
Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?



We live in an era of information overflow, and every day, countless news, articles and videos are popping up on various platforms. On this glittering stage, there are people who arouse public enthusiasm and stand out from the crowd with their sharp opinions and strong personalities, and we often call them "experts".

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

What's the use of being loud? Social Observation: The Eyeballs of 'Experts' on the Field of Public Opinion Harvesting

Among these "experts", they are sharp in eloquence and sharp in thinking, and from time to time they throw out some astonishing assertions in the field of public opinion, so as to earn eyeballs, which is hilarious and incomprehensible. Their rhetoric is often full of exaggeration, like bright fireworks, which makes people look away. Their rhetoric, right or wrong, cannot ignore their boldness, their courage to challenge authority, their unafraid ignorance, and their attitude of being tame only to traffic.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

When we look up at reality from the dazzling field of public opinion, we will find a disturbing phenomenon. Those who shine in the field of public opinion every day are often undignified in real life. Their remarks may attract people's attention and may arouse heated discussions in society, but how much thoughtful understanding and down-to-earth actions do they have on real social issues?

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

Luminous Figures: Liu Chuanzhi's Comparative Observation with Pseudo-Experts

In this great trend, there is a figure who is intriguing, and his name is Liu Chuanzhi. Unlike those 'experts' who have won attention with exaggerated remarks, he is honest and firm, speaking with facts and actions. He is unknown, but with an ingenuity that does not admit defeat and the courage to take responsibility, Lenovo Group has built a world-renowned computer giant.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

No one can ignore Liu Chuanzhi's achievements. He started from a grassroots communication room, successfully resisted external pressure and internal difficulties, and led Lenovo all the way to the joint-stock reform and to the world. The only driving force behind his achievements is his passion for innovation and his unwavering belief in his career.

The hoarse 'experts' looked a little dim in front of his light. Although their voices are loud enough, it is difficult for us to find real value in their words. Their theories are like colorful bubbles that burst at the touch of a button, and their success is only based on the noise of their public opinion. Any storm seems to knock them off their peaks.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

Although we see them in the arena of public opinion every day and hear their voices, we should not be fooled by their voices and forget the reality in front of us. Real value, real success, is achieved through down-to-earth efforts, not through empty rhetoric.

Back to reality, public opinion is still muddy, and truth and falsehood are confused. What impact does the words of the 'experts' with their golden signs pervade our lives and their existence on our society?

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

The battle of tongues VS hard work: the bitterness and sweetness of Liu Chuanzhi

In this seemingly equal competition, Liu Chuanzhi has become the biggest contrast with those 'experts'. On one side, there are loud and talkative 'experts', whose remarks are in full swing, capturing people's attention and focusing on the focus of public discussion. Liu Chuanzhi is unknown, with practical work, for the benefit of the people, his actions have brought us real changes, and his efforts have also gained the broad recognition of the society.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

Liu's entrepreneurial journey is undoubtedly full of determination and unremitting efforts, starting from a humble communication room to gradually lead Lenovo Group to become a leader in the global computer industry. He has always insisted on himself, and his footprints have remained not only in China, but also around the world. His story not only gives us a lot of inspiration, but also makes us think deeply.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

Liu Chuanzhi's approach deviates from the so-called theories of many 'experts'. Instead of being obsessed with making a voice and earning attention, he focused all his energy on how to change the status quo and how to contribute. His various behaviors are eye-catching. The silence and tenacity that preceded the speech, the dedication and effort without too many words, made people respect him.

Liu's actions prove that true doers don't need to hype up their achievements, and that their actions and efforts will be directly reflected in the improvement of people's lives. A true doer does not depend on his public opinion, his words, his actions, and his value, all of which come from himself and his contribution to society.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

The Public's Choice: Choose between ostentatious and rustic

On the social stage, some people have become 'experts' in the eyes of the public with their exaggerated performances and courageous statements that challenge authority, and they have become the focus of public discussion. Also standing on this stage, there are also those doers who pay silently and influence the society with their actions, like Liu Chuanzhi, they are not good at words, but they have gained the respect of the public with their real contributions.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?

Faced with these two very different options, how should the public choose? Is it to follow those experts who are good at grasping the focus of public opinion? Or choose a doer like Liu Chuanzhi? It's a question that bothers us, and the answer isn't that hard to come by. As long as we understand that what can really change our lives and bring us practical benefits is not those sky-high words, but those real actions and innovations.

In the face of colorful public opinion and deep and solid practice, the public's choice is fraught with difficulties. In an age of speed and instantaneous effect, stories like Mr. Liu's may not immediately capture the public's attention, but they can touch people's hearts.

Liu Chuanzhi and Lu Wensi! When hard work meets empty talk, what choice will the people make?


So, whether it's between show-off and simplicity, or between words and actions, we should all make a rational choice. Only real hard work can solve the problems in our society and promote the progress of our society. The public is an important part of society, and our choices will affect the direction of society.

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