
Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man


"The college entrance examination is actually a sinister test of life, it is a test and a baptism, which can make you recognize yourself and society.

For many people, the college entrance examination is an opportunity to impact themselves and prove themselves, but there are also some people who have gone to another realm of life in this baptism. ”

This is a teacher's evaluation of the college entrance examination, and it is true, in this society, academic qualifications can prove a person's knowledge level, and can also change a person's fate.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

And Cao Yang's life went to another realm in the baptism of the college entrance examination, and it was also in this exam that Cao Yang really recognized himself and society.

First, the college entrance examination did not become a stumbling block for him

Cao Yang is a very good person in the current opinion, his studies are very good, and his grades have always been in the top few in his grade.

With the efforts of the whole family, Cao Yang was admitted to Chongqing University as he wished, and it was precisely because of this exam that Cao Yang's life changed dramatically.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

Cao Yang's parents have always had high hopes for him and have been giving him help in various aspects, just hoping that he can focus all his energy on his studies, and he doesn't need to worry about other things at all.

Not only that, but even doing laundry and cleaning, Cao Yang's parents will help him take care of it, and this kind of life has made Cao Yang gradually develop a more selfish personality and know nothing about other things.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

Even so, Cao Yang's studies are still very good, and he can get a good ranking in every exam, which has been appreciated by many people, including teachers and classmates.

Such an environment made Cao Yang develop a very proud character, feeling that he was the darling of God, and no one else could compare with him, and it also made Cao Yang full of expectations for university life.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

But the life of the university is not as he imagined, everyone here has a very good place, in such an environment, Cao Yang felt a huge pressure, and it was here that he found out that in addition to studying, there are other aspects, and he knows nothing about these.

In addition, he did not have any life skills, which made him feel very ashamed in front of his classmates, and it was at this time that Cao Yang's self-confidence began to be crushed little by little, which was also reflected in his studies.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

Originally, he thought that the study here was the same as before, and as long as he worked hard, he could get good grades, but he found that the study here was completely different from the past, and he even failed the course.

At first, his family was very anxious when he learned about this situation, afraid that such a situation would affect his graduation, and it was also under the guidance of his family that Cao Yang slowly walked out of the trough and began to regain confidence in himself.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

With his family in the company, he has slowly developed some life skills and is also learning foreign languages, and all these efforts have paid off.

He was not only admitted to Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese, but also successfully applied for the examination, with the opportunity to study in Germany, at this time Cao Yang has made great progress, and has become very sensible, and going to study in Germany is full of yearning, and it is here that he knows that his life has just begun.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

2. Growth in the face of adversity

After coming to Germany, Cao Yang cherished this opportunity very much, and began to work hard to learn German, and also began to work part-time.

Maybe it's because of living alone abroad that he knows how to cherish it more and understands the difficulty of his parents, so he is also very serious about working here, but he didn't expect that the problem is not over.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

It turned out that there was a rule in Germany that international students who came here could not work for more than 90 days a year, and Cao Yang did not know this regulation, so he received a deportation order.

It turned out that on the way back to China this time, there was a problem with his student file, and without a certificate of academic qualifications, he had no way to prove himself, and it was at this time that he fell into despair.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

He didn't dare to tell his family about the situation, and he was afraid that they would worry about him, so he chose to rely on himself first and wanted to find a job here, but because he didn't have a certificate, he couldn't find a good job at all.

After a short break, he began his wandering journey again, and he didn't dare to tell his family about this life, so he could only bear all the pressure silently, and it was at this time that his heart changed dramatically, and the original life here was the real baptism.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

He began to slowly understand the true meaning of life, and also knew how to face all the problems, and began to try to change himself, like others, he can also create his own life, and it is also at this time that his every move is concerned.

At a station in Guangdong, he met the staff of "Let Love Go Home", and it was under their guidance that he slowly walked out of the trough and re-established his confidence, it turned out that his life had just begun.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

No matter what kind of environment we are in, we must learn to face it, and we must also know how to move forward, maybe adversity is a test, but it is also a kind of tempering, so that we can understand the true meaning of life, and let us know how to cherish.

And no matter at any time, don't give up on yourself, because only by persevering can you change yourself and create your own miracle.

Cao Yang, a 985 high-achieving student: mysteriously disappeared after studying in Germany, and appeared in China 14 years later to become a homeless man

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