
CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

author:The little prince of sports


The city of fireworks and the center of drama. Countless masterpieces have been bred here, attracting the attention of the world. The past of the capital, like clouds and clouds, is just like a wonderful repertoire, staged in the ears of the audience. And just recently, the hot screening of a new work "Celebrating More Than Years 2" once again set off waves in the drama world.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The narrative begins with the mystery of suspended animation

Remember five years ago, did you remember the endgame of "Celebrating More Than Years"? The princess of Northern Qi, who was ordered to marry, was wronged and humiliated, intending to be violated; The eunuch clique spied on the government and tried to prop up autocracy; The balance of power is gradually becoming unbalanced...... And at this moment of crisis, the drama is unexpectedly reversed! Fan Xian was injured in public, and his body was soaked in blood and lifeless. However, just when we were out of breath, a sudden change in the scene made our hearts beat - he actually faked his death and escaped, which was unexpected!

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

What trick kept his life on the line and he was unscathed? Five years have passed, and the beginning of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" cleverly unveiled this puzzling mystery, which immediately solved the doubts in the audience's hearts. Screenwriter Wang Ti has a solid foundation, which can be described as superb, and he can do it in one go. This is like a good start, indexing the plot line of the whole drama to a climax, making people look forward to the next drama even more. Immediately afterwards, Emperor Qing's reaction after learning of Fan Xian's "death" was full of comedy, which made the plot twist and turn, with ups and downs. Since then, it has been out of control, and the court and the conspiracy of the rivers and lakes have been surging, interlocking layer by layer. The officials were impressed by this unexpected plot development, which was really shocking!

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The characters are three-dimensional

In addition to the gripping plot, the "Celebrating More Than Years" series is naturally indispensable for wonderful character creation. Take the male protagonist Fan Xian as an example, although he is admired by the world, he is trapped in it and has no way to get out. This makes Zhang Ruoyun's superb interpretation more vivid and three-dimensional. There is a rolling scheming hidden under his weighty face, and through his dark eyes, he can also get a glimpse of the dark side of the fog.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

And Emperor Qing, played by Chen Daoming, who is playing opposite him, is comfortable between authority and market humanity. Although the word "roll" is only one, it conveys the emperor's disdain for slander. In the face of Fan Xian's crying and complaining, Emperor Qing's indifference from the matter showed his extraordinary insight. The tacit understanding between the two is comparable to the singing symphony of traditional Peking Opera. In addition to the protagonist, the group portraits of this play are also quite exciting. Under the control of Fan Sizhen (Tian Yu), the eunuch group has many conspiracies and turbulent undertides. The different style of the princess of Northern Qi will also throw out twists and turns in the future plot.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The joining of powerful actors is undoubtedly a big plus for this drama. The bewitching beauties of those eras alone are enough to feast the audience's eyes - Li Qin, Xin Zhilei, Yu Feihong, Mao Xiaotong and other stunning beauties will definitely make the male audience fascinated, and they are always crazy when they fall into the feelings of young men.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The high and low music makes people have a long aftertaste

For a drama, in addition to a gripping plot and a wonderful cast, good artistic accomplishment is also essential. The reason why "Celebrating More Than Years 2" gives people a refreshing feeling is precisely its ingenious combination of humor and intrigue. On one side is the beauty of Que Li's Chi Zhongyue, and on the other side is the bloody wind of the ruthless power struggle. It is this kind of black and white treatment that coexists with contradictions that makes the whole play full of charm, high and low, and endlessly evocative.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

At the same time, this drama also has a lot of experience in the narrative of power schemes. It is not a simple confrontation between bright and dark lines, but intricate and closely related. For example, Fan Xian's plan to rescue the "hostages" actually concealed the trap of the game in the game laid for him by the second prince; And while he will finally unveil this veil, he will further advance to the royal bureau - such a layout can be described as the ambition of the bird's nest.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

In this regard, senior film critic Li Qinqin also gave a high evaluation. He said: "The exquisite depiction of power and conspiracy in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is a classic textbook for contemporary dramas. The vast majority of today's TV series are often mired in superficial exaggeration and blood. However, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" can maintain a basic uprightness to life in the midst of heavy drama, which is remarkable. "

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Perhaps it is precisely because of this consideration that "Celebrating More Than Years 2" won a large number of viewers for its excellent quality at the beginning of the broadcast. According to official data, the number of reservations on the goose factory platform is as high as 17 million, and the popularity once exceeded 20,000+! After all, "Celebrating More Than Years", as a representative work of catty classic IP, the content of the book carries the great times of at least several decades, and the span is extremely grand. In the future, the play will continue to show a broader historical depth and write a magnificent epic.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The tactics of the scheme are extremely subtle

In terms of the quality of the play, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has undoubtedly been perfected. Among them, the portrayal of conspiracy methods is even more impressive. Savor the first few episodes, it is not difficult for us to find that screenwriter Wang Ti's arrangement of the middle game of the conspiracy bureau can be described as carefully planned and unexpected everywhere. Taking the "hostage rescue" scam set up by the second prince for Fan Xian as an example, it contains an extremely profound wisdom of power and strategy.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

