
Wahaha's unwritten rule is not to fire employees over the age of 45. Zong Qinghou: I never dismiss people

author:Workplace insights

"Wahaha never fires employees over the age of 45." This is the golden rule of Wahaha boss Zong Qinghou.

In this era of "youth is capital", many companies avoid employees over the age of 45, and often bear the brunt of layoffs.

But in Wahaha, at the age of 45, it has become a safety line. Behind this, it is not only the benevolence of Boss Zong, but also the foresight and wisdom of turning crises into opportunities.

In Zong Qinghou's view, employees have paid their youth and sweat for the enterprise, and the company should give employees trust and protection.

For those old employees who have followed the company for many years, we should remember the old feelings and be kind, so that they can have a stable environment to work until retirement.

As Boss Zong said: "When people reach middle age, they are most afraid of losing their jobs." I must not forget the efforts of my employees, who are still afraid of their livelihood at an old age. "

Gratitude and great love have made Wahaha a veritable "affectionate and righteous" enterprise.

Wahaha's unwritten rule is not to fire employees over the age of 45. Zong Qinghou: I never dismiss people

Most of these veteran employees are experts in their respective positions, and they have a thorough understanding and control of the company's business, culture, and market.

They have also built a deep relationship of trust with customers and partners, and are an important link to the company's external resource network.

By laying them off, the enterprise is tantamount to giving up the wealth of experience accumulated over the years and cutting off the bridge to external resources.

On the contrary, retaining them can make the foundation of the company's development more solid.

Boss Zong often said: "Experience and contacts are indispensable treasures for building an evergreen foundation."

It can be seen that not laying off 45+ employees comes more from the consideration of the company's own development.

Wahaha's unwritten rule is not to fire employees over the age of 45. Zong Qinghou: I never dismiss people

In Wahaha, 45+ employees often become the "winning generals" of various skill competitions, the formulators of industry standards and norms, and the inheritors of the core technology of the enterprise.

They are an indispensable mainstay of the business.

At the same time, they also play the role of "masters", guiding the growth of young employees in the "mentoring".

As Boss Zong expected: "Old employees should take up the baton of inheritance and cultivate more talents for Wahaha."

In fact, many of Wahaha's executives and business backbones have grown up under the careful guidance of veteran employees.

As a result, the existence of old employees has given the company a steady stream of development momentum.

Wahaha's unwritten rule is not to fire employees over the age of 45. Zong Qinghou: I never dismiss people

Of course, not cutting 45+ is not Wahaha's original, and many internationally renowned companies have similar practices.

For example, Texas Instruments, a well-known semiconductor company, deliberately set up a "technology master project" in order to retain senior engineers, so that technical experts can lead the core technology.

Japanese companies such as Toyota have set up a "mentoring system" to encourage senior employees to teach apprentices and inherit the core skills of the company.

On the other hand, in China, layoffs have come and gone, and many companies have avoided 45+ employees, which is tantamount to "killing the chicken and taking the eggs".

In this regard, entrepreneurs may wish to take Zong Qinghou as a teacher and make more efforts to "recognize heroes" in talents.

Wahaha's unwritten rule is not to fire employees over the age of 45. Zong Qinghou: I never dismiss people

"Those who win the heroes of the world win the world." The key to the steady and far-reaching development of an enterprise lies in the virtuous.

Looking to the future, population aging will become a major trend. As the average age of employed people continues to rise, how to make good use of the valuable human resources of 45+ employees is a test for every entrepreneur.

Zong Qinghou treated the old employees with great love and benevolence, and turned the fault crisis into a inheritance help, which undoubtedly gave us a lot of inspiration.

I believe that as long as we uphold an open mind and make good use of veterans in the "insight" of talents, enterprises will be able to cultivate new opportunities in the crisis and open a new situation in the changing situation.

Let us work together to build a sense of happiness and gain for employees, jointly promote the construction of harmonious labor relations, and provide inexhaustible impetus for high-quality development in the new era!

Lao Tie, the attitude of the enterprise towards 45+ employees reflects the pattern and vision of an enterprise.

In your opinion, what is the merit of Wahaha's approach? On how to treat middle-aged and elderly employees well and achieve long-term success, what other good words do you have?

Welcome to open your heart in the comment area, let us contribute to the new era of "work in place" map in the collision of ideas!

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