
Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

author:Baby elephant literature says

1. Today's Wang Feng: The decline of rock stars in the past

Once upon a time, Wang Feng was hailed as a superstar of a generation in the domestic music industry, and his concert tickets were often difficult to find once they went on sale. His unique voice, full of penetrating power, has made countless music fans never get tired of listening to him and regard him as an idol.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

But now Wang Feng has become the object of ridicule by everyone, and his concerts are even more cold and cold. This year, his solo concert in Luoyang sold only 5,000 tickets, with less than a tenth of attendance, and in order to sell the remaining tickets, the organizers had to resort to half-price or free tickets.

Not long ago, Wang Feng's solo concert in Shanghai was also met with a cold reception, and it is reported that only 300 people attended the scene.

Even other paid tickets had to be discounted to barely sell.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

This is in stark contrast to the hot scene of Wang Feng's singing in the past. In the past, whenever he held a concert, fans would rush to the point that the ticketing system was paralyzed, but now even if the ticket price is reduced to 300 yuan, no one cares.

The main reason for his popularity to fall to the bottom is that he has been involved in negative scandals such as marital cheating and gambling many times, which undoubtedly brought a huge blow to his image.

2. The reasons behind it: marital and family problems and negative scandals

From the first love Zidan to the final divorce

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

Wang Feng's relationship with his first love Qi Dan can be described as a typical workplace love. At that time, Wang Feng had just formed a band that was insignificant, and Qi Dan resolutely resigned from his high-paying host job in order to follow his inner music dream and came to Beijing to fight side by side with Wang Feng.

After marriage, Qi Dan almost became Wang Feng's right-hand man, silently supporting his music career. But just when Wang Feng's career began to take off, various temptations followed.

Wang Feng did not choose to restrain himself, but indulged in a life of staying up late to socialize, gambling addiction, and often got involved in the whirlpool of affair scandals.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

Ge Huijie's cheating behavior during pregnancy

In the process of falling in love with a singer, Wang Feng's actions actually hurt him to suicide, which made him severely condemned by public opinion. And in the days when Wang Feng fell into a trough, it was still Qi Dan who was heartbroken by him who accompanied him and comforted him.

In the face of Wang Feng's scumbag behavior, Qi Dan did not leave, but chose to be tolerant. It wasn't until later that Ge Huijie exposed a shocking news:

During the period when she was pregnant with Wang Feng's child, Wang Feng had already started a cohabitation relationship with his third wife Kang Zuoru, which finally made Qi Dan decide to divorce him.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

A short-lived marriage with his third wife, Kang Zuoru

In 2010, Kang Zuoru and Wang Feng officially registered as husband and wife, and held a grand wedding in Beijing. Who knew that soon after marriage, Wang Feng was addicted to gambling and drugs again, and he repeatedly cheated.

Although Kang Zuoru had given birth to a daughter and was still struggling to keep it, he couldn't stop Wang Feng's debauchery after all. Finally in 2012, Kang Zuoru had to choose to divorce Wang Feng while breastfeeding, ending this short-lived marriage.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

The process of marrying Zhang Ziyi

After the divorce, Wang Feng's love life did not stop there. It is rumored that he met the popular movie star Zhang Ziyi in a casino or mahjong game, and the two fell in love at first sight, coupled with the matchmaking of mutual friends, they soon kissed together.

At that time, Zhang Ziyi had already tasted the pain of lost love from her predecessor Sa Beining, and she had high expectations for the successful rock star Wang Feng. After two years of passionate love, the two married in Hong Kong in 2011.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

3. The shadow of gambling and drug abuse

Wang Feng's addiction to gambling and drug abuse is undoubtedly an important bane of his career and life. At the beginning of his music career, he was already addicted to gambling, and as his fame grew, the habit became more and more difficult to cure.

Even though he is married and has children, Wang Feng still can't quit this obsession with the gambling table. In his marriage to his third wife, Kang Zuoru, he was saddled with huge gambling debts.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

As a well-known public figure, Wang Feng not only delayed his good future, but also hurt his wife and flesh and blood, which is undoubtedly a serious irresponsible behavior.

Gambling and drugs are like poisonous snakes that eat people's minds, which can gradually lead people to lose their reason and direction, and go astray in life. Even though he was a brilliant superstar in the past, once he was infected with these evil diseases, he could not escape the fate of collapse.

This is an important reason for Wang Feng's decline today.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

Fourth, the criticism of netizens

Once upon a time, Wang Feng was an idol in the hearts of countless music lovers, a singer who infected and inspired a generation with his unique voice. Fans have extremely high expectations for him, and regard him as an idol and role model in life.

But now, seeing that their idols behave anomie and deviate from the right path, these loyal fans are all extremely disappointed and sad.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

Some netizens left angry messages: "Good will be rewarded, evil will be rewarded!" Wang Feng's current situation is nothing more than a self-inflicted end. It can be seen from the comments on the Internet that many people once had great expectations for Wang Feng, but now they are completely disappointed and angry by his behavior.

5. The importance of the ethics of public figures

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

Tracing back to the roots, the reason why Wang Feng was able to make great progress on the road of music is largely because the image of that "rock wizard" has won him the support and love of countless followers.

At that time, Wang Feng loved rock culture, with long hair, black-framed glasses, and maverick dress, all of which gave people a "different" impression of him.

And his unique and magnetic voice and singing voice have led the musical taste of a generation of young people and made countless people crazy.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

But once upon a time, this highly regarded idol fell off the altar overnight because of his anomie. The exposure of negative news such as marital cheating, gambling addiction, and drug abuse all smeared Wang Feng's image with black mud and completely destroyed his idol image in the hearts of music fans.

As a public figure, ethics is undoubtedly the most important and demanding. Once the anomie steps on the moral bottom line, it will not only lose the support of fans, but also be spurned and condemned by the whole society.

Every word and deed of a public figure will be magnified countless times and subject to social scrutiny, and any small detail of the violated may become a turning point for his mixed reputation.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wang Feng, who "cheated in marriage and became addicted to gambling", eventually became a "joke"

Wang Feng is a typical example of people who have suffered from this. He could have continued his idol halo with his outstanding talent, but because of his personal depravity, he fell to the bottom overnight and his future was ruined.

This will serve as a stark reminder to young people who are still chasing their dreams: while talent is important, good character is also an important part of achieving an extraordinary life, and both must be taken into account.

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