
Summer crucian carp fishing cheats: The big plate crucian carp explosion protection is not a dream

author:Evening clouds that love to talk about sports

Hello fishing friends! Today I want to share with you some tips and methods for fishing crucian carp in summer, so that you can easily catch large crucian carp in the hot summer, and even burst protection!

Summer crucian carp fishing cheats: The big plate crucian carp explosion protection is not a dream

1. Selection of fishing spots

  1. Aquatic Grass Zone: Crucian carp like to move around areas where aquatic plants are abundant, where they not only have food but also provide shelter. In summer, the water temperature in the aquatic grass area is relatively low and the oxygen content is also high, making it an ideal habitat for crucian carp.
  2. Shade: In summer, when temperatures are high, crucian carp prefer to move in the shade. Under the shade of trees, under bridges, in the shadow of buildings, etc., are all good choices. The water temperature in these places is relatively low, and the activity of crucian carp is relatively high.
  3. Inlet: An inlet is an inlet into a body of water such as rivers and lakes, where the water is turbulent, the oxygen content is high, and food is abundant. Crucian carp like to move near the inlet, and anglers can choose to fish near the inlet.
  4. Deep water: In summer, the water temperature in the deep water is relatively low, and crucian carp swim to the deep water to escape the heat. Anglers can choose to fish in deep water, but pay attention to the combination and adjustment of the fishing rig to suit the fishing environment in deep water.
Summer crucian carp fishing cheats: The big plate crucian carp explosion protection is not a dream

Second, bait selection

  1. Earthworms: Earthworms are one of the favorite baits for crucian carp, especially during the summer months. Fresh earthworms are cut into small pieces and hung on the hook, and the fishy smell of the earthworms can attract crucian carp to feed.
  2. Wheat kernels: Wheat grains are a common bait that is suitable for summer use. The wheat kernels are cooked, an appropriate amount of honey and white wine is added, and it is ready to use after soaking for a while. The light taste of the wheat kernels can attract some more vigilant crucian carp to feed.
  3. Dough: Dough is a simple bait that is suitable for use in the summer. Mix the flour and water, knead into a dough, and add the appropriate amount of spices and bait, such as shrimp powder, earthworm powder, etc. The light flavor of the dough can attract some more vigilant crucian carp to feed.
  4. Commercial bait: Commercial bait is a convenient bait for summer use. Anglers can choose the right commercial bait according to their preferences and fishing environment. When choosing a commercial bait, pay attention to the taste and color of the bait to attract crucian carp to come and feed.
Summer crucian carp fishing cheats: The big plate crucian carp explosion protection is not a dream

3. Fishing tackle selection

  1. Fishing rods: When fishing for crucian carp in the summer, anglers can choose from crucian carp rods ranging from 3.6 to 4.5 meters. The tonality of the crucian carp rod is softer, which can better perceive the bite action of the crucian carp and improve the probability of hitting the fish.
  2. Fishing line: When fishing for crucian carp in the summer, anglers can choose between a main line of size 0.8 to 1.2 and a subline line of size 0.4 to 0.6. The individual crucian carp is relatively small, and the strength of the line does not need to be too large, but it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and softness of the line to improve the fishing effect.
  3. Hooks: When fishing for crucian carp in the summer, anglers can choose sleeve hooks from size 2 to 4. The hook of the sleeve hook is thinner, and the weight of the hook is lighter, which can better perceive the bite action of the crucian carp and improve the probability of hitting the fish.
  4. Floating: When fishing for crucian carp in the summer, anglers can choose from floats 1 to 2. The amount of lead eaten by the float does not need to be too large, but the sensitivity and stability of the float should be paid attention to to improve the effect of fishing.
Summer crucian carp fishing cheats: The big plate crucian carp explosion protection is not a dream

Fourth, fishing skills

  1. Drifting: When fishing for crucian carp in summer, anglers can choose to level the water to fish one eye or adjust one eye to fish two eyes. This ensures that the hook is to the end and increases the chance of catching a fish. When adjusting the drift, it is necessary to pay attention to the sensitivity and stability of the float to adapt to different fishing environments.
  2. Nesting: When fishing for crucian carp in the summer, anglers can choose to nest in advance. The amount of bait for nesting can be wheat, corn kernels, wine rice, etc., and the amount of nesting does not need to be too large, but pay attention to the location and time of nesting to attract crucian carp to come and feed.
  3. Timing of rod lifting: When fishing for crucian carp in summer, anglers should pay attention to the timing of rod lifting. The bite action of crucian carp is relatively light, anglers should carefully observe the changes of the float, and when the float appears to sink or go to the top, the rod should be lifted in time to improve the probability of the fish.
  4. Walking skills: When fishing for crucian carp in the summer, anglers should pay attention to walking skills. Crucian carp are relatively small, but their strength is relatively large, anglers should walk the fish patiently, do not rush to pull the fish ashore, so as not to break the line and run the fish.
Summer crucian carp fishing cheats: The big plate crucian carp explosion protection is not a dream

5. Precautions

  1. Pay attention to sun protection: In summer, the temperature is high and the sun is strong, so anglers should pay attention to sun protection and avoid sunburn. You can choose to wear sunscreen, such as sunglasses, hats, sunscreen, etc.
  2. Pay attention to safety: When fishing in summer, anglers should pay attention to safety and avoid accidents. You can choose to fish in safe water and avoid fishing in fast, deep water. At the same time, pay attention to carrying life-saving equipment, such as life jackets, lifebuoys, etc.
  3. Pay attention to environmental protection: When fishing in summer, anglers should pay attention to environmental protection and avoid damaging the environment. You can choose to use eco-friendly bait and tackle to avoid littering and keep the fishing environment clean and hygienic.
Summer crucian carp fishing cheats: The big plate crucian carp explosion protection is not a dream

Summer crucian carp fishing needs to master certain skills and methods, as long as anglers choose the right fishing spots, bait, fishing tackle and fishing methods, pay attention to safety and environmental protection, you can catch large carp in summer, and even burst protection! I hope this article is helpful to fishing friends, and I wish you all a happy fishing!