
Van Hanjie died of illness in '76, and a few years later his children returned to China and buried his ashes in two separate places_6

author:Rotten apples are not rotten

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Van Hanjie died of illness in '76, and his children returned to China a few years later to bury his ashes in two separate places

In 1976, a poignant news spread among China and overseas Chinese communities - Fan Hanjie, a general who had made great achievements in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, died of illness. Fan Hanjie's life is full of legends, and his death not only grieved his comrades-in-arms, but also deeply regretted countless people who knew his story.

Van Hanjie died of illness in '76, and a few years later his children returned to China and buried his ashes in two separate places_6

Fan Hanjie's children were not with him when he died. They are scattered overseas, working hard in a foreign country, but they always have their fathers in their hearts far away from their homeland. When the news of their father's death came, they immediately decided to return to China, hoping to fulfill their last filial piety for their father.

When the children returned to their hometowns and faced with their father's posthumous photos and relics, they were deeply saddened. In the process of sorting through the relics, they found a letter that their father had not sent during his lifetime. In the letter, Fan Hanjie expressed his deep attachment to his hometown and a review of his lifelong career as a horseman. He wrote that his biggest regret was that he was not able to see the prosperity of his motherland with his own eyes, and hoped that his children could fulfill this wish for him.

Van Hanjie died of illness in '76, and a few years later his children returned to China and buried his ashes in two separate places_6

After reading the letter, the children decided to fulfill their father's last wish. After discussion, they decided to bury their father's ashes separately. Some of the ashes are buried in his father's hometown, where he grew up and where the best memories of his life lie; The other part of the ashes is buried on the battlefield where he once fought, where he witnessed his bravery and loyalty, and also carried his deep attachment to his motherland.

In order to complete this decision, the children began to travel far and wide, communicating with the local government. They encountered many difficulties and challenges, but none of them gave up. They firmly believe that this is the best way to express their respect and remembrance of their father.

Van Hanjie died of illness in '76, and a few years later his children returned to China and buried his ashes in two separate places_6

A few years later, when Fan Hanjie's ashes were finally buried separately, the grief and regret in the hearts of the children were slightly alleviated. They stood at their father's grave and prayed silently, hoping that their father's spirit in heaven would rest in peace.

This story is not just a story of family and affection, but also a story of history, culture, and identity. Fan Hanjie's children chose to bury their father's ashes separately, which is not only a recognition of their father's identity and recognition of Chinese culture, but also the inheritance and development of family and country feelings. With their actions, they expressed their love for the motherland and their longing for their families.

Van Hanjie died of illness in '76, and a few years later his children returned to China and buried his ashes in two separate places_6

However, this story also gives us a profound warning. In today's era of globalization, should we also be mindful of our own identity and cultural background? Should we also cherish and pass on our cultural roots like Fan Hanjie's children? This is a question worth pondering.

Fan Hanjie's life is full of legends, and his death has left us with many questions worth pondering. We should draw strength from his story, cherish and inherit our own cultural roots, and contribute our strength to the prosperity of the motherland and the progress of human civilization. At the same time, we should also remember the heroes who have made efforts and sacrifices for the country and the nation, and let their stories and spirits be passed on forever.

Van Hanjie died of illness in '76, and a few years later his children returned to China and buried his ashes in two separate places_6

Fusion Thinking Points:

Inheritance of family and country feelings: Fan Hanjie's children demonstrated their deep understanding of family and country feelings through the action of separating their father's ashes. In modern society, should we always remember our roots and souls and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the nation?

Identity and Cultural Identity: How do we maintain our identity and cultural identity in the context of globalization? By choosing to bury their father's ashes in their hometown and on the battlefield, Fan Hanjie's children expressed their respect for their fatherhood and their identification with Chinese culture. This is also a question worth thinking about for us modern people.

Respect and inheritance of history: Fan Hanjie's life is closely linked to modern Chinese history. By fulfilling his last wishes, his children expressed their respect for history and their dedication to inheritance. This reminds us that no matter how times change, we should remember our history, pass on our culture, and leave a legacy for future generations.