
Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

author:Xiao Li said life

1. Lejia moved to the United States and started a leisurely and secluded life!

Recently, a series of powerful photos have swept all major social media platforms, arousing the enthusiastic attention and in-depth discussion of the majority of netizens! The striking man in the photo is none other than the once controversial emotional mentor Mr. Lejia.

In these images, Mr. Lejia is dressed in a lavish suit and wearing a dazzling diamond English ring that sparkles in the bright sun. He walked confidently along the green boulevard of an upscale neighborhood in the United States, holding a bottle of expensive imported mineral water in his hand.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

Every gesture, Mr. Le Jia showed an elegant, calm, leisurely and aristocratic temperament, as if he had entered a new stage of life with abundant food and clothing.

A closer look at Mr. Lejia's current life is in stark contrast to his difficult days in the past, when he relied on speeches at the annual meetings of major companies to make a living, and the embarrassing situation under the fence.

Although these photographs are silent, they tell the story of a great change in Mr. Lejia's life, which is a legendary story.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

Let's go back more than a decade and look back at the glorious pinnacle of this master speaker's career. At that time, Mr. Lejia was famous like thunder, and everyone knew it. With his sharp views and bold and innovative speech style, he has won the warm love and firm following of audiences across the country.

All of this starts from the peak of Mr. Lejia's career.

2. Looking back on the peak years of Lejia's brilliant career

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

More than 10 years ago, Mr. Lejia's life reached an unprecedented glorious peak. As a charismatic professional speaker, he has won the warm love and unwavering following of audiences across the country with his sharp and profound words and bold and innovative speech style.

Every year, Mr. Lejia travels throughout the Chinese-speaking region to give more than 200 high-profile presentations. Whether it is his vivid and interesting language expression or his unique opinions, he can always amaze the audience and fall in love with it.

It was with this outstanding talent that Mr. Lega's reputation quickly rose to the pinnacle of his career.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

In that small and economically backward city, Lejia's parents were busy making ends meet and had little time to take care of him. However, it is this free-spirited, free-range living environment that has shaped Lejia's unique character and the courage to stand up and challenge traditional authority.

I remember one time when my mother begged his boss to take him to school in a car, but the other party refused with contempt and indifference.

This incident burned the young Lejia's heart like a blazing flame, making him clearly aware of the unbridgeable gap between wealth and dignity, and strengthening his determination to pursue his own value!

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

After leaving his homeland, Lejia first worked in the banking industry and then in sales. He quickly rose to prominence in the latter field and quickly rose to become a bright star in the cosmetics sales industry in Zhejiang Province.

At the age of 19, Lejia was sent to Shanghai as a sales trainer, and in this new stage, he found the source of passion burning in the depths of his soul and started a new journey as a professional speaker.

During this period, Jiangsu Satellite TV is actively preparing for a blind date reality show "Do Not Disturb" that will surely become popular across the country. With Le Jia's unique charm of "sharp words" and "insight into people's hearts", he quickly stood out and became the preferred guest of the show.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

It is worth mentioning that as one of the hosts of the show, there is also Mr. Meng Fei, who also shows a "bald head" image. The two bald men worked together tacitly in the show, and their outspoken style was loved by the audience, and they were affectionately known as "bald brothers".

3. A turning point in the fall of his career

Just as Lejia's career seemed to have climbed to the pinnacle of glory, he began to show some deviant behavior, which undoubtedly laid a fatal hidden danger for his future fall.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

At the recording site of the "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" program, Le Jia's outspoken, frank and fearless temperament seems to have gone to the extreme, and there are even some signs of "out of control".

He made many fierce and abusive remarks against male and female guests, which almost caused fierce conflicts and strife at the scene.

In the face of Le Jia's uncontrollable abnormal behavior, Meng Fei, as the host, not only had to maintain the order of the show, but also did his best to clean up the mess for him afterwards and strive to ease the tense atmosphere at the scene.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

Time flies, Meng Fei couldn't stand Le Jia's freewheeling and lawless style after all, and only frankly expressed his strong dissatisfaction to the program team! He even went directly to Le Jia to try to guide and persuade him to change his irascible and cruel personality, but all his efforts were in vain.

In the end, after a tense and fierce dispute, the relationship between the two hosts completely collapsed in the dressing room, leaving only endless resentment and unhappiness to part.

As a result, Le Jia announced in a low-key manner in 2013 that he had withdrawn from the popular "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", a decision that made all audiences feel unexpected.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

In the years that followed, Lejia's words and deeds further demonstrated his arrogance and arrogance. He not only made many radical gaffes in another high-profile speech reality show, but also openly vented his emotions at the scene and insulted other guest mentors, causing a tense atmosphere at the scene, and the audience stood up to express their protests.

After this incident, Le Jia's status in the field of TV hosting seemed to fall to the bottom, and he had no choice but to return to his speech career.

Fourth, the deep troubles at the level of personal life

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

Although there was a brief period of glory in his career, Le Jia's personal life was in a difficult situation, like a lonely boat struggling in the torment.

Because of his arrogant and empty-eyed personality, Lejia experienced two failed marriages. What's even more jaw-dropping is that his second wife turned out to be an avid fan of himself.

As soon as this matter was made public, all walks of life questioned Lejia's reputation.

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

After the divorce, Le Jia sent her young daughter "Ling'er" to Shaolin Temple to practice martial arts, and even asked her to walk across the desert.

According to people familiar with the matter, at this time, Lejia not only had a worrying living situation, but also suffered a major blow to his career development. Unfortunately, in 2013, his third wife left him shortly after giving birth to a daughter, leaving Lejia alone under the weight of raising two children.

It is embarrassing to see that this "emotional mentor", who was dazzling and popular with the public in the past, has now become a controversial "single father" and takes on the responsibility of the family alone!

Emotional mentor Le Jia: When his career was popular, he "self-destructed his future", and now lives in the United States and lives a low-key life

When everyone thought that Lejia's life had gone through storms, the more brutal blow followed like a wolf. In June 2022, his beloved wife died of a sudden illness, and Le Jia posted a sad memorial article on social media, but was ridiculed and severely criticized by netizens, and some people even bluntly called him a "heartless person".

In the face of such rampant online violence, Lejia chose to suffer silently, remained silent, and did not make any counterattack. Perhaps, this once proud and arrogant inner world has finally learned to be calm and self-controlled under the heavy blows one after another.

In the end, he resolutely decided to immigrate to the United States with his daughter and started a new life of low-key and unpretentiousness.

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