
20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

author:Tuan Tuan Fun Picture Diary
Introduction: The long history of mankind has been a chaotic fog intertwined with words, paintings and songs, making it difficult for people to get a glimpse of its full picture. However, the advent of the camera is like a magic wand, giving history an unprecedented sense of clarity and realism. Every time the shutter is gently pressed, time seems to be frozen, and we can pass through the barriers of time and space, and directly touch the vivid moment of history.

On that historic occasion on September 11, 2001, a slender model was on the set to witness the tragic moment when the first plane hit the Petronas Twin Towers. At that moment, she lost her mind in an instant, and was eternally frozen by the camera.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In the mid-50s of the 20th century, conservative ideology engulfed society, and any slight "deviant" behavior could trigger severe sanctions. However, with the passage of time, the idea of freedom to dress has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a symbol of social progress.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

Zlata, the ju-jitsu model from Russia, has a supple figure in her photos. Her body seems to have broken free from the shackles of her bones, and she can bend and twist as she pleases, and every image seems to tell the ultimate in flexibility.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In Tajikistan, the one-word eyebrow symbolizes natural dignity and noble elegance. If the eyebrows are not naturally connected, people will skillfully use makeup techniques to delicately paint the perfect eyebrows to highlight their unique charm and charm.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In the smoke of World War II, the British Air Force showed a revolutionary piece of equipment - airdrop motorcycles. This compact folding motorcycle can be accompanied by paratroopers in the air. With a speed of up to 48 kilometers per hour and a range of about 145 kilometers, it provides paratroopers with a convenient way to quickly evacuate after landing.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In 1961, the Chicago home furnishings market was amazed by the discovery of ultra-thin television screens that were only 10 centimeters thick and had a timed opening function, which was a perfect blend of technology and home.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

During the busy rush hour of the Tokyo Metro, a group of professionals known as "subway pushers" or "career boosters" play an indispensable role. Their job is not to move the train forward, but to skillfully manage, divert and facilitate the crowd to ensure that passengers can enter and exit the subway cars in an orderly and safe manner.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In October 1920, in Little Orleans, Maryland, a cute little girl was busy making applesauce. In those days, there may not have been a concept of a safe food license, but hardworking hands were indeed capable of creating wealth.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In France in 1917, the smoke of World War I and the lack of male soldiers and horses made farming a serious challenge. However, in this difficult time, women stepped up and took on the responsibility of cultivating the land.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In 965, the Youth Rock Festival in Portland, Oregon, was in full swing, and the band played loudly. However, it seems that rock music is not everyone's love.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In 1962, President Kennedy celebrated his 45th birthday, and the dinner was a star-studded dinner. Dressed in a special "Kennedy" dress, Marilyn Monroe walked into the venue elegantly and dazzlingly, and immediately became the center of attention of the audience. In order to offer her most sincere wishes to the president, Monroe specially postponed all other activities and attended this feast wholeheartedly.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In 1912, tailor Franz Richert jumped from the top of the Eiffel Tower in an elaborate flight suit with the dream of flying. However, his dream was shattered in reality, and his body collided violently with the ground, leaving a crater up to 20 centimeters deep.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

Andrea Ivanova of Bulgaria has an almost obsessive pursuit of plump lips. She resolutely decided to invest up to $8,000 and undergo nearly 20 delicate lip surgeries. Finally, she got her wish and had the ideal lip shape she had always dreamed of.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

Marilyn Monroe, who was only 18 years old, once worked silently on the assembly line of a paint factory like many ordinary girls. However, her innate talent and charm, like a brilliant gem hidden in the dust, were finally discovered by discerning scouts.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

Hunan sister Liu Xuan, the former women's gymnastics balance beam champion of the Sydney Olympics, is known as "Xuan Beauty". Even though she is pregnant, she still insists on doing a handstand fitness.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

The charismatic Scarlett Johansson, known as the "widow sister", is unrivaled in her demeanor. Durant, the bright star of the NBA, has publicly expressed his admiration for him, and is even willing to drink his bath water to show his respect. However, in the face of such a fanatical confession, the widow sister behaved lightly and turned a deaf ear.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

The Indian policewoman has a moon-like face, but her posture and environment are rather stiff, more like a well-planned pose than a realistic portrayal of real life. Perhaps, this is a portrayal of some kind of police recruitment poster, after all, this kind of strategy of using beauty as a means of propaganda is not uncommon in India.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In the 1930s, a group of elegant French women lined up to be vaccinated against smallpox, and only one shot was needed to protect them from smallpox for life.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

In 957, under the sun of Cannes, France, Picasso breathed into smoke while teaching children the mysteries of painting. Paloma and Claude listened intently, while the children of their two friends watched the artist's every movement.

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

This math puzzle may seem simple, but it is not. Only 2% of people can answer correctly, do you dare to challenge?

20 rare and charming photos that are eye-opening and will make you can't stop looking at them

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