
Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!


Behind the collapse of Naying's live broadcast


In the latest #Cute Detective 2024# recording, Na Ying revealed that she felt extreme pressure because of the live broadcast format of "Singer 2024". She shared her anxiety with Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng, saying that she had to cancel music festivals and concerts because of online violence and rumors last year, and was silent for more than half a year. This time she returned, and the first variety show she received was a live broadcast of the whole process, which was a huge challenge for her.

Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!

In the live broadcast, Na Ying's performance of opening the microphone without repairing the sound, although nervous, still stabilized the field. Netizens reacted differently to this, some expressed understanding and support, and some thought that as a senior singer, Na Ying should be more calm.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Na Ying is under great pressure


Na Ying's words sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens commented: "That sister is carrying the expectations of the entire Chinese music scene, and the pressure must be great." Some netizens ridiculed: "Naying's live broadcast collapsed? I think the barrage in the live broadcast room collapsed first! ”

Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!

This light-hearted and witty commentary went viral on social media, adding to the show's interactivity. At the same time, some netizens expressed sympathy for Na Ying, believing that she should not be under so much pressure and should receive more support and understanding.

The challenge of the live format


The live broadcast format of "Singer 2024" is a huge challenge for all participating singers. The live broadcast means that there is no chance of post-editing, and the singer's performance will be presented directly in front of the audience. This competition system not only tests the singer's ability to sing live, but also tests their psychological endurance.

Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!

As a senior singer, although Na Ying is experienced, it is inevitable that she will feel nervous and anxious in this high-pressure environment. This real emotional outpouring allows the audience to see the ordinary side behind the stars.

Netizens' views on the live broadcast competition system

Regarding the live broadcast system, netizens also have a variety of opinions. Some netizens think that this competition system is more fair and can truly reflect the strength of singers. But some netizens believe that this competition system is too cruel for singers and should not be the only criterion for judging singers' abilities.

Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!

Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, some supported Na Ying, thinking that she had done a good job, and some thought that Na Ying should be more suitable for this system.

Na Ying's performance and the audience's expectations

Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!

Although Na Ying showed nervousness and anxiety during the live broadcast, her performance still won the recognition of the audience. The live broadcast of the full open microphone without trimming the sound is a huge test for any singer. Na Ying was able to persevere, which has proven her strength. The audience's expectations for Na Ying are high, and they hope that she can perform better in future matches. At the same time, the audience also hopes that Na Ying can reduce pressure and enjoy the fun brought by music.

Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!

Na Ying's nervousness and anxiety during the live broadcast of "Singer 2024" sparked a wide range of discussions. On the one hand, the audience affirmed her performance, believing that she was still able to stabilize the field in a high-pressure environment, showing her professionalism. On the other hand, some viewers believe that Na Ying should be more adaptable to the live broadcast system and should not affect her performance because of too much pressure. This kind of discussion not only increased the popularity of the show, but also gave the audience a deeper understanding of Na Ying. In any case, Na Ying's experience has undoubtedly added a new color to her music career.

Na Ying's live broadcast challenge "Singer 2024": full open microphone without sound repair, nervous to the point! It's real singing!

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