When I Wake Up", but an ordinary person who finds herself in the spotlight. Na Ying's tears condensed into pearls in the audience's hearts on the screen. In the blink of an eye, Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng's words of encouragement were like a warm breeze in spring, blowing away her haze.

Open Mic Wuxiu Adventure: Na Ying's live broadcast tears collided with netizens' laughter

However, this rain of tears did not suppress Yingzi's demeanor, her sentence "There is no sound in the whole open microphone, I also want to challenge!" It seems to be a torrent, directly hitting those keyboard warriors who find fault in the details of the live broadcast. And these netizens with incomplete tones danced in front of the keyboard, but they unconsciously and skillfully became the supporting roles of this Internet farce.

Live broadcast of the line of fire without sound repair

Na Ying's words undoubtedly turned over on the high-voltage line of the live broadcast. The majority of netizens are happy to see it, and they can easily sway under the keyboard such as "Live broadcast without repair, you won!" This kind of commentary is full of jokes and sincerity. The voices on the Internet are like fireflies at night, flickering on and off with a variety of opinions.

Open Mic Wuxiu Adventure: Na Ying's live broadcast tears collided with netizens' laughter

And the tense atmosphere brought by the live broadcast is like an invisible hand, tightly holding the heartbeat of each artist. The singer on the stage shows his singing voice in front of the camera, but he also has to face countless unknown "buts". The challenge of full open mic is an audio-visual feast for the audience; However, for the singer himself, it was simply a hearty spiritual marathon.

The story behind the stage

Na Ying is carrying the expectations of the Chinese music scene and sailing in the ocean of live broadcasts. Her smooth sailing was not brought by a comfortable breeze, but by layers of rough seas. As a full-mic battle-test, the challenge put her on the cusp.

Open Mic Wuxiu Adventure: Na Ying's live broadcast tears collided with netizens' laughter

The audience saw the gorgeous stage and lights, but they didn't know how the singers on the stage danced on the cliff without repair. The wonderful performance of the singers who rescued the scene is more like dancing on a tightrope in the sky, and every note is like a flower hanging on the cliff. Interestingly, despite the nervousness, some netizens still gave the singers a high evaluation of the task in a ridiculous manner, and their activity in the comment area is tantamount to adding a little more fun to the tight rope of the live broadcast.

A symphony of collapse and encouragement

During the entire live broadcast, Na Ying's "collapse" and the relaxed encouragement of netizens jointly composed a unique symphony. Although she seemed a little powerless on stage, every "come on" on social media was like a light that penetrated the screen and warmed her heart.

Open Mic Wuxiu Adventure: Na Ying's live broadcast tears collided with netizens' laughter

Every typing by netizens is like a musical note beating on the keyboard, forming a song of encouragement. These encouragements, like invisible support behind them, make every singer standing in front of the stage feel the temperature of the fans. Even though some of the comments are full of humor and banter, it is not difficult to see the admiration and support for the courage of the singers between the lines.

Truth or Dare in a live format

Na Ying's confession made the live broadcast system the target of public criticism. The live broadcast was originally intended to show the singer's most authentic timbre, but it inevitably brought great pressure. At the same time, netizens used humorous words to give positive energy to the artists on this side of the screen.

Open Mic Wuxiu Adventure: Na Ying's live broadcast tears collided with netizens' laughter

Their comments, at times, seem to be playing a game of "truth or dare" with the singers, tking at the singers' heartstrings. This kind of interaction not only added vitality to the stage of the live broadcast, but also gave netizens an opportunity to express their views. Every comment they make on social media is like a vote on the format.

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