On the surface, the second prince publicly revealed that the hostages were locked up in Baoyue Tower, undoubtedly to lure the snake out of the hole and trap Fan Xian in the palm of his hand. But from a deeper level, his move against Fan Xian's soft hostage was tantamount to forcing Wang Qinian, the current head of the Fan family, to be loyal to him. Once Wang Qinian turns to follow the second prince, the Fan family will be under his control, and Fan Xian will definitely fall into a further dilemma. It can be seen that the two princes are calculating deeply, which is really vigilant.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

And Fan Xian is also very aware of this, so he is secretly planning to counter him. For example, he pretended to leak Wang Qinian's whereabouts of going to Baoyue Tower, but secretly made other arrangements, etc. The two men are already evenly matched in these operations, and it will be interesting to see how the decisive battle between them will play out. In addition to these highlights, we have reason to believe that in the future, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" will be more exciting in the depiction of conspiracy. According to the plot of the original book, Fan Xian will face a series of major challenges such as court fraud, financial deficit, and diplomatic games. In the face of these complicated power struggles, how will Fan Xian deal with them? Will his calculations have the upper hand for long? Everything will be revealed. I'm sure that there will be a feast for the eyes of power plot lovers, and the long-awaited climactic drama will finally be staged.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Vivid details outline human nature

In addition to the superb scheming techniques, the portrayal of the characters in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is also excellent, and vivid details can be rendered everywhere. In the role of Wang Qinian, the current head of the Fan family, his ambivalence when saving his wife is vividly depicted. In order to save his beloved wife, he had to pretend to take refuge in the second prince and praise the other party's wisdom with tricks. But how can the dislike for the second prince be hidden?

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

This kind of inner struggle and entanglement is perfectly interpreted on Tian Yu's distorted and tearful face. Without too many words, a look and an expression make people understand and convince. Another detail is equally philosophical. When Emperor Qing learned of his death, the situation of tears in his eyes and running away in despair was not the ultimate harm to him as an emperor? But in the blink of an eye, he coldly refuted with the word "roll" and resolutely rejected Fan Xian.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

This huge contrast between alienation and intimacy is the ultimate portrayal of the humanity of the ruling class. A look, a word, all condense the philosophical speculation on the transience of life and the impermanence of the world, which is thought-provoking. It can be said that the reason why "Celebrating More Than Years 2" makes the audience smile is often because of the rendering and modification of these details. It does not stop at superficial power games or wanton sensationalism, but is deeply rooted in the origin of life, reflecting a unique humanistic feeling.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Epic setting and setting

Savor the world view of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", and you can better appreciate the extraordinary nature of this masterpiece. Although it is only a serial drama, it contains a vast imagination. From the perspective of plot drive, it is not easy for "Celebrating More Than Years 2" to keep the audience paying a high level of attention from beginning to end. Screenwriter Wang Ti has thought a lot of thought and careful layout in the design of the story structure, which is unexpected everywhere.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

At the beginning, the puzzling "mystery of fake death" of the previous season was solved, and the audience's psychological outburst was directly encircled; Subsequently, Emperor Qing and the second prince's various reactions to Fan Xian gave the plot a lot of comedic effects, making the audience laugh constantly. The development of the plot is also quite tortuous, with bureaus within bureaus and many organs, and the intricate causal logic is revealed when all parties wrestle and wrestle, which can be described as amazing. In the future, grand scenes such as the conspiracy of the DPRK and financial warfare will be shown, which will surely feast the audience's eyes.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

In terms of character building, this drama is also remarkable. Fan Xian played by Zhang Ruoyun is the classic embodiment of the anti-hero image, and the hidden wisdom is hidden under the lightness of weight; Chen Daoming's Emperor Qing is full of words and contrasts, and he is full of anger. The joining of the group portrait actors is also desirable, whether it is the ambition of the slanderous and traitorous minister Tian Yu, or the brilliance of peerless beauties such as the princess of Northern Qi, which adds a lot to this drama. It is the so-called mountains and mountains, and the elegance is peerless, so that it can be famous all over the world.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Finally, there is another point that cannot be left unmentioned, that is, the superb attainments of this play in artistic techniques. It juxtaposes somber power with witty humor, but without obtrusion; The pen is sometimes vigorous, sometimes warm, but it can finally maintain a simple nature and be close to the true nature of life. This contradictory artistic unity is the greatest charm of this play. It allows the audience to take a breath under the tense and exciting rhythm, open up the imagination in a narrow space, and achieve a perfect balance between the inner spirit and the outer form, which can be described as a classic model of contemporary drama.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

In view of this, we can be optimistic that "Celebrating More Than Years 2" will rise to the top and write a new legend in the future under the momentum of this shareholder wind! And for us ordinary audiences, it may be time to wait for the next wonderful performance of this drama with a pious attitude.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered, and after watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Finally, once again, I sincerely invite all netizens and friends to speak freely and express your unique views on this series. I am eager to listen to your sincere comments and comments, let us read "Celebrating More Than Years 2" more thoroughly and more connotatively. Every message you leave will be the best footnote for us to enjoy the masterpieces.