
Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?



Space, this mysterious and distant realm, this silence across the earth's atmosphere, is actually an illusion for us who can only rely on existing technology to peek into the mysteries of space.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

Real space: Far from being a vast, space debris challenges the space station

The biggest threat in space is the vast array of space junk of all shapes. Some of these debris originate from nature, such as tiny meteorites, while others come from human activities, such as abandoned space equipment and its debris. Due to their astonishing ultra-fast flight speed, their relative speed to the space station can reach thousands of meters per second. Even fragments the size of a grain of sand can generate a huge amount of energy under such a high-speed collision, enough to cause the space station to collapse in an instant.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

The decisive factor in the normal operation of the space station is the power supply of the space station. Solar panels and solar main cells are the "heart" of the space station, providing continuous power. These power supplies are extremely sensitive and fragile. With just one unfortunate collision, the space station could be in danger of power decay or even a complete blackout. The astronauts who are fighting on the front lines of space, like the bomb disposal experts in the movies, are under unprecedented pressure to carry out the most meticulous repair work to ensure the normal operation of the space station, so as to ensure the maintenance of their lives and the conduct of scientific experiments.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

Space is by no means as quiet as we imagined. In the face of countless seemingly insignificant but deadly space debris, every astronaut on Earth needs to be like a gladiator, ready to meet the next round of challenges.

Shenzhou mission: the repair and maintenance of the space station, and why the space station is frequently "attacked"

If space is a battle, then astronauts are brave warriors, and the space station is a fortress they defend. Every time they receive a report from a ground control center, astronauts must remain vigilant and ready to respond to a possible impact of space debris. A seemingly insignificant impact could have catastrophic effects on the space station.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

The astronauts of Shenzhou-17 received an impact warning from the ground control center during the mission. There was not the slightest panic in the astronauts' hearts, knowing that any one of them would have to be ready to deal with these impacts that could have catastrophic effects on the space station. That sense of responsibility in their hearts made them fearless and bold to resist the seemingly unstoppable challenge.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

One of the biggest challenges is the threat of impacts on the station's solar panels. Solar panels are the "heart" of the space station and are a key piece of equipment that supplies power to the space station. In stark contrast, its structure is extremely fragile and unable to withstand the brutal impact of these space debris. Once there is a problem, it will affect the normal operation of the space station, and it will also directly threaten the lives of the astronauts inside.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

After learning the news of the damage to the solar panels, the astronauts of Shenzhou-17 immediately launched a repair mission. This is an unprecedented challenge, requiring astronauts to perform complex manual manoeuvres in the harsh environment of space, as well as to remain calm in a dangerous environment to ensure the success of the restoration. The astronauts knew that failure was not an option they could accept. Every movement connected to a wire, every sliding step through microgravity requires them to maintain the utmost concentration and precision.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

All these efforts are nothing more than to ensure the normal operation of the space station and provide a more stable forward base for human space exploration. Clearly, this mission to withstand the impact of debris and repair the solar panels has accumulated valuable experience for China's space industry and laid a solid foundation for future space challenges. It also shows the world that China's astronauts have the courage and technology to face any challenge from space.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

Every impact, every restoration, has become an unforgettable memory and a great achievement. The threats looming over the space station are far more than that.

Shenzhou-18: the "baton" of China's aerospace industry, and the blueprint for new missions

Shenzhou 17 handed over a satisfactory answer sheet and took over the baton of incomparable weight in the face of a new round of relay races. It carries the dream and glory of China's aerospace industry, and is also responsible for the stable operation and scientific research of the future space station. In this new challenge, the post-80s astronauts have become the main force, leading us to the unknown depths of space.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

The blueprint for the mission of Shenzhou-18 is very ambitious. The first task, of course, is to further improve the daily operation of the space station. Faced with the reality of increasing space debris, astronauts must also consider how to prevent these alien visitors from further threats to the space station. adds more complexity and uncertainty to their tasks.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

Under such heavy pressure, the astronauts of Shenzhou 18 chose to use innovation as a weapon and science and technology as a shield to fight with all their might against countless difficulties and challenges. They have come up with a plan to clean up space junk with the aim of making the space environment safer and the space station less threatened. This plan is no less than a space version of the "environmental protection G life", the challenge is extremely difficult, but also contains endless hope. If they succeed, it means that the space station will be safer, and it will mean that humanity will have a clean new world.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

The mission blueprint for Shenzhou-18 therefore looks extraordinarily large, and just like the mission it carries, it is extraordinarily heavy. In the face of such heavy pressure, the astronauts are undaunted, and they firmly believe that as long as human wisdom is boundless, courage will never be extinguished. They are willing to go to great lengths for the future of mankind and for the glory of China's aerospace without flinching. The road ahead is undoubtedly difficult, but it is also star-studded. Let's hope that Shenzhou-18 can run this relay race faster and farther, and create more miracles that will attract the attention of the world.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

Space Cleanup: Present Challenges and Future Possibilities

The more you look forward, the more you can see the challenges ahead. In order to protect the space station, the astronauts of Shenzhou-18 have proposed a plan to clean up space junk, with the aim of exploring a sustainable and efficient space protection strategy. The reality of cleaning up space junk is far more difficult than people think. Who would have thought that in this far and far space, small pieces of debris would pose such a big threat? Who would have predicted that the protection of this space environment would become so difficult?

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

One of the core challenges was how to create an effective space debris warning system. This is even more complex than predicting the path of a hurricane on Earth, where every tiny piece of space debris can trigger a devastating cascade of reactions. Determining their position and path of motion requires a lot of computing power, as well as extremely accurate equipment and predictive models. This is a difficulty that we must face head-on, and it is a decisive factor in the success of the space garbage removal mission.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?

In the face of the challenge, the technical problem we need to solve is how to treat our "traces" in space in a humane and sustainable way. Cleaning up space junk and protecting the space environment is like planting a green forest for space. Perhaps this forest will not be able to bear fruit immediately, but every small step of effort, every seed sown, is sowing hope for the future of space.

Serial collisions hit China's space station, power supply is unstable, and the Shenzhou 18 mission doubles in difficulty?


Aerospace technology is a relay race, and every step forward requires our wisdom and patience. With wisdom and courage, China's aerospace industry has accomplished many remarkable achievements. Facing the future, greater challenges and opportunities await us. In the process of sprinting, we must keep in mind our mission to minimize the damage to space as much as possible, to prosper and protect this unknown new world. This is a challenge to science and technology, but also a test of humanity. Let us cheer for the future of China's aerospace industry, pray for its success, and record this great era.

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