
A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

author:Min Min said gossip

Imagine how healing and shocking it is to suddenly hear a gentle song in an extremely oppressive social atmosphere! At that time, when the entire Chinese mainland was still struggling in the harsh winter of culture, a female singer Teresa Teng from Taiwan, with her sweet singing voice, not only opened the door of music in Chinese mainland, but also brought an unprecedented cultural spring breeze. This change has not been smooth sailing, Teresa Teng's songs have been criticized as "glamorous sounds", and even faced a ban on singing. What is the power that allows such a song to bloom?

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

When Nixon visited China in 1972, China greeted the visitor with an American folk song, "Turkey in the Straw," which unexpectedly sparked protests. This not only illustrates China's sensitivity to foreign cultures at the time, but also reflects the extreme conservative nature of society's choice of music. In the era of "all art at the service of politics", pop music was almost seen as a beast of prey.

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

There is always a rainbow after the storm. In 1978, the spring breeze of reform and opening up was quietly blowing, and Teresa Teng's "Sweet Honey" was like a burst of fresh air, allowing young people in the mainland to feel different musical experiences. This song not only has a beautiful tune, but the lyrics are simple but go straight to the heart, and it quickly became popular among mainland youth. Come to think of it, having a radio at home back then was as cool as having an iPhone in everyone's hands now!

But the good times were short-lived, and the new trend of pop music was soon met with official boycotts. In 1982, in the publication "How to Identify Pornographic Songs" of "People's Music", Teresa Teng's "He Rijun Comes Again" was impressively listed. This song was originally just a lingering love song, but it was buttoned up with the big hat of "yellow". Such accusations are obviously unacceptable, and many music lovers and cultural figures have begun to speak out to defend Teresa Teng's innocence.

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

Despite all the obstacles, Teresa Teng's singing voice is still like a murmur in spring, unstoppable. In 1988, she was even invited to perform on CCTV, but unfortunately because of the obstruction of the Taiwan authorities, this beautiful plan could not be realized. Teresa Teng's music and her story have become a regret in the hearts of countless people.

Other singers faced a similar fate. For example, Li Guyi's "Hometown Love", after being criticized as a "yellow singer", this song was banned for a time. But in the Spring Festival Gala in 1983, under the strong demand of the audience, "Hometown Love" was performed, and the warm applause of the audience proved the public's choice.

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

As time passed, the policy gradually opened up, and people's minds began to thaw gradually. Music, as part of culture, is finally beginning to gain the respect and freedom it deserves. Teresa Teng's songs, as well as some other pop music that was once criticized, are beginning to be accepted and loved again. This is not only the diversity of the music market, but also a microcosm of cultural freedom.

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

After entering the 90s, with the in-depth development of the market economy and the influx of foreign culture, China's pop music began to show a trend of diversification. From the four kings of Hong Kong to the new generation of singers in the mainland, the music styles are more diverse, and the content of the songs is richer. During this period, music was no longer just a form of entertainment, it began to carry more personal emotions and social meanings.

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

The real turning point came with the popularity of online music. With the rise of the Internet, the dissemination of music is no longer limited by geography and time, and various music styles are rapidly merging, and new music forms such as electronic music and independent music are rapidly emerging. During this period, the music industry underwent a major transformation from tradition to modernity, and it was this transformation that made more people begin to re-examine and evaluate the musical value of Teresa Teng and her times.

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

Today, when we look back at that era when music was still strictly controlled, it is not difficult to find that Teresa Teng's fresh and refined music style not only brought comfort to the people at that time, but also invisibly promoted the opening of Chinese mainland's society and culture. Her music, like a warm spring breeze, blows away the long cold winter and brings new vitality and hope.

A female singer from Taiwan, from "Yellow Singer" to "Divine Comedy", Chinese pop music for forty years

Looking back, Teresa Teng and her music are one of the best memories of that era. Although she has faced many controversies and challenges, her singing voice still leaves an indelible mark in the hearts of countless people. She is not only a singer, but also a bridge of cultural exchange, her music crosses the strait and connects the two sides. Teresa Teng used her singing voice to tell us that music has no boundaries, it can transcend times and politics, and touch everyone's heart. In today's more open and pluralistic era, we should cherish and pass on this beautiful cultural heritage.

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