
Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

author:Xiao Li said life

1. Chen Baolian's last desperate move

In 2001, just as Chen Baolian was in her prime, she was ecstatic to find that she was about to usher in a new life. Fast forward to that morning in June of the following year, and a mysterious fate has opened a new chapter for her - she gave birth to a lovely boy alone.

However, the identity of the child's father has always been as difficult as a mystery to solve.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

Just when everyone thought that she would finally be able to get out of the haze and welcome a new life, a jaw-dropping news came like a thunderbolt from the blue. Chen Baolian, who was ready to become a mother, chose to end her young and precious life in an extreme way in just a few hours after the birth of her child.

This well-known Hong Kong film superstar, who was once popular all over Asia, said goodbye to this world sadly. Her death caused a huge shock in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and many media rushed to report it, and her behavior was so bad that it was outrageous, and some people even openly sold her posthumous photos for huge profits, completely ignoring the dignity and feelings of the deceased.

At the end of her life, Chen Baolian left a touching suicide note, which wrote: "I know that my destiny has been unchangeable since I was a child. This sentence is like a sharp knife piercing people's hearts, revealing the ups and downs and helplessness of her life, and finally walked towards the road of no return.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

As a bright star in the past, her life course is full of twists and turns, which is very impressive.

2. Transit and Loss

Before Chen Baolian fell into the abyss of despair, fate seemed to have opened a door to a new life for her. In 1994, she was fortunate to participate in the movie "Domestic Lingling Paint" produced by the famous Hong Kong comedy master Stephen Chow.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

Although she still plays some sexually suggestive roles in the film, overall, compared to the controversial tertiary films of the past, this work undoubtedly provides her with an excellent opportunity to wash away her lead and start anew.

However, providence made people, and at this critical moment, Chen Baolian unfortunately suffered from a serious illness, which was so serious that she almost lost hope of returning to the stage. After she recovered, there were very few formal film and television works to choose from.

Hong Kong's entertainment industry is full of talent and fierce competition, and once you miss the opportunity, you may be ruthlessly eliminated immediately. Sure enough, the roles she could choose were limited to tertiary films, and there was no other way out!

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

However, after experiencing that unspeakable dark history, she can no longer accept to star in such vulgar works. The deep expectations of her heart and the pressure of the external environment form a strong conflict and contradiction, which eventually leads her to the road to the end.

3. The dark beginnings of adolescence

Why is fate so cruel to Chen Baolian? The answer can be traced back to the troubled teenage years. When Chen Baolian was 4 years old, her parents' marriage broke down and she was entrusted to the care of her elderly grandmother.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

Although her grandmother had a good upbringing and took good care of her, Chen Baolian briefly experienced the warmth of the family. However, the good times were fleeting, and her mother returned to Hong Kong soon after, claiming to have made her home and wanted to bring her daughter to live with her.

Chen Baolian, who was deeply influenced by her grandmother, naively believed it to be true and followed her mother back to Hong Kong with great expectations. However, this is the prelude to the tragedy of her life.

Upon returning to Hong Kong, Chan finds herself trapped in a dark and cruel world. Her mother was addicted to gambling, saw her as a tool for money, and did everything she could to squeeze her surplus value.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

The young Chen Baolian was powerless to resist and could only be at the mercy of her. Her mother first asked her to work as a small model, taking some vulgar photos to earn an income; then forced her to participate in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant, trying to push her into the entertainment industry.

Despite being an underage, Chen Baolian is well aware of the ugliness of these acts and often clumsily protests.

However, this angered her mother, who mercilessly signed several contracts for her tertiary films.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

Fourth, the difficult struggle on the emotional road

As she grew older, Chen gradually realized the predicament she was in, so she turned her attention to the men who seemed to be able to save her, hoping that love could change her fate.

However, her emotional path was full of twists and turns, and she suffered countless psychological traumas.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

Chen Baolian, who invested in her feelings for the first time, is undoubtedly dedicated to Mo Shaocong, a well-known wanderer in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. At first, she gave it wholeheartedly, but soon found that this man did not really treat her, but only coveted his beautiful appearance.

Mo Shaocong's treachery was caught at the scene, and the relationship between the two was completely broken, and they were like strangers.

Then, Chen Baolian unfortunately recruited the fatal destined "old enemy" - Huang Renzhong. This top womanizer in Hong Kong, who is known as only accompanied by beautiful women and fine wines, will naturally not miss a peerless beauty like Chen Baolian.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

He launched a passionate pursuit of Chen Baolian, and even promised to divorce his wife, which made Chen Baolian mistakenly think that he had found true love and fell into the whirlpool of love.

However, Huang Renzhong turned a deaf ear to her betrayal and abandonment, and instead turned his attention to new prey. Chen Baolian's heart, which was once hot and beating, was ruthlessly trampled under her feet, she completely collapsed, began to overeat, and her behavior became more and more abnormal.

She even made many seemingly crazy moves, such as splashing naked at Huang Renzhong's door in an attempt to attract his attention, however, Huang Renzhong was already a veteran of the love scene and was indifferent to this, and finally sent her away with only a breakup fee of HK$3 million.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

Fifth, the merciless bondage of fate

After being betrayed by Huang Renzhong, Chen Baolian's heart suffered a fatal blow. She squandered the three million breakup fees unscrupulously, as if she wanted to anesthetize herself, but to no avail.

She often pesters Huang Renzhong, I don't know if it's out of revenge or unforgettable old feelings, but obviously, her mental condition is on the verge of collapse.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

The source of all the tragedies stems from the lack of parental love since she was a child. Chen Baolian's father left home early and left her to her mother, who was addicted to gambling. And that mother, who treated Chen Baolian like a tool, never really cared about her.

The young Chen Baolian was forced to become a small model and take vulgar private photos to earn living expenses. Later, he was forced to participate in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant and stepped into the entertainment industry. Although she was not yet an adult, she was well aware of the dirtiness of these things, so she resisted in a clumsy way.

However, this angered her mother, who simply signed several third-level film contracts for her in a fit of anger.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

At that time, Chen Baolian was still underage, so she understood the terrible liquidated damages, so she could only reluctantly finish filming these movies. A "Monk of Dengcao" that made her directly popular, and also completely stereotyped her as a "third-level film actress".

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, Hong Kong's "Queen of Tertiary Films", still ushered in a tragic ending

Poor Chen Baolian has been regarded as a cash cow by her mother since she was a child, resulting in her long-term lack of desire for family affection. This lack also continued into her love life, making her so eager and persistent in her relationship, but she was repeatedly deceived and deceived.

When Huang Renzhong, the person she trusted with all her heart, betrayed her, she could not bear the trauma in her heart and began to behave erratically and go insane.

Fate was too cruel to her, and she was destined to be mercilessly teased and tortured in this world. Even though she once had the opportunity to start again under Stephen Chow's appreciation, she missed this turning point because of illness and finally went to a dead end.

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