
Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

author:Careful Oak

Apple's ad sparked public outrage, made a rare apology, and reshaped the brand image.

Apple's latest iPad Pro ad "Crush! It has sparked widespread controversy and criticism. The ad shows a hydraulic press flattening all the objects that represent human creativity, such as musical instruments and paint buckets, leaving only the new iPad Pro. This visual presentation is seen as a celebration of technology's destruction of human creativity and art, and has caused strong dissatisfaction and anger among netizens.

In the face of the backlash, Tor Myhren, Apple's vice president of marketing communications, made a rare public apology, saying that the video was not to the point, and decided that it would not be shown on TV as originally planned. Apple's move has sparked heated discussions in industry insiders.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

Some people believe that Apple's apology reflects the company's attention and respect for the voice of public opinion. In today's age of social media, any brand's marketing moves are likely to be questioned and criticized by the public. As a leader in the technology industry, Apple should be open and humble about consumer feedback and adjust its marketing strategy in a timely manner to avoid further damage to the brand image.

Others take a different view, arguing that Apple's apology reflects the company's lack of creative marketing capabilities. The creative of this ad itself has certain problems, pitting technology and art against each other, ignoring the concept of "paying equal attention to technology and humanity" that Apple has always advocated. Some people even believe that Apple's apology is purely a stopgap measure, just to avoid the fermentation of public opinion, and does not really reflect on the fundamental problem of advertising creativity.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

Some people also expressed their understanding and support for Apple's apology. They believe that any brand will inevitably make mistakes in the marketing process, and the key is to admit mistakes in time and correct them with an open mind. Apple's public apology shows the company's determination to face up to the problem and reshape the brand image, and this sincere attitude is worthy of recognition.

In addition to the iPad Pro 2024, Apple will also launch the new iPad Air series at this conference. The new iPad Air will feature a large 12.9-inch screen, making it the largest ever screen model in the iPad Air series.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

As for why it launched such a large size iPad Air, industry insiders believe that it may be related to Apple's strategic adjustment of the tablet product line. For the past few years, the iPad Pro has been the flagship model of Apple's tablet lineup, while the iPad Air is positioned in the mid-range and focuses on value for money. But as the tablet market continues to expand, Apple seems to want to launch the large-sized iPad Air to meet the needs of consumers who have higher requirements for screen size, but can't afford the high price of the iPad Pro.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

There are also some risks associated with launching a large-sized iPad Air. On the one hand, this may exacerbate the product overlap between the iPad Air and the iPad Pro, affecting the sales of both. On the other hand, a large screen also means higher production costs, which may push up the price of the iPad Air and weaken its price-performance advantage.

The pricing of the new iPad Air will be the focus of attention. If the price is too high, it may affect its sales; If the pricing is too low, it could erode the high-end of the iPad Pro. Apple needs to strike a reasonable balance between the two.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

In addition to the new iPad, Apple will also unveil a new Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil at this event. These two accessories have always been an important part of the iPad user experience, and the launch of the new products will undoubtedly further enhance the iPad experience.

This Apple conference can be described as a big battle of hardware and accessories. iPad Pro 2024 will be a new benchmark in the tablet space as a new breakthrough in performance and design. The large-size iPad Air is expected to meet the needs of more consumers; And the new Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil are sure to bring users a better experience.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

Hardware upgrades are important, but the construction of software ecosystems is equally important. In recent years, Apple has been criticized for building the iPad software ecosystem. Although the hardware performance of the iPad is sufficient for professional applications including video editing and 3D modeling, due to the limitations of the iOS system, many professional software still cannot be perfectly ported and used on the iPad.

Some people believe that perhaps at this press conference, Apple will announce a major upgrade to the iOS system to better adapt to the use of the iPad. As a mobile device positioned for productivity, if the software ecosystem cannot meet the professional needs of users, no matter how powerful the hardware is, it will be meaningless.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

Another question to keep an eye on is whether Apple will reveal information about the AR/VR headset at this event. Recently, there have been many revelations that Apple's first AR/VR all-in-one machine will come out this year. If this news is true, then Apple may have some foreshadowing and hints about the device at the conference.

AR/VR headsets are considered to be an important direction of technological development in the next decade, and Apple, as a technology giant, will undoubtedly receive great attention from the industry as a technology giant. If Apple does launch a great AR/VR all-in-one machine, it will hopefully open up a whole new growth curve for the company.

Apple apologizes for the iPad Pro promotional video, and the Meizu 21 Note phone has been finalized

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