
An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

author:Tang Xishi
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article

The 11-year-old boy left a suicide note, and my death was not related to the parents, society, or the country, but only to the homeroom teacher, who used violent means.

After leaving these words, the child covered his fingerprints, and after entering the community, he went in the opposite direction to go home, jumping from the top of the tall building.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

The child's experience is heartbreaking, and the parents are even more devastating when they learn the bad news, vowing to find out the truth and make the head teacher who used violent means to force his son to death bear the price.

The incomplete surveillance video of the school and the rumors spread by the teacher that the child is terminally ill cannot stop the parents' determination.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

In the end, the court declared the final result of the second instance and acquitted.

Wander with your dreams

The deceased, Zhang Kuan, was an 11-year-old boy who was born in an ordinary family in Jiujiang.

His father, Zhang Dingjie, is a public security policeman and the pride of his children.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?
An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

After the tragedy, Zhang Dingjie made up his mind to find out the truth of the incident and punish the teacher who forced his son to death.

In any family where this happens, parents will definitely seek justice for their children, not to mention that the child's father is still a public security policeman.

However, the result of the first instance was not optimistic, and the court ruled that the head teacher Zou was not guilty.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

The child's departure has broken the parents' hearts, and the "culprit" has no punishment, which is unacceptable to both parents.

Zhang Dingjie even resigned from his position as a public security policeman, chose to obtain a lawyer's qualification certificate, and fought a lawsuit for his son, so it is inevitable to appeal again if he is not satisfied with the verdict.

In order not to immerse themselves in the daily thoughts of their son, the couple traveled to many cities, hoping to relax a little, but both of them are constantly working hard for their son's case.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

The child's mother, Ms. Wang, said that we were like "wandering with dreams", and Zhang Dingjie added, "We are wandering with tasks." "As a former police officer, he always habitually shouldered the responsibilities of his family.

Ms. Wang said that she once asked her husband why he didn't see him cry after the child died. Zhang Dingjie replied that he couldn't cry, he knew that if he couldn't even hold on, the family would fall.

But Ms. Wang, who was attentive, noticed that her husband sometimes hid in a place where no one was and cried, and when he came back, his eyes were red.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

Ms. Wang was immersed in grief for a long time after the child's accident, but life still has to go on, the husband and wife are both thirty or forty years old, after all, they still have to work hard for life, so Ms. Wang chose to open a psychological counseling studio for children.

Ms. Wang's studio is called "Me and You Studio", and Ms. Wang pointed to the sign and said: "In the past, there were four words for 'psychological counseling' here, but I removed it, hoping to further reduce the psychological pressure of the children." ”

Ms. Wang now works as a counsellor to connect children with their parents, where she hears many secrets that even their parents are reluctant to tell, and helps children cope with the trauma they receive at school.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

Sometimes Ms. Wang looks at the figures of the children in the studio, some of them are very similar to her own children, and in a trance it seems that the children have returned to her.

Aggressive teacher

His mother asked Zhang Kuan what his dream was, and Zhang Kuan replied, "I want to be a teacher and help more children." ”

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

But he didn't expect that his dream was to become a teacher, and he didn't meet a teacher with teacher ethics.

Zhang Kuan's teacher Zou is his homeroom teacher, and she can be described as aggressive in the class, and she is also very strict with the students.

On the day of the incident, Zhang Kuan's damaged workbook became the fuse of the incident.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

On that day, the teacher assigned homework and asked the children to choose a topic and write an essay by themselves.

Zhang Kuan's title is called "Warm", and he writes in his homework that his mother cooks hot meals for him; When he was injured, his mother helped him blow his wounds; When he was sick, his mother helped him make medicine.

But the head teacher Zou did not pay attention to these warm words, but saw a big hole in the homework paper.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

For some reason, Zou repeatedly criticized the child just because of this little thing.

"Didn't you eat at noon, why did you bite the book?"

"I don't believe that the book is broken like this for no reason!"

"How poor your family is! Excuse me, you're too poor, I'll give you a notebook. ”

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

These words may not be very bad alone, but based on the teacher's ridicule and discriminatory remarks against students in the past, this also became the last straw that crushed Zhang Kuan.

In court, Zou believed that he was not responsible for Zhang Kuan's death, and that the so-called ridicule and discrimination were just her "humorous teaching" methods, and that Zhang Kuan had cancer, and his suicide was his own cause.

These statements made Zhang Kuan's father Zhang Dingjie even more angry, calling the insults humorous, and slandering his physically and mentally healthy son for having cancer, which is simply out of the world.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

Later, the Education Bureau issued a punishment to Zou, which confirmed that the degree of criticism of her students had already exceeded the "severe scope".

On July 10, 2022, the Jiujiang Municipal Education Bureau issued a penalty announcement on teacher Zou for ridiculing, discriminating against students, and accepting red envelopes in violation of regulations.

But that's all, the Education Bureau issued a punishment to Zou, but the court still ruled that Zou was not guilty.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

The court said that although Zou's language was too harsh, it did not target Zhang Kuan, a child who was like this to all students, which was inappropriate, but not enough to rise to the level of legal intervention.

In the video footage of the class, Zou was also seen slapping Zhang Kuan with his homework book, but the degree was not serious.

Is the child too fragile? Or is the teacher too strict?

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

This tragedy is so distressing that many netizens even said that the teacher should be allowed to "pay for his life".

However, if you look closely at the way teachers usually educate students, although they are a little out of line, they do not rise to the level of breaking the law at all.

Zou once criticized Zhang Kuan with remarks such as "the king of debts", "liar", and "eating a book", but his degree may not be as fierce as the driving school instructor's scolding.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

Zou took a book and slapped Zhang Kuan's head, and it can be seen in the video that he didn't use much strength, basically about the same as the strength of the book's free fall.

Of course, children are different from adults, and they should be cared for more, but they will not be like dangerous eggs, which will break when touched.

Children's education is an unsolvable problem, countless educators at home and abroad have tried to establish a set of better education methods, but there is no better, only the best, this problem will never end.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

In the absence of a set of rules for education, there will always be conflicts between teachers and parents and children.

The heart is too strong or even "hob meat", no matter what you say, it is definitely not good to listen to this; It is as fragile as paper, and it is naturally not good to break it when you touch it.

And Zhang Kuan happened to meet the wrong teacher at the wrong age.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?

Let's talk about the case itself, Zhang Kuan committed suicide after all, it was not someone else who pushed him downstairs, although he was criticized by the teacher, but there are always other solutions to the incident, and Zhang Kuan finally chose the most extreme one.

If you insist on saying that the teacher is responsible and at fault, it is only limited to criticizing students too harshly, so that it rises to the level of "ridicule and discrimination", and the behavior of accepting red envelopes, which is still a long distance from life and death, which is why the court ruled her not guilty.

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?


Even if the results of the second trial are announced, Zhang Kuan's parents are still unwilling to give up, and they will apply to the Jiangxi Provincial Supreme Procuratorate for a retrial.

But unless they can identify the defendants and the court's major failures, the outcome will be difficult to change.


Beijing Daily reported on May 17, 2024

An 11-year-old boy left a suicide note and jumped off the building, and the school monitored and deleted the teacher to spread rumors that the child was terminally ill, but he was not guilty?