
She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

author:Historical Stamp Collection

"Actors are shedding their own tears in other people's lives, in fact, we are portraying others, not ourselves. My life is my life, how many people know about my life? ”

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

This is a passage that actor Wang Lin said in an interview, Wang Lin, a professional household of "bad woman", was once famous for the role of Aunt Xue in "Deep Love and Rain", "You have the ability to rob a man, you have the ability to open the door" This line has also become a classic speech.

In an era when there are so many Internet memes that you can't finish learning, the role of Aunt Xue has successfully left a mark in the hearts of the audience. Even those who have not watched TV series after the 00s and 10s are very familiar with this sentence. Aunt Xue is of great significance to Wang Lin's career as an actor.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

Wang Lin, who has been around for more than 20 years, has become the childhood shadow of a generation with Aunt Xue, and Aunt Xue's ruthlessness and ruthlessness are imprinted in countless people's childhood memories. 30-year-old Wang Lin was also completely nailed to the label of "type actor" because of this role.

For a long time since Aunt Xue, she couldn't receive positive roles, and all the people who came to the door were some similar "bad woman" characters, different types of TV series, but the background color was the same bad. After taking over several such roles, Wang Lin's name was forgotten and replaced by a "bad woman" professional.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

Wang Lin in reality, her personality is the contrast side of the role, she is more sensitive and honest, and there is a touch of girlish innocence in addition to her age. Someone once described Wang Lin as "a Shanghainese with a closed mouth and a northeasterner with an open mouth". The appearance is glamorous and charming, and her voice is also very soft, but her speech is too frank, which makes people have the illusion of a Northeasterner.

Wang Lin, born in Shanghai on August 24, 1970, was a girl, Wang Lin, who has exquisite facial features, is the dream lover of countless male classmates. In 1987, at the age of 17, she was a group performer in Spielberg's "Empire of the Sun", which was her first "electrocution".

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

In 1989, Wang Lin was admitted to the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy. In 1990, Wang Lin, a sophomore, was sent by the school to study at the Moscow State Film Academy because of her excellent grades in school, and there were only 50 places in the country. Wang Lin, who was selected, was proud and nervous, she had never learned Russian, so she had to force herself to memorize some Russian.

In Moscow, Wang Lin records everything that happens every day, and the girl's delicate and sensitive nature has become a wonderful experience for her at this moment, and she immerses herself in this declining communist country. Soaring prices and schools that are closed every now and then all tell the story of the Soviet Union's loneliness.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

Wang Lin likes to watch concerts in Moscow, although she knows little about Russian, but she can start the curtain and experience the weight of this nation and the pride mixed with pain. After staying in Moscow for a year and a half, because the social environment was too turbulent, Wang Lin ended her study abroad early and returned to the Shanghai Theater Academy.

In 1993, Wang Lin starred in "Love in the Pearl River", which is a reform and opening up drama with extremely high ratings. Wang Lin later admitted in an interview that this was the first drama that the audience knew her well, and she thought that the production team of this drama was very strong, and the only one who pulled her crotch was her immature self. If it were now, she would definitely complete this role better.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

When it comes to the plays she acted in her youth, she is most satisfied with "Live with a Smile", this drama once made it difficult for her to come out, the positioning of the script is bitter, she acted enough to act, and she kept crying every day. At that time, some people joked that this drama should not be called laughing and living, but should be changed to crying and dying.

This drama, which she was most satisfied with at the time, was not broadcast as she wished, which became a big regret in Wang Lin's heart. has debuted for many years, and Wang Lin has almost no moments to play the leading role, and she doesn't seem to have a moment of youth on the big screen. When she starred in "Deep Love and Rain", she was only two years older than the male protagonist Gu Juji, and the female protagonist Lin Xinru was 5 years older.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

Before the start of filming of the TV series, she did not fight for herself. Like countless young actors who come here, she wants to play a young and beautiful role like Fang Yu, even if she plays Keyun. But in the eyes of the director, she is the most suitable candidate for Aunt Xue.

Wang Lin's director friend once joked that she had the face of a wicked girl. The explosion of "Deep Love and Rain" has made Wang Lin's evil female face a household name, and while her popularity has risen, Wang Lin is also worried. Since the role of Aunt Xue came out of the circle, all the characters she has found are the same, and the "evil girl" who is keen on power struggle and scheming has narrowed.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

Since then, Wang Lin has played Zhang Ailing's cold-blooded stepmother Sun Yongfan, the snobbish and mean wealthy mother, etc., and she has played the ruthless wealthy Kuotai who has broken up her son's love many times. Netizens commented: "Without her, the rich second generation of domestic entertainment is like having no mother." ”

Unable to count how many similar roles she has played, Wang Lin fell into a period of burnout in her role. She felt that acting was no longer an art, but a skilled worker on the assembly line. When acting, she often has a sense of trance, and she always asks the director unconsciously: "I seem to have said this line in the last play?" ”

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

Wang Lin, who is deeply trapped in a bad woman and can't extricate herself, will usher in a new "dawn" in 2023. She played a normal mother in "Sun with Me". finally got rid of the routine of the role, Wang Lin, who is nearly 50 years old, played an ordinary mother in life.

Taking off the coat of the evil girl, people were surprised to find that Wang Lin's acting skills were underestimated, and her performance was very life-like, just like a very ordinary mother image that is often encountered in reality. Wang Lin's screen roles have been enriched, and her previous roles have also become popular.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

With the development of society and the increase in women's right to speak, the corner of "evil woman" no longer has the meaning it used to be. The role of Aunt Xue, with the help of the Internet, has a new interpretation meaning. More people no longer one-sidedly portray her viciousness, but begin to understand the character itself.

More and more people are beginning to understand the ambition of this character, who is born in the lower ninth class but has a savage vitality born upward. She is not afraid of tearing her face, nor is she afraid of her husband's doubts, her husband has married multiple wives, and she dares to find a man outside.

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

In the face of her husband's anger, she had no fear: "You can play with women, why can't I find a man?" "Aunt Xue's personality charm has impressed contemporary young people.

Regarding the question that there is only one representative role in his life, Wang Lin is frank, "There are many actors who have acted in dramas all their lives, and the audience only knows who he is, but they don't know what plays he has played." And I'm the opposite, who am I? - I don't know, but Aunt Xue knows. ”

She has played a bad woman for most of her life, and the 53-year-old Sister Lang became popular, bluntly saying that Aunt Xue is a role in life

In 2024, Wang Lin will participate in "Sister Lang", and at the age of fifty, she once again shows the charm that has not been seen before, and the charm of a little woman in Shanghai who is completely different from the evil woman. Riding the wind and waves, the charm of a mature sister who sees who knows!

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